super-lou / EXstat

🌾 R package to provide an efficient and simple solution to aggregate and analyze the stationarity of time series

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EXstat is a R package which provide an efficient and simple solution to aggregate and analyze the stationarity of time series.

This project was carried out for National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement, INRAE in french).


For latest development version



Extraction process

Based on dplyr, input data format is a tibble of at least a column of date, a column of numeric value and a character column for names of time series in order to identify them. Thus it is possible to have a tibble with multiple time series which can be grouped by their names.

For example, we can use the following tibble :


# Date
Start = as.Date("1972-01-01")
End = as.Date("2020-12-31")
Date = seq.Date(Start, End, by="day")

# Value to analyse
X = seq(1, length(Date))/1e4 + runif(length(Date), -100, 100)
X[as.Date("2000-03-01") <= Date & Date <= as.Date("2000-09-30")] = NA

# Creation of tibble
data = tibble(Date=Date, ID="serie A", X=X)

The process of variable extraction (for example the yearly mean of time series) is realised with the process_extraction() function. Minimum arguments are :

  • Input data described above
  • The function funct (for example mean) you want to use. Arguments of the chosen function can be passed to this extraction process and the function can be previously defined.

Optional arguments are :

  • period A vector of two date to restrict the period of analysis
  • timeStep A character chain which can be "year" for yearly extraction and "year-month" for monthly extraction along years
  • samplePeriod A vector of two character chains to precise the sampling of the extraction (for example, in a yearly extraction, c("05-01", "11-30") will use only the data from the 1st of may to the 30th of november). It can also just be a simple character chain (as "02-01" in a yearly extraction) to start the sampling the 1st of february and to end it the 31th of january (hence it is similar to c("02-01", "01-31")).

In this way ...

dataEX = process_extraction(data=data,
                            funct_args=list("X", na.rm=TRUE),

will perform a yearly extraction of the maximum value between may and november, from the 1th march of 1990 to the 31th october of 2020, ignoring NA values.

The output is also a tibble with a column of date, of character for the name of time series and a numerical column with the extracted variable from the time series.

> dataEX
# A tibble: 31 × 4
   ID      Date           X NA_pct
   <chr>   <date>     <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 serie A 1990-05-01 100.       0
 2 serie A 1991-05-01 101.       0
 3 serie A 1992-05-01 100.       0
 4 serie A 1993-05-01  99.9      0
 5 serie A 1994-05-01  99.0      0
 6 serie A 1995-05-01 100.       0
 7 serie A 1996-05-01 100.       0
 8 serie A 1997-05-01 101.       0
 9 serie A 1998-05-01  99.6      0
10 serie A 1999-05-01 101.       0
# … with 21 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Extraction process with CARD

For a more user-friendly interaction, this package has been developed in symbiosis with predefined parameter sheets called CARD.

So you don't have to define complex parameters yourself to extract hydrological variables. What's more, if the CARD you want doesn't exist, it's easy to create one based on the others.

To do this, you need to download the CARD archive, extract it and place it wherever you like (as if it were data). Then you can create a new sub-directory within this main CARD directory, which you can call for example "analyse_1", and copy and paste the CARD "all/Hautes_Eaux/QJXA.R" into it.

In this way, you can carry out "analyse_1" by doing,

CARD_extraction(data %>% rename(Q = X),
                CARD_path = 'path_to_CARD_directory',
                CARD_dir = 'sub-directory_for_analyse_in_CARD')

In this way, you can place several CARDs in your "analyse_1" sub-directory for multiple analyses.

Trend analyse

The stationarity analyse is computed with the process_trend() function on the extracted data dataEx. The statistical test used here is the Mann-Kendall test12.

Hence, the following expression ...

trendEX = process_trend(data=dataEX)

produces the result below ...

# A tibble: 1 × 4
  ID           p  stat      a
  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1 serie A 0.0958  1.67 0.0260

It is a tibble which precises by line the name of the time serie the p value, the stat value and a the Theil-Sen's slope34.

Finaly, as the p value is below 0.1, the previous time serie shows an increasing linear trend which can be represented by the equation Y = 0.0260*X + b with a type I error of 10 % or a trust of 90 %.


I have a question.

  • Solution: Search existing issue list and if no one has a similar question create a new issue.

I found a bug.

  • Good Solution: Search existing issue list and if no one has reported it create a new issue.
  • Better Solution: Along with issue submission provide a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
  • Best Solution: Fix the issue and submit a pull request. This is the fastest way to get a bug fixed.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


  1. Mann, H. B. (1945). Nonparametric tests against trend. Econometrica: Journal of the econometric society, 245-259. ↩

  2. Kendall, M.G. (1975) Rank Correlation Methods. 4th Edition, Charles Grifin, London. ↩

  3. Theil, H. (1950). A rank-invariant method of linear and polynomial regression analysis. Indagationes mathematicae, 12(85), 173. ↩

  4. Sen, P. K. (1968). Estimates of the regression coefficient based on Kendall's tau. Journal of the American statistical association, 63(324), 1379-1389. ↩


🌾 R package to provide an efficient and simple solution to aggregate and analyze the stationarity of time series

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%