sungroup-sjtu / AIMS_Simu

High-throughput Molecular Simulation (HMS) workflow server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Molecule Simulation Database -- Server

This project performs high-throughput force field simulation and data processing
This project depends on AIMS_Tools
Two main scripts accomplish the jobs and

To setup on a Linux server

  1. Clone AIMS_Simu and AIMS_Tools:
    It is suggested to put them in same folder.

    git clone  
    git clone
  2. Modify
    a) Set paths of MS_TOOLS, WORK_DIR, PACKMOL, DFF and DFF database.
    b) Select the job queue (fast, gtx, cpu on Cluster 86)
    c) Set GROMACS executable

    For example:

    force field setting(no default setting):
        DFF_TABLE = 'MGI' # 'IL'
    paths setting:
        MS_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.join(CWD, '..', 'AIMS_Tools') # AIMS_Simu and AIMS_Tools in same folder
        WORK_DIR = os.path.join(CWD, 'SimulationData') # all simulation data is saved in a new folder AIMS_Simu/SimulationData
        PACKMOL_BIN = '/share/apps/tools/packmol'
        DFF_ROOT = '/share/workspace/xiangyan/src/DFF/Developing' # simulation paramters come from this folder
    PBS settings:
        PBS_ARGS = ('gtx', 32, 2, 16)  # partition, cpu, gpu, cpu_request
        GMX_BIN = '/share/apps/gromacs/2018.6/bin/gmx_serial'
        GMX_MDRUN = 'gmx_gpu mdrun'
        # GMX_MDRUN= 'gmx_fast mdrun'
        GMX_MULTI = True
        GMX_MULTI_NJOB = 8  # Use -multidir function of GROMACS. For Npt simulation, set it to 8. For NvtSlab simulation, 4 is better
        GMX_MULTI_NOMP = None  # Set the OpenMP threads. When set to None, use only one node and the best number of threads is automatically determined
    simulation details settings (default setting is OK):
        NATOMS = 3000 # least number of atoms build in simulation box.
        NMOLS = 120 # least number of molecules build in simulation box.
        LJ96 = False # using LJ 9-6 non-bonded potential
        DIFF_GK = False # using green-kubo method to calculate the diffusion constant. (Expensive, not suggest)
        DEBUG = False # if true: do not delete the trajectory file in analyze process.
        class NvtMultiConfig(Config, SunRunConfig, SunExtendConfig, SunBugFixConfig):
            REPEAT_NUMBER = 80 # set the number of parallel simulation for nvt-multi
  3. To set up a high-throughput computation. Prepare a list of molecules in /mols/ and then:
    the example.txt contains 5 columns: name SMILES molecular_ratio t_list p_list
    more than 5 points for t_list and p_list is needed, otherwise some analysis and dumps scripts will not work.
    run/ -p [npt,nvt-slab] -i mols/example.txt -r 'comments' -tp assigned

  4. To run the calculations:
    run/ -p [npt, nvt-slab]

    Available procedures: npt, nvt-slab, ppm(npt), nvt-multi(npt).
    ppm(npt) means npt is prerequisite of ppm.
    Example for npt procedure:

    cd run
    ./ -p npt -i mols/example.txt -r testing -tp assigned
    ./ -p npt 
  5. The results are saved in the WORK_DIR. In default, WORK_DIR=AIMS_Simu/SimulationData.

QM calculation

QM calculation for heat capacity is performed by script

  1. Prepare QM files. This will check database to remove duplicated molecules from example.txt and process the molecule name. A file named _cv_prepared.txt will be generated and used for following steps
    ./ prepare mols/example.txt
  2. Generate Gauss input files and submit to PBS job manager
    ./ cv _cv_prepared.txt
  3. Analyze Gauss results. The results will be saved in a file named _cv.log
    ./ get-cv _cv_prepared.txt
  4. Save results into database
    ./ save-db

For more information, see our publication: "Predicting Thermodynamic Properties of Alkanes by High-throughput Force Field Simulation and Machine Learning",

Scripts for data post-processing and analyzing

Several scripts are provided for post-processing and analysing the simulation data. They are located at scripts and scripts-post

  1. Fitting the simulation data at different temperature and pressure. So that properties and derivatives at arbitrary T or P can be obtained.
    This should be performed prior to any other analyzing
    ./scripts/ -p [npt, nvt-slab] -o True
  2. Remark molecules containing specific groups (e.g. halide, cyclo-ester) as bad molecules, which will not be dumped in following steps
    ./scripts/ [npt, nvt-slab]
  3. Dump the molecules from sqlite database to mols.csv file. The category should be specified, which is necessary for uploading to AIMS_Web database
    ./scripts/ [small molecule, ionic liquid, ...]
  4. Dump the simulation data from sqlite database to csv file, which can be uploaded into AIMS_Web database
  5. You select specific class of molecules in following analysis based on force field atom type, by modify the app/
  6. Compare with NIST Experimental data
    • Make sure that nist.sqlite exists in database folder
    • Run following script to compare simulation and expt data and plot the results
      cd scrips-post
      python3 -p npt -t nist --selection False
      python3 -p npt --selection False
  7. Compare with ILTHERMO Experimental data
    • Make sure that ilthermo.sqlite exists in database folder
    • Run following script to compare simulation and expt data and plot the results
      cd scrips-post
      python3 -p npt -t ilthermo --selection False
      python3 -p npt --selection False


High-throughput Molecular Simulation (HMS) workflow server


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