sunrise-php / awesome-skeleton

🚧 Version 4.0 coming soon! Awesome Skeleton for modern development on PHP 7.4+ (incl. PHP 8). Contains quality tested packages, thoughtful structure and everything you need to develop microservices.

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Awesome Skeleton for modern development on PHP 7.4+ (incl. PHP 8)

Contains quality tested packages, thoughtful structure and everything you need to develop microservices.

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composer create-project 'sunrise/awesome-skeleton:^3.0' app


Set up your database connection:

cp .env.example .env && nano .env

Execute a migration:

php bin/app migrations:migrate --service 'master' --no-interaction


incl.: Doctrine DBAL, Doctrine ORM, Doctrine Migrations.

php bin/app

Run via PHP


composer serve

Run via RoadRunner


Set up your server:

cp .rr.yml.example .rr.yml && nano .rr.yml

Run the server:

rr -dv serve

Run via Swoole

Coming soon...

Run tests

composer test

Run benchmarks

composer bench

Run routes through cURL

you may need to change the server address...

Home (index)

curl -X 'GET' ''

OpenAPI document

curl -X 'GET' ''

Create an entry (example bundle)

curl -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "foo", "slug": "foo"}' ''

Update an existing entry (example bundle)

you need to set an existing ID.

curl -X 'PATCH' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "foo", "slug": "foo"}' ''

Delete an existing entry (example bundle)

you need to set an existing ID.

curl -X 'DELETE' ''

Read an existing entry (example bundle)

you need to set an existing ID.

curl -X 'GET' ''

List of entries (example bundle)

curl -X 'GET' ''

Useful commands


bash bin/deploy


bash bin/down 'Reason...'


bash bin/up

Generate Systemd unit for RoadRunner

php bin/app app:roadrunner:generate-systemd-unit > app.service

Generate OpenApi document

php bin/app app:openapi:generate-document > openapi.json

Used stack

see composer.json

Used technology


OpenApi (Swagger) specification

Json Schema specification

It may be useful to you

Awesome middlewares for your application

with ❤️ for you


🚧 Version 4.0 coming soon! Awesome Skeleton for modern development on PHP 7.4+ (incl. PHP 8). Contains quality tested packages, thoughtful structure and everything you need to develop microservices.


Language:PHP 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%