superchink / django-gcalsync

Sync Google Calendar with models in your application

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======= Django GcalSync

Sync application models with Google Calendar, so events created or edited in the Google Calendar interface are automatically created/updated in your application. Helpful for situations were your application is the canonical record of event data created from various clients, including GC.


If you haven't already, go to the Google App Console and create an application. Create an OAuth client id and client secret for your application, and select "Download as JSON" when exporting. Update value assigned to CLIENT_SECRETS in so it points to the file you just downloaded from the Google App Console.

$ python

You'll use the file generated by this script to authenticate with Google during the sync process.


This needs to run as a demon/background process, and the assumption is that you're using (or will use) django-celery to accomplish this.


Add django-gcalsync to your

Add a GCALSYNC_CREDENTIALS property to your - this should be the full path to the credentials file you created in Authentication above.

Add a GCALSYNC_APIKEY property to your - this is the key generated in the Google App Console in Authentication.

Assuming you're using South, migrate models python migrate django-gcalsync

Run celery

python celerybeat --log-level=info
python celeryd —log-level=info


Create a module in the app containing the model you'd like to sync. In that module you'll create a class responsible for transforming Google Calendar event data so it's usable by your model. Your class must have a transform method that accepts an event_data dictionary (the data from Google).

For Example:

from gcalsync import register
from gcalsync.transformation import BaseTransformer
from models import SomeEventModel

class EventTransformer(BaseTransformer):
    model = SomeEventModel

    def transform(self, event_data):
        if not self.validate(event_data):
            return False

        start_datetime = self.parse_datetime(event_data['start']['dateTime'])
        end_datetime = self.parse_datetime(event_data['end']['dateTime'])

        return {
            'title': event_data['summary'],
            'start_time': start_datetime.time(),
            'end_time': end_datetime.time(),
            'url': event_data['htmlLink'],
            'event_id': event_data['id']

Then register your transformer and associate it with a calendar that you'd like to sync with. In this example, "primary" is the name of the Google Calendar.

register("primary", [EventTransformer])


Sync Google Calendar with models in your application