sungaoyong / tokio-cron-scheduler

Schedule tasks on Tokio using cron-like annotation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Use cron-like scheduling in an async tokio environment. Also schedule tasks at an instant or repeat them at a fixed duration.

Inspired by


Please see the Documentation for more details.

Be sure to add the job_scheduler crate to your Cargo.toml:

tokio-cron-scheduler = "*"

Creating a schedule for a job is done using the FromStr impl for the Schedule type of the cron library.

The scheduling format is as follows:

sec   min   hour   day of month   month   day of week   year
*     *     *      *              *       *             *

Time is specified for UTC and not your local timezone. Note that the year may be omitted.

Comma separated values such as 5,8,10 represent more than one time value. So for example, a schedule of 0 2,14,26 * * * * would execute on the 2nd, 14th, and 26th minute of every hour.

Ranges can be specified with a dash. A schedule of 0 0 * 5-10 * * would execute once per hour but only on day 5 through 10 of the month.

Day of the week can be specified as an abbreviation or the full name. A schedule of 0 0 6 * * Sun,Sat would execute at 6am on Sunday and Saturday.

Per job you can be notified when the jobs were started, stopped and removed. Because these notifications are scheduled using tokio::spawn, the order of these are not guaranteed if the task finishes quickly.

A simple usage example:

use tokio_cron_scheduler::{JobScheduler, JobToRun, Job};

async fn main() {
    let mut sched = JobScheduler::new();
    sched.add(Job::new("1/10 * * * * *", |uuid, l| {
        println!("I run every 10 seconds");

    sched.add(Job::new_async("1/7 * * * * *", |uuid, l| Box::pin( async {
        println!("I run async every 7 seconds");

    sched.add(Job::new("1/30 * * * * *", |uuid, l| {
        println!("I run every 30 seconds");
      Job::new_one_shot(Duration::from_secs(18), |_uuid, _l| {
        println!("{:?} I'm only run once", chrono::Utc::now());

    let mut jj = Job::new_repeated(Duration::from_secs(8), |_uuid, _l| {
      println!("{:?} I'm repeated every 8 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());
    jj.on_start_notification_add(Box::new(|job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification| {
      Box::pin(async move {
        println!("Job {:?} was started, notification {:?} ran ({:?})", job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification);

    jj.on_stop_notification_add(Box::new(|job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification| {
      Box::pin(async move {
        println!("Job {:?} was completed, notification {:?} ran ({:?})", job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification);
    jj.on_removed_notification_add(Box::new(|job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification| {
      Box::pin(async move {
        println!("Job {:?} was removed, notification {:?} ran ({:?})", job_id, notification_id, type_of_notification);

    let five_s_job = Job::new("1/5 * * * * *", |_uuid, _l| {
      println!("{:?} I run every 5 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());
    let four_s_job_async = Job::new_async("1/4 * * * * *", |_uuid, _l| Box::pin(async move {
      println!("{:?} I run async every 4 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());
      Job::new("1/30 * * * * *", |_uuid, _l| {
        println!("{:?} I run every 30 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());
      Job::new_one_shot(Duration::from_secs(18), |_uuid, _l| {
        println!("{:?} I'm only run once", chrono::Utc::now());
      Job::new_one_shot_async(Duration::from_secs(16), |_uuid, _l| Box::pin( async move {
        println!("{:?} I'm only run once async", chrono::Utc::now());
    let jj = Job::new_repeated(Duration::from_secs(8), |_uuid, _l| {
      println!("{:?} I'm repeated every 8 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());
    let jja = Job::new_repeated_async(Duration::from_secs(7), |_uuid, _l| Box::pin(async move {
      println!("{:?} I'm repeated async every 7 seconds", chrono::Utc::now());

    #[cfg(feature = "signal")]

    sched.set_shutdown_handler(Box::new(|| {
      Box::pin(async move {
        println!("Shut down done");


Similar Libraries

  • job_scheduler The crate that inspired this one
  • cron the cron expression parser we use.
  • schedule-rs is a similar rust library that implements it's own cron expression parser.


TokioCronScheduler is licensed under either of

Custom scheduler

Since version 0.4 a custom job scheduler can be used. In src/simple_job_scheduler you can find the default implementation that is used when you call JobScheduler::new(). To use your own, call JobScheduler::new_with_scheduler(your_own_scheduler_here).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for more information.



Since 0.5

Adds shutdown_on_signal and shutdown_on_ctrl_c to the scheduler. Both shuts the system down (stops the scheduler, removes all the tasks) when a signal was received.


Schedule tasks on Tokio using cron-like annotation

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%