superky13 / cuckoo-server-aws

cuckoo server and autoscaling guests in aws

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Cuckoo nest and guest deployment role

This role deploys a cuckoo host (nest) and guest (or guests, since this role has autoscaling in aws configured) in AWS


  • Snapshot of your guest filesystem in AWS
  • AMI of your guest in AWS
  • Security group of your guest in AWS

System Requirements

Role Dependencies



This role deploys an instance of cuckoo with an api server, a django webserver, and cuckoo running as a systemd service (this service is responsible for task delegation and scaling)

Required Variables

Do note that vars can come from multiple places: group_vars, extra_vars, inline (example playbook). Subsequent documentation on how roles can be used in playbooks can be found in the Ansible Documentation On Roles.

  - aws_access_key: ""
  - aws_secret_key: ""
  - cuckoo_resultserver_ip: "<your cuckoo private ip>"
  - cuckoo_systemd_svc_file: "cuckoo.service"
  - virt_platform: "aws"
  #### aws autoscaling config
  - aws_autoscale: "yes"
  - aws_running_machines_gap: "5"
  - aws_dynamic_machines_limit: "10"
  - aws_image_id: ""
  - aws_instance_type: "t2.medium"
  - aws_subnet_id: ""
  - aws_security_groups: ""
  - aws_platform: "windows"
  #### django web vars
  - mongodb_user: "cuckoo"
  - mongodb_password: "redhat"
  - mongodb_admin_user: "admin"
  - mongodb_admin_password: "admin"
  - mongodb_admin_database: "admin"
  - mongodb_database: "cuckoo"
  - deploy_django_web: "True"
  #### api server vars
  - api_server_port: "8090"
  - deploy_api_server: "True"

Example Playbook

- name: deploy cuckoo
  hosts: <your cuckoo public ip>
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: true
  become_user: root
  - aws_access_key: ""
  - aws_secret_key: ""
  - cuckoo_resultserver_ip: "<your cuckoo private ip>"
  - cuckoo_systemd_svc_file: "cuckoo.service"
  - virt_platform: "aws"
  #### aws autoscaling config
  - aws_autoscale: "yes"
  - aws_running_machines_gap: "5"
  - aws_dynamic_machines_limit: "10"
  - aws_image_id: ""
  - aws_instance_type: "t2.medium"
  - aws_subnet_id: ""
  - aws_security_groups: ""
  - aws_platform: "windows"
  #### django web vars
  - mongodb_user: "cuckoo"
  - mongodb_password: "redhat"
  - mongodb_admin_user: "admin"
  - mongodb_admin_password: "admin"
  - mongodb_admin_database: "admin"
  - mongodb_database: "cuckoo"
  - deploy_django_web: "True"
  #### api server vars
  - api_server_port: "8090"
  - deploy_api_server: "True"
  - role: '/your/role/path/cuckoo_deploy_role'

Variable Options

Variable Name Type Required Default Notes
aws_access_key String yes "" access key generated in aws (
aws_secret_key String yes "" secret access key generated in aws (
cuckoo_resultserver_ip String yes "" public ip of your cuckoo nest server
cuckoo_systemd_svc_file String yes "cuckoo.service" used to create a systemd service to start/stop/restart cuckoo
virt_platform String yes "aws" the 'machinery' type to be used by cuckoo; this code base only works with aws currently
aws_autoscale String yes "yes" needs to be set to yes to enable autoscaling of guests for analysis
aws_running_machines_gap String yes "5" the minimum number of guests that need to be running when cuckoo is started
aws_dynamic_machines_limit String yes "10" the maximum number of guests that cuckoo will attempt to spin up concurrently
aws_image_id String yes "" the ami of your guest image
aws_instance_type String yes "t2.medium" ec2 instance size for your guest images
aws_subnet_id String yes "" subet id of your vpc in aws
aws_security_groups String Array yes "" comma separated list of security groups to attach to the dynamic guests
aws_platform String yes "windows" guest operating system
mongodb_admin_user String yes "admin" mongo db admin user
mongodb_admin_password String yes "admin" mongo db admin password
mongodb_admin_database String yes "admin" mongo db admin database
mongodb_user String yes "cuckoo" mongo db user used by the django frontend to connect to the db on the cuckoo nest server
mongodb_password String yes "redhat" mongo db password used by the django frontend to connect to the db on the cuckoo nest server
mongodb_database String yes "cuckoo" mongo db database used by the django frontend to connect to the db on the cuckoo nest server
api_server_port String yes "8090" port used by the cuckoo api server
deploy_api_server Boolean yes "True" used to conditionally include the api server code


When installing roles from the command line, please keep in mind that roles can be installed to the roles-path directories as definied by your ansible.cfg. Alternatively, you can tell them to install in your directory for your next module.

Manual Installation

To install in a defined path:

ansible-galaxy install ssh://yourGitLabInstance.git

Or, to install in the directory of your Ansible code:

ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ./roles/ ssh://git@yourGitLabInstance.git

Requirements.yml Installation

Role and installation can also be defined in a file (which is subseqnetly used in Ansible Tower):

# from GitLab or other git-based scm
- src: ssh://git@yourGitLabInstance.git
  scm: git

There are other ways to configure your requirements.yml file. You may reference them here.

Installation of the requirements can now be completed with the following.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


Author - []




cuckoo server and autoscaling guests in aws


Language:Python 100.0%