sunilkumartc / ZivameHack-RuleEngine

Zivame RuleEngine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Rule Engine implemented in Python. The project came second in Zivame Hacakathon-2014. The algorithm was designed and implemented in the 24 hour coding session.

#ZivHack November 15 - 16, 2014

Hacking etiquette Please use the provided internet connection in a legally fitting manner. Don’t hack into secured resources or download illegal media content. If we find out about misuse we will disqualify you and your team. In the case of severe misdoing we will bring you to the attention of the authorities.

Premise Rules There will be restrictions on accessing certain parts of the building (e.g. server rooms) so please be respectful and avoid those areas.

Common sense etiquette No force, violence, stealing will be tolerated.

Be thoughtful in the spirit of innovation and inclusiveness, there may be minors participating in the event, any content should not contain explicit content.

Be respectful to others.

Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and racist, sexist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for this event.

Attendees violating these rules may be asked to leave the Hackathon at the sole discretion of the Hackathon organizers.

Be Awesome & Have Fun Hack, meet new people, get creative, and have a good time. Getting something meaningful done within such a short amount of time can be stressful, but we'd like to encourage everyone to take a break every now and then to relax and enjoy the event.

Problem Statements

Problem A Responsive Mobile Site/App

Build A responsive optimized mobile shoe store. Build a category page, product page and a cart page.

Product Attributes: ● Main image ● Other images ● Categories (can be many) ● Price (MRP) ● Special Price (discounted price) ● Description ● Size (multiple) ● Color (can be multiple per size) ● Inventory (has to be per color, which is in turn per size)

Category Attribute: ● Name

Technology Node.js (preferred) / PHP / Python / Java

Database Use a NoSQL database like MongoDB

Judging Criteria Choice of Architecture NoSQL Schema Application Performance

Problem B Rule Engine

Build A Rule Engine from scratch (do not use any available open source rule engine). We are expecting a User Interface for entering the rules.

Database schema The sample database schema is given below

table_category category_id int(11) category_name varchar(100)

table_product product_id int(11) product_name varchar(100) product_price decimal(8,2) product_special_price decimal(8,2)

table_product_category f_product_id int(11) f_category_id int(11)

Input The input to the rule engine is a set of products with its categories and special price.

The rule engine needs a set of conditions and a set of actions listed below.

Conditions Cart total Category id

Exclusions: Category id

Actions Free Shipping % Discount Flat Discount Free Product

The conditions and exclusions can be grouped via brackets.

Samples Input: [ { "product": { "id": "", "category_id": [ "" ], "price": "" } }, { "product": { "id": "", "category_id": [ "" ], "price": "" } } ]


“cart total” [>/<] “predefined value” AND/OR “category is” [is] “predefined value” AND/OR “category id” [not] “predefined value” THEN [free shipping || %discount = “predefined value” || discount = “flat discount value” || free product = “product id”]

Example rules:

Rule 1

IF {price > 1000 AND category_id in “200,201,200”} THEN {%discount = “20”}

Rule 2

IF {cart_total > 5000} OR {price > 3000 AND category_id NOT IN “200,201,202”} THEN {discount = “1000”}

Judging Criteria Correctness Choice of algorithm(s)

Submission Guidelines Direct your project to in the following format: Name : Link(s) to the application (zipped source code hosted on the web AND/OR github repository url AND/OR deployed application link) : Usage instructions :


Zivame RuleEngine


Language:Python 100.0%