sunt05 / windows-docker-machine

Work with Windows containers and LCOW on Mac/Linux/Windows

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Windows Docker Machine

Build status


This is a fork from StefanScherer. Based on my hand-in experience with the workflow described in the original README, I modified it as this one as a reminder as a reminder or even a quick(er)start to get the workflow really flows! (I was stuck in the packup stage, which was really frustrating!)

Tested environments

  • macOS with Vagrant 2.1.5
    • VirtualBox 5.2.18

This Vagrant environment creates a Docker Machine to work on your MacBook with Windows containers. You can easily switch between Docker for Mac Linux containers and the Windows containers.

docker on mac

Many flavors

There are three flavors or versions of Windows Server 2016. This is where you decide which Vagrant VM should be started.

  • 2016 - Windows Server 2016 (10.0.14393) LTS channel
  • 2019 - Windows Server 2019 (10.0.17639) LTS channel (insider preview)
  • 1709 - Windows Server, version 1709 (10.0.16299) Semi annual channel
  • 1803 - Windows Server, version 1803 (10.0.17134) Semi annual channel
  • insider - Windows Server Insider builds
  • lcow - Windows Server, version 1709 with LCOW enabled
  • lcow-1803 - Windows Server, version 1803 with LCOW enabled

So with a vagrant up 2016 you spin up the LTS version, with vagrant up 1709 the 1709 version and with vagrant up insider the Insider build.

Use the cloud based one to quickly start without packer build-related stuffs.

If you don't want to run the packer step, you can run vagrant up 2016-box and get your box downloaded directly from Vagrant Cloud. The following steps are based on the 2016-box box.

Before you begin

First you need the Windows Server 2016 VM for your hypervisor. I prefer "Infrastructure as Code", so every build step is available on GitHub.

packer vagrant docker

  1. packer build to build a Vagrant base box, it's like a Docker image, but for Vagrant VM's
  2. vagrant up to create a running VM instance of Windows Server 2016
  3. docker run to run Windows containers in that Windows VM

Step 1 (building the headless Vagrant box) can be done with these steps:

$ git clone
$ cd packer-windows

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso windows_2016_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_2016_docker

- or -

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso --var iso_url=~/path-to-1709.iso windows_server_1709_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_server_1709_docker

- or -

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso --var iso_url=~/path-to-1803.iso windows_server_1803_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_server_1803_docker

- or -

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso --var iso_url=~/path-to-insider.iso windows_server_insider_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_server_insider_docker

- or -

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso --var iso_url=~/path-to-2019.iso windows_2019_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_2019_docker

Of course you can build only the box version you need. If you are using VirtualBox instead of VMware, swap vmware for virtualbox in the vagrant commands above.

Working on macOS

Create the Docker Machine

Spin up the headless Vagrant box you created earlier with Windows Server 2016 and Docker EE installed. It will create the TLS certs and create a 2016 Docker machine for your docker-machine binary on your Mac.

$ git clone
$ cd windows-docker-machine
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2016-box

List your new Docker machine

$ docker-machine ls
NAME       ACTIVE   DRIVER    STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER          ERRORS
2016-box   -        generic   Running   tcp://           v18.03.1-ee-3   

Currently there is an issue that the client API version of docker-machine is too old. But switch Docker environments works as shown below.

Switch to Windows containers

$ eval $(docker-machine env 2016-box)

Now your Mac Docker client talks to the Windows Docker engine:

$ docker version
 Version:	18.03.0-ce
 API version:	1.37
 Go version:	go1.9.4
 Git commit:	0520e24
 Built:	Wed Mar 21 23:06:22 2018
 OS/Arch:	darwin/amd64
 Experimental:	false
 Orchestrator:	swarm

  Version:	18.03.1-ee-3
  API version:	1.37 (minimum version 1.15)
  Go version:	go1.10.2
  Git commit:	b9a5c95
  Built:	Thu Aug 30 18:56:49 2018
  OS/Arch:	windows/amd64
  Experimental:	false

Switch back to Docker for Mac

$ eval $(docker-machine env -unset)

This removes all DOCKER environment variables and you can use your Docker for Mac installation.

$ docker version
 Version:	18.03.0-ce
 API version:	1.37
 Go version:	go1.9.4
 Git commit:	0520e24
 Built:	Wed Mar 21 23:06:22 2018
 OS/Arch:	darwin/amd64
 Experimental:	false
 Orchestrator:	swarm

  Version:	18.03.0-ce
  API version:	1.37 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:	go1.9.4
  Git commit:	0520e24
  Built:	Wed Mar 21 23:14:32 2018
  OS/Arch:	linux/amd64
  Experimental:	true

Mounting volumes from your Mac machine

Just use C:$(pwd) to prepend a drive letter.

$ docker run -it -v C:$(pwd):C:$(pwd) microsoft/windowsservercore powershell

Yes, this mounts the current directory through the Windows 2016 VM into the Windows Container.

Accessing published ports of Windows containers

When you run Windows containers with publish ports then you can use the IP address of the Windows Docker host to access it. The docker-machine binary can give your the IP address with a command.

Example: Run the whoami Windows container and open it in the default macOS browser.

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 stefanscherer/whoami
$ open http://$(docker-machine ip 2016):8080

Working on Windows

Spin up the headless Vagrant box you created earlier with Windows Server 2016 and Docker EE installed. It will create the TLS certs and create a 2016 Docker machine for your docker-machine binary on your Windows host.

If you haven't worked with docker-machine yet, create the .docker directory in your user profile manually.

PS C:\> mkdir $env:USERPROFILE\.docker

Create the Docker Machine

Choose your hypervisor and start the VM

PS C:\> git clone
PS C:\> cd windows-docker-machine
PS C:\> vagrant up --provider vmware_workstation 2016

- or -

PS C:\> vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2016

- or -

PS C:\> vagrant up --provider hyperv 2016

Notice: The provider hyperv does mount the volumes with SMB into the Win2016 VM. It seems that there is a problem mounting that further into a Windows container. The provisioning (creating the TLS certs and copying them back to the Windows host) will fail.

List your new Docker machine

PS C:\> docker-machine ls
NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER         STATE     URL                          SWARM   DOCKER    ERRORS
dev       -        virtualbox     Running   tcp://            v1.13.0
2016      *        generic        Running   tcp://           Unknown

Switch to Windows containers

PS C:\> docker-machine env windows | iex

Now your Windows Docker client talks to the Windows Docker engine:

PS C:\> docker version
 Version:      17.03.0-ce
 API version:  1.26
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   60ccb22
 Built:        Thu Feb 23 10:40:59 2017
 OS/Arch:      windows/amd64

 Version:      17.03.0-ee-1
 API version:  1.26 (minimum version 1.24)
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   9094a76
 Built:        Wed Mar  1 00:49:51 2017
 OS/Arch:      windows/amd64
 Experimental: true

Switch to back to Docker for Windows

PS C:\> docker-machine env -unset | iex

This removes all DOCKER environment variables and you can use your Docker for Windows installation.

PS C:\> docker version
 Version:      17.03.0-ce
 API version:  1.26
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   60ccb22
 Built:        Thu Feb 23 10:40:59 2017
 OS/Arch:      windows/amd64

 Version:      17.03.0-ce
 API version:  1.26 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   3a232c8
 Built:        Tue Feb 28 07:52:04 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: true

Mounting volumes from your Windows machine

Just use $(pwd) in PowerShell.

PS C:\> docker run -it -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" microsoft/windowsservercore powershell

Yes, this mounts the current directory through the Windows 2016 VM into the Windows Container.

Accessing published ports of Windows containers

When you run Windows containers with publish ports then you can use the IP address of the Windows Docker host to access it. The docker-machine binary can give your the IP address with a command.

Example: Run the whoami Windows container and open it in the default browser.

PS C:\> docker run -d -p 8080:8080 stefanscherer/whoami
PS C:\> start http://$(docker-machine ip 2016):8080

Further commands

Here is a list of docker-machine commands and the equivalent Vagrant command. I use a bash function dm in my dotfiles repo to simplify all the tasks without switching to the Vagrant folder each time.

Docker-machine command Vagrant equivalent dm
docker-machine create -d xxx 2016   vagrant up --provider xxx 2016 dm start 2016
docker-machine regenerate-certs 2016 vagrant provision 2016 dm regenerate-certs 2016
docker-machine stop 2016 vagrant halt 2016 dm stop 2016
docker-machine start 2016 vagrant up 2016 dm start 2016
docker-machine ssh 2016 vagrant rdp 2016 dm rdp 2016
docker-machine rm 2016 vagrant destroy 2016 dm rm 2016
eval $(docker-machine env 2016) dm 2016

Insider builds

If you want to follow the Windows Server Insider builds then this is for you. It is tested on a Mac with the following steps.

  1. Register at Windows Insider program

  2. Download the Windows Server ISO from

  3. Build the Vagrant basebox with Packer

git clone
cd packer-windows
packer build --only=vmware-iso --var iso_url=~/Downloads/Windows_InsiderPreview_Server_2_17035.iso windows_server_insider_docker.json
vagrant box add windows_server_insider_docker

Then spin up your Insider machine with

vagrant up insider

This Vagrant box has Docker 17.10.0-ee-preview3 installed and the following base images are already pulled from Docker Hub:

  • microsoft/windowsservercore-insider
  • microsoft/nanoserver-insider

There is also some languages and runtimes available as insider images:

  • stefanscherer/node-windows


You can try the Linux Container on Windows feature in a separate machine lcow. It is preconfigured to use the Windows Server, version 1709. But you can also use Windows Insider Server Preview as base box.

vagrant up lcow
eval $(docker-machine env lcow)
docker pull --platform linux alpine
docker run alpine uname -a


Work with Windows containers and LCOW on Mac/Linux/Windows

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%