supergiulio2000 / expressive-hrbac

Hierarchical Role-Basec Access middleware for expressjs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Expressjs middleware builder to easily create arbitrary Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control middleware with resource granularity.

The problems it solves

  • Provide access to a given resource only when the user has been awarded a certain role.

    Example: admin can edit any blog posts.

  • Provide access to a given resource only when a user has a particular right on the resource

    Example: user can edit his own blog posts but not the posts from other users

  • Provide a way of combining logically any condition on roles or resouce access

    Example: a blog post can be edited by admin or by user when he is the blog owner.

And much more...


expressive-hrbac is function-based. You provide synchounous or asynchrounous functions that take the request and response objects as input and return a true boolean when access must be granted or a false boolean when access must be denied.

expressive-hrbac provide ways to build easy-to-reuse middleware from logical combinations of such functions.


npm install expressive-hrbac --save

Usage examples

Grant access to role admin

First build a function that return true when the user has role admin.

(req, res) => req.user.role ==== 'admin'

A middleware can be created from such function using method middleware().

const router = require('express').Router();

const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbac = new HRBAC();

  hrbac.middleware((req, res) => req.user.role === 'admin'),

Now, endpoint /blogs/:blogId/posts/:postId will return HTTP STatus 401 if property req.user.role is not set to admin.

Maybe you prefer asynchronous functions:

  hrbac.middleware(async (req, res) => await getUserRole( === 'admin'),

Associate functions to labels for easy reference

If you intend to use a function for more than one route you can avoid repeating its definition. You can associate it to a label using method addBoolFunc().

hrbac.addBoolFunc('is admin', async (req, res) => req.user.role === 'admin'));

  hrbac.middleware('is admin'),

  hrbac.middleware('is admin'),

NOTE: function middleware() can be passed a synchounous/asynchrounous function or a string label associated to a function. This is true for every method that accepts functions.

Logically combine functions

Suppose you want to grant access to role admin or to role user but only when user is the owner of the blog post, you first create all the functions you need and then combine everything in a single function using methods and(), or(), not().

hrbac.addBoolFunc('is admin', (req, res) => req.user.role = 'admin'));
hrbac.addBoolFunc('is user', (req, res) => req.user.role = 'user'));
hrbac.addBoolFunc('is post owner', async (req, res) => await Posts.findById(req.params.postId).ownerId === ));

  'is admin or post owner user',
    'is admin',
      'is user',
      'is post owner'

  hrbac.middleware('is admin or post owner user'),

To build a middleware you don't have to build your functions beforehand. If you don't intend to re-use a function, you can pass it directly to the middleware() method while mixing it with already-associated functions.

hrbac.addBoolFunc('is admin', (req, res) => req.user.role === 'admin');
hrbac.addBoolFunc('is user', (req, res) => req.user.role === 'user');

      'is admin',
        'is user',
        async (req, res) => await Posts.findById(req.params.postId).ownerId ===


So far we have used roles improperly. You should not provide functions checking for roles but use the addRole() method instead.


By so doing expressive-hrbac will automatically add a boolean function that checks for the admin role and associates it to label admin.



NOTE: as soon as you define a role, you can NOT use the role string as a label for you custom functions.

The role functions can be combined with other funcitons. You simply reference to it with the role string itself. For example here we provide access to admin or to any user with ID different from 10.


      hrbac.not((req, res) => req.user.userId === 10)

By deafult, expressive-hrbac will look into req.user.role for the user role. You can change that behaviour providing a function that returns the role from the request object with method addGetRoleFunc().

hrbac.addGetRoleFunc(async (req, res) => await getUserRole(;



Now, when a request arrives, expressive-hrbac will first apply your function provided with addGetRoleFunc() in order to extract the user role, and the will apply the role middleware checking if the role is admin.

The role defined in the request object can be an array of roles. Meaning that a user can have multiple roles and expressive-hrbac will check if any one of them can be granted access.

// assume incoming request has property: req.user.role = ['admin', 'blog_admin']


// Middleware below will GRANT access as user has
// role `admin` in the list of user's roles

The role in the request object

By way of the the function provided with method addGetRoleFunc() or setting the request property req.user.role a valid role must be provided to the expressive-hrbac middleware. A valid role consists in a string representing the user role or an array of strings representing the user roles. In case no valid role is provided expressive-hrbac will call next() passing an instance of class Error set to HTTP error 401 Unauthorized (see section Errors below).

Role inheritance

A role can have one or more parent roles. The role will inherit all access permissions of each of its parent roles. If access is not granted for the role, a second check will be attenped for each parent role, and for each parent role of each parent role and so on.

Role parents are declared as a second argument to the addRole() method.

Suppose role superadmin should be able to access every resource that admin can access.

hrbac.addRole('superadmin', 'admin');

NOTE: a role must have been added before we can inherit from it

In case superadmin should inherit from both admin and blog_admin you pass an array as the second parameter.

hrbac.addRole('superadmin', ['admin', `blog_admin`]);

Now if superadmin does not get access, expressive-hrbac will try again with role admin and in case of failure with role blog_admin.

If blog_admin further inherited from user, then if superadmin does not get access, expressive-hrbac will try again with role admin, role blog_admin and role user traversing the inheritance tree.

hrbac.addRole('superadmin', ['admin', 'blog_admin']);

NOTE: when the request object contains an array of roles, the inheritance will be activated for each role in the array.


So far we have worked with single instances of the HRBAC class. This implies that the HRBAC instance that you create an configure in a script will not be available in another script of your application. This might not be what you want. Typically you want to centralize your Access Control. To do so you can use the getInstance() method to get a singleton so that you can easily access your Access Control from anywhere in your application.


const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbac = HRBAC.getInstance('main');



const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbac = HRBAC.getInstance('main');


Changing the label you provide to the getInstance() you can create as many instances of the HRBAC class accessible from any script file just providing the right label to getIntance().


const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbacMain  = HRBAC.getInstance('main');

let hrbacGroup = HRBAC.getInstance('groups');


const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbac = HRBAC.getInstance('main');



const HRBAC = require('expressive-hrbac');

let hrbac = HRBAC.getInstance('groups');



In case of denied access expressive-hrbac will call next() passing an instance of class Error set to HTTP error 401 Unauthorized. You can change such behaviour providing a function to handle access denials using method addUnauthorizedErrorFunc(). In the example below we return HTTP 403 Forbidden except for user with id 10 which will get a 400 Bad Request.

hrbac.addUnauthorizedErrorFunc((req, res, next) => {
  let err = new Error();
  if ( === 10) {
    err.message = 'Bad Request';
    err.status = 400;
  } else {
    err.message = 'Forbidden';
    err.status = 403;

The addUnauthorizedErrorFunc() can also take a fourth argument to further customise, on a per-endpoint basis, the returned error in case of access denial. Start by passing a second argument to the middleware() function that defines an access control rule for an endpoint.

  hrbac.middleware('groupadmin', { userName: 'James', http: { code: 404, message = 'Not Found'}}),

In case of access denial the function you defined with addUnauthorizedErrorFunc() will be called with a fourth argument containing your extra argument.

hrbac.addUnauthorizedErrorFunc(async (req, res, next, myData) => {
  let err = new Error();
  if (await User.getName( === {
    err.message = myData.http.message;
    err.status = myData.http.code;
  } else {
    err.message = 'Forbidden';
    err.status = 403;

In case of errors in the custom functions added using method addBoolFunc() expressive-hrbac will call next() passing an instance of class Error set to HTTP error 500 Internal Server Error (<original error message>) where <original error message> will be set to the message of the thrown internal message. You can change such behaviour providing a function to handle error in custom functions using method addCustomFunctionErrorFunc(). The first argument passed to addCustomFunctionErrorFunc() is the error thrown by the server due to the error in the custom function. In the example below we return HTTP 500 This is very bad! This is what happened: <original error message>.

hrbac.addCustomFunctionErrorFunc((err, req, res, next) => {
  err.message = 'This is very bad! This is what happened: ' + err.message;
  err.status = 500;


addRole(role, parents = null)

Adds a role to the HRBAC instance. Also add a function associated to the role string.


  • role: [string] - The role string to be added
  • parents: (optional) [string | string[]] - The parent role or array of parent roles for this role


  • [HRBAC] current HRBAC instance.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When role is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When role is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When role is empty string.
  • NotAStringError: when role is not a string.
  • RoleAlreadyExistsError: If role already exists.
  • LabelAlreadyInUseError: If role has already been used as label for a function.
  • MissingRoleError: If any parent role has not been added yet.


Adds a function to get the role from the request object


  • func: [sync/async function] - Function to be called


  • [HRBAC] current HRBAC instance.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func is null.
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func does not take exactly 2 arguments.

isDescendant(descendant, ancestor)

Informs if in currently configured HRBAC instance a role is descandant of another role


  • descendant: [string] - The descendant role string
  • ancestor: [string] - The ancestor role string


  • [boolean] true if descendant role is a descendant of ancestor role. false otherwise.

NOTE: roles are NOT descendants of themselves.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When descendant or ancestor is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When descendant or ancestor is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When descendant or ancestor is empty string.
  • NotAStringError: when descendant or ancestor is not a string.
  • MissingRoleError: If descendant or ancestor role has not been added yet.

addBoolFunc(label, func)

Adds a boolean function and associates it to the provided label


  • label: [string] - The label to associate the function to
  • func: [sync/async function] - Function returning boolean.


  • [HRBAC] current HRBAC instance.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When label or func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When label or func is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When label is empty string.
  • NotAStringError: when label is not a string.
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a sync/async function.
  • LabelAlreadyInUseError: If label has already been used as label.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func does not take exactly 2 arguments.

or(func1, func2)

Combines two function with boolean OR.


  • func1: [string | sync/async function] - Label or actual function
  • func2: [string | sync/async function] - Label or actual function


  • [sync/async function] - Combined function


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func1 or func2 is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func1 or func2 is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When func1 or func2 is a string which is empty.
  • MissingFunctionError: When func1 or func2 is a string but it is not associated to a function
  • NotAFunctionError: When func1 or func2 is not a string and it is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func1 or func2 is not a string and it is not a function which takes exactly 2 arguments.

and(func1, func2)

Combines two function with boolean AND.


  • func1: [string | sync/async function] - Label or actual function
  • func2: [string | sync/async function] - Label or actual function


  • [sync/async function] - Combined function


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func1 or func2 is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func1 or func2 is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When func1 or func2 is a string which is empty.
  • MissingFunctionError: If func1 or func2 is a string but it is not associated to a function.
  • NotAFunctionError: when func1 or func2 is not a string and it is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func1 or func2 is not a string and it is not a function which takes exactly 2 arguments.


Returnes negated function


  • func: [string | sync/async function] - Label or actual function


  • [sync/async function] - Negated function


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When func is a string which is empty.
  • MissingFunctionError: If func is a string but it is not associated to a function
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a string and it is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func is not a string and it is not a function which takes exactly 2 arguments.

middleware(func, userArg = null)

Returns middleware function.


  • func: [string | sync/async function] - Function label or actual function
  • userArg: (optional) [any type] - user-defined argument passed to error function in case of access denial


  • [sync/async function] - middleware


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func is null.
  • EmptyParameterError: When func is a string which is empty.
  • MissingFunctionError: If func is a string but it is not associated to a function
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a string and it is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func is not a string and it is not a function which takes exactly 2 arguments.

getInstance(label = null)

Returns, and create if necessary, an HRBAC instance associated to label. If label is not provided will return an application-wide singleton.


  • label: (optional) [string] - label to associate the instance to. If not provided will return an application-wide singleton.


  • [HRBAC] HRBAC instance associated to label if provided or an application-wide singleton.


  • EmptyParameterError: When label is empty string.
  • NotAStringError: when label is not a string.


Adds a function to handle access denials.


  • func: [sync/async function] - Function to be called


  • [HRBAC] current HRBAC instance.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func is null.
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func does not take 3 or 4 arguments.


Adds a function to handle errors with the boolean functions provided.


  • func: [sync/async function] - Function to be called


  • [HRBAC] current HRBAC instance.


  • UndefinedParameterError: When func is undefined.
  • NullParameterError: When func is null.
  • NotAFunctionError: when func is not a sync/async function.
  • ParameterNumberMismatchError: when func does not take exactly 4 arguments.


Hierarchical Role-Basec Access middleware for expressjs

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%