sunedin / UNit-Commitment-AIMMS-Model

User Manual for AIMMS Unit Committemnt Power System Modelling

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User Manual for AIMMS Unit Committemnt Power System Modelling This manual allows the reader to follow the document from start to end (continuous reading) or to find certain information as one would do in a directory or in a reference text; hence the name User Manual. It has been properly indexed at the end of the document to ease the process of finding specific words or phrases in the text. Where necessary, references to external sources or publications are also provided.


Non-dispatchable : Large Solar; Onshore Wind; Offshore Wind; Small Solar (Rooftop Solar PV)

Baseload : Nuclear
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

-   Post-combustion Carbon Capture

    -   Natural Gas Combined Cycle (**NGCC-PCC**)

        -   w/out Rich and Lean Amine Solvent Tank

-   Oxy-combustion Capture

    -   Allam Cycle (**AC**)

        -   w/out Oxygen Storage Tank

Midload : Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT)

Peakload : Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT)

Energy Storage : Pump Hydro Storage (PHS); Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES); Flywheel; Flow Battery; Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Demand Response : Price-responsive demand response from industrial complexes

Renewable Curtailment : Curtailment-prone Large Solar, Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind and Small Solar

Load Shedding : Expensive curtailment of demand as a measure of the last resort

There are many Unit commitment (UC) models in the world and most of them are extensively used for electricity system analyses @hobbs2006next.
This manual is for models that use electricity systems with detailed plant characteristics. The models presented are executed with mixed integer programming (MIP) developed in AIMMS algebraic modelling environment. All model versions assume continuous serving of electricity demand in hourly increments where there is no start-up requirement at the beginning of the first hour for the whole optimisation period. There are no transmission constraints and the system is assumed to have one central bus.
The models can be tailored to solve for overall system cost minimisation, for plant profit maximisation or even for bi-level optimisation, i.e. when the objective is to reach an equilibrium state for both system and plant operators.\

Downward reserve is excluded from the MIP model as multiple simulations has shown that downward reserve requirement is always satisfied whenever upwards reserve requirement is satisfied too.\

Naming of the model indicates what features are included in the model. It is highly recommended to keep the latest version of the model which has all necessary features and technologies included. Although there are many technology choices in the model, one can choose any subset of technologies and run the optimisation with these subsets. The modeller can also choose to run the deterministic or stochastic version of the same model; the model can be run even in a bi-level mode, as described above.
The developed models are versatile and one can use them to solve both for short-term planning (e.g. weekly) or long-term planning (e.g. yearly) horizons. For long-term planning problems, suggested models to use are daily, weekly or bi-weekly decomposition options. Although long-term operational planning problems are not often used in real-life power system scheduling, they are valuable tools for research purposes when long-term system outcomes, such as annual CO2 emissions or CO2 emission intensities for comparable studies are analysed.

Essentials {#Introduction}

Author, Credits and Licence

This manual is intended for the users of AIMMS UC model. It provides information in a specific format to help the reader find the right information easily.

The models are developed and the content is written by Vitali Avagyan, a research associate at the Institute of Energy Systems, The University of Edinburgh. The author thanks his line Manager, Hannah Chalmers, for supporting him throughout the post-doctoral period and providing assistance needed when producing this user manual.

When using models, please cite one of the papers co-authored by the author to give kudos attached to the numerous hours spent on developing these models. Much appreciated in advance!
Citable papers are:

  • Flexibility Revisited: The Role of Conventional Generators in the Future GB Electricity System

  • Highly flexible zero carbon electricity generation: An initial assessment of the value of Allam Cycle power plants with liquid oxygen storage in future GB electricity system

Please, check for the final publication details when citing the papers as currently they are being submitted or are under revision.

Academic AIMMS licences are given for a 6-month period and can be freely renewed after expiration.

Changing the Model {#Changing}

If you want to change the existing model from the one(s) distributed to you, the following steps should be undertaken:

  1. The model folder has to be copied in the same directory.

  2. The name of the model (folder) has to be altered. This change should preserve the convention used before (to the taste of the modeller). The author prefers the following format:


    which reads as “Profit-Store model, version 4, using mixed integer programming technique that includes energy storage, renewable energy sources and Allam-Cycle plants. Outputs are also produced in XML files.”

    The main purpose of a name layout is to make sure the modeller gives enough information for differentiating between model & feature releases.

    You can find detailed information about model features and options in chapter [optimisationoptions].

  3. Name of the file that has .aimms extension inside the newly created folder should be changed to the folder name that contains it. In our case it will be:

  4. Name of the file that has .ams extension inside MainProject folder should be changed to the following:

  5. Inside MainProject folder, Project*.xml* file should be opened (edited) with the help of Notepad or Notepad++. After changes, your file should look something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Project AimmsVersion=" unicode x64" ProjectUUID="E53615B9-A4D4-49B5-9E5A-0B9D088F7D1B">
        <DataBackup AtRegularInterval="true" EveryNMinutes="15" NumBackupsDatedToday="3" NumDaysBeforeToday="3" />

    Where you make sure that row <ModelFileName> has been altered accordingly to adjust to the model file name. The file then should be saved and closed.
    Not essential though, it is highly recommended to adjust the name of the .nch file to the model name too.

    Chapter [ams] contains more information about building/changing the entire model inside .ams file. In contrast, Chapter [optimisationoptions] and Chapter [globalinputparameters] are devoted to building/changing the model in the AIMMS Interactive User Interface (IDE). For more information about AIMMS IDE, refer to AIMMS Developer web page.

    Unfortunately, the modeller needs a Windows PC to develop a model for academic purposes since the Linux version of the academic license only allows execution of an already built model. In addition, Linux does not support excel file import and export. For more information of AIMMS Linux command-line run, refer to the Release Notes for Linux.

How to Run a Model {#How_to_Run}

To run a deterministic UC model, follow these steps in the following order:

  1. Right-click on MainInitialization and press Run Procedure

  2. Right-click on ReadFromExcel and press Run Procedure and wait until loaded

  3. Right-click on MainExecution and press Run Procedure and wait for the programme to finish running (optimising)

The user has some options to interact with the model during this step:

  • Press Ctrl+P to see the execution progress window (Figure [progresswindow])

  • Press Ctrl+shift+s to terminate the programme execution

  • Press Alt+F6 to debug the programme

When MainExecution is complete, the following steps should be followed to generate the output:

  1. Right-click on RunExternalProcedure and press Run Procedure: outputs will be created in the designated folder

  2. Right-click on MPStringExport and press Run Procedure. Mathematical programme outputs will be created in the designated folder

These steps can be followed if the model user has everything set up correctly and needs only to generate output of results. If the user needs to change the model (refer to Subsection [Changing]) and set up a new model, then change of inputs and some calibration in the model should be performed (described beneath).

image [progresswindow]

Global Input Parameters {#global_input_parameters}

There are some input parameters that are universal for all type of modelling options discussed in Section [optimisationoptions]. Input parameters are located inside Input Parameters declaration (Figure [inputparameters]).

Input Parameters [inputparameters]

Global parameters are always specified but not always used. Some of them might refer to a specific technology, such as StorageCap(sg) for energy storage or RAS_charge_rate_s for NGCC-PCC. Not always are all technologies included in the optimisation run and therefore having their parameters correctly inserted at all times will help later try different fleet of technologies.
Each parameter has the following fields that can be filled:

  • Identifier
    This is basically the name of the parameter. Make sure to name parameters in convenient conventions. The author prefers either combining words together without any space in between (with the second word starting in capital letter), such as carbonCost and/or combining them with underscores, such as RAS_charge_rate_s.

  • Index domain
    This is basically index pertaining to a specific set/s declared under set declaration (more about sets later in Section [Sets]). Note that index domain can be equally zero-dimensional (in other words, scalar), one-dimensional or multidimensional depending on the parameter type. An example of a scalar is carbonCost, an example of a one-dimensional parameter is storageLevelCap(sg) and an example of a multidimensional parameter is rate(f,pccs,t,d,l). To put the desired index in the field, use provided wizard button next to it in order to navigate through the Index Domain Wizard window. Choose your desired domain set by clicking the wizard button associated with Domain Set field.

  • Text
    This is basically the description of the parameter. Put a short description here. For longer descriptions or thoughts or explanations or draft definitions, use designated Comment area at the bottom of the screen (see the last bullet point!).

  • Range
    This is basically the numerical range of the parameter. Use wizard button to open Range Wizard window and choose between Standard Range, i.e. ranges that are normally used in most optimisation problems and User Defined, i.e. ranges where you are able to specify bounds of your Continuous or Integer parameter 1.

  • Unit
    This is a field for a scale factor and most of the time is not used in UC models. For more information, refer to Units of Measurement.

  • Default
    This is a field for a default value of the parameter before it can later be assigned a different value (compare with Definition and Initial data).

  • Property
    This field is for advanced versions of the deterministic model, such as Stochastic UC or Robust UC (for more information, refer to Appendix [SUC] and [RUC]). Use this property type only if you want to solve the stochastic or robust counterpart of your deterministic model. AIMMS makes it easy to run stochastic model when you’ve already built your deterministic model; you only need to specify which of your parameters are stochastic by using the Parameter Type field after opening Property wizard. For more information on properties and attributes as well as stochastic and robust optimisation, refer to AIMMS Parameter Declaration and Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimisation.

  • Definition
    This is a sub-field for inserting parameter data (compare with Definition attribute of Variable or Constraint in Section [mathmodel]) that cannot be changed throughout the model. When defining one-dimensional data, follow the structure shown below to assign specific values corresponding to set data:

        data { 
        PHS:            5,
        CAES:           0.4,
        Flywheel:       0.00025,
        Flow_Battery:       0.01,
        Hydrogen_Fuel_Cell: 0.05}

    The above definition is for StorageCap(sg) parameter defining the ramping capacity of each storage technology2. Don’t forget to enclose your data inside data{}.

  • Initial data
    This is a field for storing initial data. It’s not necessary to use this field as the parameters can be later initialised inside MainInitialization declaration.

  • Comment
    This is a field for inserting anything helpful for the modeller; it’s not a part of the modelling process.

Input Files

Files used in the model should be put in the same directory as the model. These files presented below are necessary for the functioning of the model:

  • capacity_data_vitali_MIP_pw
    This is the file of all operational data on generators.

  • demand_2010
    This is the file including hourly demand data in year 2010, given as day clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use day-by-day optimisation option described in subsection [daily].

  • demand_2010_1week
    This is the file including hourly demand data in year 2010, given as weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use weekly optimisation option described in subsection [weekly].

  • demand_2010_2week
    This is the file including hourly demand data in year 2010, given as two-weekly clusters. When running the model with this data on, make sure to use two-weekly optimisation option described in subsection [2weekly].

  • DP_DEMAND_WIND_2002_2010_Solar
    This is the file including hourly demand, offshore wind, onshore wind, solar penetration levels – using multiple analysis and re-analysis databases – for different installed renewable capacity which the modeller can use. Currently, this file includes data from years 2002 to 2010 but can be easily upgraded to include more recent data.

  • Fuel spreadsheet
    This is a file containing start-up and running fuel for each technology. This is only used for doing Monte-Carlo simulation optimisation to find the distribution of a specific outcome (e.g. distribution of energy storage profit) with respect to fuel-price uncertainty. By default, it uses only mean fuel prices given in Column B which can be changed with latest fuel-price projections.

  • res_UP
    This is a file for hourly deterministic upward reserve in year 2010, given as day clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use day-by-day optimisation option described in Subsection [daily].

  • res_UP_1week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic upward reserve in year 2010, given as weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [weekly].

  • res_UP_2week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic upward reserve data in year 2010, given as two-weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use two-weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [2weekly].

  • solar_LF
    This is a file for hourly deterministic solar load factors in year 2010, given as day clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use day-by-day optimisation option described in Subsection [daily].

  • solar_LF_1week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic solar load factors in year 2010, given as weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [weekly].

  • solar_LF_2week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic solar load factors in year 2010, given as two-weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use two-weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [2weekly].

  • wind_LF
    This is a file for hourly deterministic load factors for both offshore and onshore wind in year 2010, given as day clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use day-by-day optimisation option described in Subsection [daily].

  • wind_LF_1week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic load factors for both offshore and onshore wind in year 2010, given as weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [weekly].

  • wind_LF_2week
    This is the file including hourly deterministic load factors for both offshore and onshore wind in year 2010, given as two-weekly clusters. When running the model with this data chosen, make sure to use two-weekly optimisation option described in Subsection [2weekly].

These input files are read in an external procedure called ReadFromExcel (Figure [ReadFromExcel]) where necessary amendments should be done in order to set the correct optimisation option as described in Input files paragraph under Subsection [daily].

ReadFromExcel [ReadFromExcel]

Sets {#Sets}

This declaration includes all sets used throughout the model, such as generator sets, time intervals set. The model requires different sets for different technologies, such as sets of ThermalGenerators or StorageGenerators. Similarly, the model requires sets of DemandProfiles and DemandPeriods where the model user makes necessary changes to choose the right number of clusters and number of hours per cluster considered in the optimisation model.
Before running the model, make sure that the correct number of clusters have been chosen in DemandProfiles. To run the model under day-by-day optimisation ([daily]) for the first 7 days, put data{C1..C7} inside Definition field. To run for the first 2 weeks if weekly optimisation ([weekly]) is chosen, put data{C1..C2}. Similarly for DemandPeriods set: if day-by-day optimisation ([daily]) is chosen, put data{1 .. 24} and if weekly optimisation ([weekly]) is chosen, put data{1..168}.
The model incorporates different sets (groups) of generating technologies. The basis of grouping those technologies is to combine similar technologies together to help the construction of relevant model constraints.
Model user needs to adjust only the following generator sets:

  • NonDispatchableGenerators

  • BaseloadGenerators

  • PCCSGenerators

  • CCGTGenerators

  • OCGTGenerators

  • StorageGenerators

  • ConsumerGenerators

  • AirSeparationUnits

  • ACGenerators

By adjusting, it is meant that the user can choose any subset of given generator type. For example, if we want to choose only 5 CCGT generators in our model out of 40 available, we need to comment out the rest of the generators – i.e. by putting an exclamation mark (!) in the correct place – in the following way:



The rest of the generator sets are formed by some combination of the above sets, e.g. GeneratorTypes is formed by all above-mentioned generators, PhysicalGenerators is formed by those generators that physically exist and do actually generate electricity:

GeneratorTypes - AirSeparationUnits - ConsumerGenerators

i.e. they include all generators apart from air separation units (units associated with Allam Cycle plants) and consumer generators (demand response which is represented as pseudo generators).
The next sets that the user should pay attention to are sets associated with UC mathematical programming types. Two modelling options are implemented in this package with their associated variable and constraint set declarations:

  1. Quick Dispatch (qd)
    Associated sets: qdVariables; qdConstraints

  2. Piece-wise Linear Approximation of Quadratic Fuel Function (pw)
    Associated sets: pwVariables; pwConstraints

For more information about differences of these two models, refer to @wood2014power and @huang2017electrical.

To choose the right option for your model, you should follow the procedure described in Chapter [mathmodel].

Model Initialisation

To initialise a model, make sure that parameters and element parameters in Initialisation Parameters declaration (Figure [InitialisationParameters]) are all set and later correctly initialised inside MainInitialization (Figure [MainInitialization]) or inside MainExecution (Figure [MainExecution]).

.55 image [InitialisationParameters]

.77 image [MainExecution]

MainInitialization [MainInitialization]

Most of initialisation parameters are either binary or integer types which switch on/off a specific feature for a model run. For instance, the parameter Active defines which constraints/variables are active in a specific model if it is set to one and inactive if set to zero.

Use of parameter Active : Sometimes the user would like to run a sub-problem – meaning that some constraints and variables will be included and some will not. In this case, the parameter Active or Active inside Index domain of a constraint/variable will make sure it is included or excluded from the bundle of constraints/variables (Figure [notActive]).

Use of Active parameter for variable Status_Stopped [notActive]

Optimisation Options {#optimisation_options}

[Opt-Options] Different solution methods can be chosen for the same problem. The choice of a method depends on many factors. Most importantly, the modeller ought to know whether exact solutions are needed or heuristics will suffice.
The following subsections present the list of five options that have been developed (or are under development – options in subsections [continuous] and [rollinghorizon]) which are generally used in UC models 3. The algorithm should be run on Gurobi 7.0 (or higher)4 or CPLEX 12.7 (or higher) solver linked to AIMMS algebraic modelling language. If a specific solver is missing from

Settings->Solver Configuration...

then its Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file should be added. The procedure to link a specific solver to AIMMS is described in this Knowledge Base. After linking the required solver to solve UC model, make sure that the solver is checked (selected) to run MIP and LP optimisation classes.

Day-by-Day {#daily}

This option performs decomposition of yearly (or any sub-duration) power scheduling into successive daily optimal scheduling by running the optimisation model for each day in succession and combining the results at the end. It utilises a branch-and-bound algorithm @cohen1983branch and reaches zero optimality gap. In spite of the fact that the problem is solved for each separate day (cluster), with a careful modelling it was possible to preserve all minimum up and down times and start-up and shut-down costs whenever the model transitions from one day (cluster) to another.

Parameter initialisation : To initialise day-by-day optimisation option, the modeller needs to set the following inside the MainInitialization (Figure [MainInitialization]):

    optimis_horizon_option              := 0;

Input files : Depending on the optimisation method, the input files may change. All required files are placed in the same directory as the model and every time the programme is initialised, the correct files are read.
Input demand data for this option are located in an excel file named demand_2010. This is a 24-row and 365-column matrix of gross demand data representing hourly national electricity demand of each day in year 2010. Although all daily demand data are given in the file, any subset of consecutive days can be chosen. For example, if we want to use only the first seven-day data in our optimisation model, then ReadFromExcel procedure should have demand and weight of each day (cluster) blocks adjusted accordingly under if (optimis_horizon_option<3) then statement:

    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010.xlsx") then

    !weight of each cluster
    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010.xlsx") then

The values in the first block that are subject to change are `B1:H1`
and `B2:H25` corresponding to the first and seventh days in an excel
input file for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively. In
the second block, i.e. `weight of each cluster`, changeable values
are `B26:H26` and `B27:H27` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`,
Similar changes should be performed for the `solar_LF_2010`,
`wind_LF_2010` and `reserve data` blocks by adjusting `B1:H1` and
`B2:H25` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively.


[continuous] This option hasn’t been tested vigorously, so the author suggests against its use.

Rolling Horizon


Not yet implemented.

Two-weekly {#2weekly}

This option performs decomposition of yearly (or any sub-duration) power scheduling into successive two-weekly optimal scheduling by running the optimisation model for each two-weeks in succession and combining the results at the end. It utilises a branch-and-bound algorithm @cohen1983branch and reaches zero optimality gap. In spite of the fact that the problem is solved for each separate two-weeks (cluster), with a careful modelling it was possible to preserve all minimum up and down times and start-up and shut-down costs whenever the model transitions from one two-weeks (cluster) to another.

Parameter initialisation : To initialise two-weekly optimisation option, the modeller needs to set the following inside the MainInitialization (Figure [MainInitialization]):

        optimis_horizon_option              := 3;

Input files : Depending on the optimisation method, the input files may change. All required files are placed in the same directory as the model and every time the programme is initialised and correct files are read.
Input demand data for this option are located in an excel file named demand_2010_2week. This is a 336-row and 26-column matrix of gross demand data representing hourly national electricity demand of each two-weeks in year 2010 5. Although all two-weekly demand data are given in the file, any subset of consecutive two-weeks can be chosen. For example, if we want to use only the first two-weeks data 6 in our optimisation model, then ReadFromExcel procedure should have demand and weight of each two-weeks (cluster) blocks adjusted accordingly under elseif (optimis_horizon_option=3) then statement:

    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010_2week.xlsx") then

    !weight of each cluster
    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010_2week.xlsx") then

The values in the first block that are subject to change (for
inclusion of more two-weeks) are `B1:B1` and `B2:B337` corresponding
to the first two-weeks in an excel input file for
`ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively. In the second
block, i.e. `weight of each cluster`, changeable values are
`B338:B338` and `B339:B339` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`,
Similar changes should be performed for the `solar_LF_2010`,
`wind_LF_2010` and `reserve data` blocks by adjusting `B1:B1` and
`B2:B337` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively.


This option performs decomposition of yearly (or any sub-duration) power scheduling into successive weekly optimal scheduling by running the optimisation model for each week in succession and combining the results at the end. It utilises a branch-and-bound algorithm @cohen1983branch and reaches zero optimality gap. In spite of the fact that the problem is solved for each separate week (cluster), with a careful modelling it was possible to preserve all minimum up and down times and start-up and shut-down costs whenever the model transitions from one week (cluster) to another.

Parameter initialisation : To initialise weekly optimisation option, the modeller needs to set the following inside the MainInitialization (Figure [MainInitialization]):

        optimis_horizon_option              := 4;

Input files : Depending on the optimisation method, the input files may change. All required files are placed in the same directory as the model and every time the programme is initialised and files are read.
Input demand data for this option are located in an excel file named demand_2010_1week. This is a 168-row and 52-column matrix of gross demand data representing hourly national electricity demand of each week in year 2010. Although all weekly demand data are given in the file, any subset of consecutive weeks can be chosen. For example, if we want to use only the first week data 7 in our optimisation model, then ReadFromExcel procedure should have demand and weight of each week (cluster) blocks adjusted accordingly under elseif (optimis_horizon_option=4) then statement:

    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010_1week.xlsx") then
    !weight of each cluster
    if axll::WorkBookIsOpen("demand_2010_1week.xlsx") then

The values in the first block that are subject to change (for
inclusion of more weeks) are `B1:B1` and `B2:B169` corresponding to
the first week in an excel input file for `ColumnHeaderRange` and
`DataRange`, respectively. In the second block, i.e.
`weight of each cluster`, changeable values are `B170:B170` and
`B171:B171` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively.\
Similar changes should be performed for the `solar_LF_2010`,
`wind_LF_2010` and `reserve data` blocks by adjusting `B1:B1` and
`B2:B169` for `ColumnHeaderRange` and `DataRange`, respectively.

Mathematical Model {#math_model}

Mathematical model can be found in Declaration Math Program (Figure [DeclarationMathProgram]). You’ll find all variables(), constraints() and mathematical program types() in this declaration.

Declaration Math Program [DeclarationMathProgram]

When deciding on which mathematical program type to use, make sure to put the correct variable and constraint sets inside math program vitali (Figure [mathprogram]). In general, qd program types are easier to solve, i.e. they consume less computational time, compared to pw program types because they have less integer variables.

The objective function of the math program is declared as a in Declaration Math Program and called in inside Objective field (Figure [mathprogram]).
When we talk about UC problem types (i.e. qd and pw8), please do not confuse with math programming problem types (i.e. Linear Program (LP), Mixed Integer Program (MIP), Non-linear Program (NLP) etc.9). UC problems are solved using some math programming problem type/s.

Mathematical Program Setup [mathprogram]


Each variable has the following fields that can be filled:

  • Identifier
    This is basically the name of the variable. Make sure to name variables in convenient conventions. The author prefers either combining words together without any space in between (with the second word starting in capital letter), such as storageLevel(sg,t,d) and/or combining them with underscores, such as sg_lambdaLevel(sg,t,d).

  • Index domain
    This is basically index pertaining to a specific set/s declared under set declaration (more about sets in Section [Sets]). Note that index domain can be equally zero-dimensional (mostly for defining objective function, e.g. totalCost), or multidimensional such as output_(g,t,d). To put the desired index in the field, use provided wizard button next to it in order to navigate through the Index Domain Wizard window. Choose your desired domain set by clicking the wizard button associated with Domain Set field.

  • Text
    This is basically the description of the variable. Put a short description here. For longer descriptions or thoughts or explanations or draft definitions, use designated Comment area at the bottom of the screen (see the last bullet point!).

  • Range
    This is basically the numerical range of the variable. Use wizard button to open Range Wizard window and choose between Standard Range, i.e. ranges that are normally used in most optimisation problems and User Defined, i.e. ranges where you are able to specify bounds of your Continuous or Integer parameter 10.

  • Unit
    This is a field for a scale factor and most of the time is not used in UC models. For more information, refer to Units of Measurement.

  • Default
    This is a field for a default value of the variable before it can be assigned a different value later (compare with Definition).

  • Property
    This field is mostly for collecting sensitivity information about variables, such as Reduced Cost11 which is the marginal change in the objective function when decision variable is also changed marginally @luenberger2008linear. It can however be used if you are solving an advanced versions of the deterministic model, such as Stochastic UC or Robust UC (refer to Appendix [SUC] and [RUC] for more information). In this case there might be a need to specify also your variables to be stochastic in Variable Type field of Property Wizard. Use this property type only if you want to solve the stochastic or robust counterpart of your deterministic model. AIMMS makes it easy to run stochastic model when you’ve already built your deterministic model; you only need to specify which of your parameters and variables are stochastic by using the Parameter Type or Variable Type field after opening Property wizard. For more information on properties and attributes as well as stochastic and robust optimisation, refer to AIMMS Parameter Declaration and Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimisation chapters.

  • Priority
    This field is for specifying the priority of the variables among variables. The associated parameter is called priority_parameter(ps) located in Initialisation Parameters declaration. This separates all variables in 5 priority groups which are stacked according to their priority during optimisation run. Although useful in many optimisation setups where one knows that decision variables have a precedence over operational ones or start-up and shut-down decisions have precedence over dispatch decisions, the inclusion of this feature does not essentially increase the optimisation run time in the current UC models.
    However, should the modeller decides to complicate the existing model further, there might be a need to prioritise start-up and shut-down decisions over operational ones.

  • Nonvar status
    This field is for specifying the non-variable status of the variable if it is called as a parameter during a specific Solve statement (for more information, see Optimization Modeling Components).

  • Definition
    This is a field for defining the variable relationship with other variables (compare with Definition attribute of Parameter or Constraint in Section [globalinputparameters] and Subsection [constraints]).

  • Comment
    This is a field for inserting anything helpful for the modeller; it’s not a part of the modelling process.



Each constraint has the following fields that can be filled:

  • Identifier
    This is basically the name of the constraint. Make sure to name constraints in convenient conventions. The author prefers either combining words together without any space in between (with the second and third words etc. starting in capital letters), such as eqSpinningMet(t,dd_i) and/or combining them with underscores, such as eqOxy_tank_level(ac,t,dd_i).

  • Index domain
    This is basically index pertaining to a specific set/s declared under set declaration (more about sets in Section [Sets]). Note that index domain can be equally zero-dimensional (mostly for defining objective function, e.g. calcTotalCost_pw), or multidimensional such as calcStarts1(g,t,dd_i). To put the desired index in the field, use provided wizard button next to it in order to navigate through the Index Domain Wizard window. Choose your desired domain set by clicking the wizard button associated with Domain Set field.

  • Text
    This is basically the description of the constraint. Put a short description here. For longer descriptions or thoughts or explanations or draft definitions, use designated Comment area at the bottom of the screen (see the last bullet point!).

  • Unit
    This is a field for a scale factor and most of the time is not used in UC models. For more information, refer to Units of Measurement.

  • Property
    This field is mostly for collecting sensitivity information about constraints, such as Shadow Price12 which is the impact of an incremental change in the right hand side of the constrain on the objective function @luenberger2008linear. It can however be used if you are solving an advanced versions of the deterministic model, such as Stochastic UC or Robust UC (for more information, refer to Appendix [SUC] and ). In this case there might be a need to specify also your constraints to be a Chance Constraint in Property Wizard. Use this property type only if you want to solve the stochastic or robust counterpart of your deterministic model. AIMMS makes it easy to run stochastic model when you’ve already built your deterministic model; you only need to specify which of your constraints are chance constraints. For more information on properties and attributes as well as stochastic and robust optimisation, refer to AIMMS Parameter Declaration and Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimisation chapters.
    Other useful features of constraint properties are SOS 1 and SOS 2 and Indicator Constraint types that can be specified. SOS stands for Set of Ordered Sets and can be used for constructing piece-wise linear approximation of quadratic fuel function13 @huang2017electrical. Constraints can also be declared as indicator constraints to replace as an alternative to Big-M method. However, having tried implementing them, the author has found some compilation errors with them and therefore advises against their use. However, in future AIMMS releases, these bugs might be fixed and can be preferable alternatives to Big-M formulations.

  • Definition
    This is a field for defining the constraints including variable relationship with other variables (compare with Definition attribute of Parameter or Variable in Section [globalinputparameters] and Subsection [variables]).

  • Comment
    This is a field for inserting anything helpful for the modeller; it’s not a part of the modelling process.

Model Building with AMS

[ams] Model building can be performed without interacting with AIMMS IDE if one prefers a GAMS-like14 modelling development. To do this, the modeller needs to open the .ams file with Notepad or Notepad++ and make all required changes. The files includes all declarations, procedures, external procedures, modules and so on. Changes should be directly implemented in the file. For instance, if we want to change the model to include 8 clusters instead of 7 in DemandProfiles set, the definition filed should be changed to:

Set DemandProfiles {
    Text: "demand profiles (clustered)";
    Index: d;
    Definition: data { C1..C8 };

Parameters can be changed in a similar fashion:

Parameter lim_exec_time {
    Text: "limit execution time to some seconds";
    Default: 900;

By default, the above parameter limits the execution time of each optimisation run – in our case to 900 seconds. But it can be later overridden with the following assignment in MainInitialization:

! How many seconds each MP should run?
lim_exec_time                   := 500000;

If you have both IDE and .ams files open and you want to make changes in .ams file, then first make changes there, then save and close the file. The IDE should be closed at the same time and after re-opening the IDE, you can see that the effects have taken place.

Output generation

Outputs are generated inside MainExecution declaration starting from Carbon calculations block. All conceivable output data are generated here, namely in Carbon calculations, Generete outputs and retrieving math program descriptors blocks. Output data are exported to the folder contained in the model as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) files after running RunExternalProcedure and MPStringExport procedures (refer to Section [HowtoRun] for complete steps for running and producing the results.). To ease the problem of differentiating output data, they are exported with a prefix o5_. This prefix can be used to denote the model version. Here are some output files that can be read as ’output files from the fifth version of the model’ produced by RunExternalProcedure:


For example, by opening already generated o5_math_program_numbers CSV file with Microsoft Excel, you will find an output which will have this structure:

math_program_set            o5_math_program_numbers
Objective_                  31915737.8
LinearObjective             31915737.8
Incumbent                   31915737.8
BestBound                   31915737.8
Iterations                  11998
Nodes_                      1
GenTime                     0.265
SolutionTime                1.872
SolverCalls                 14
NumberOfConstraints         30433
NumberOfVariables           17305
NumberOfNonzeros            92737
NumberOfIntegerVariables    10488

Progress staus and solver status descriptors are exported as an .out file via running MPStringExport procedure. The ouptut file can be opened again with the help of Notepad++. An example of this output is given below:

o5_math_program_string(mp) := 
data { 
      ProgramStatus : "Optimal",  
      SolverStatus : "NormalCompletion" 
      } ;

Some auxiliary files are also created in MatLab (M files) to convert some of the AIMMS output files into more readable formats for further analyses. Those M files are:

  • conv_AIMMS_to_MatLab

  • csvwrite_with_headers

which transform corresponding o5_ files into output_base; output_base; starts; shuts; online; status_down; reserve; turndown; extra_capacity; rampUP and rampDN files. Follow the instructions written in the M file conv_AIMMS_to_MatLab to generate the desired post-output files by adjusting the correct number for generators, clusters and iterations. Make sure also to adjust string h in conv_AIMMS_to_MatLab file containing all considered technology names.


Advanced UC models

Stochastic Unit Commitment

[SUC] Stochastic UC models assume that some parameters and decision variables are stochastic. You can specify which parameters and variables are stochastic by selecting appropriately Parameter Type and Variable Type to be Stochastic after opening the associated Property wizard. There is no need to change your deterministic model in order to run the stochastic counterpart; AIMMS automatically generates extra constraints associated with the stochastic variables and parameters. It transforms the objective cost (profit) function into expected cost (profit) function with recourse (for more information about stochastic programming with recourse, refer to @birge2011introduction for general programs, and to @kall2011stochastic for linear stochastic programs).
Here we will model and solve only two-stage stochastic unit commitment problem. However, the formulation of multi-stage problem is very straightforward. One essential part of building the stochastic equivalent of the deterministic model is to specify the period-to-stage mapping. In two-stage formulation, it is assumed that plant on/off decisions are made at the end of the first stage and expected values15 of stochastic parameter data from demand, wind and solar are used. Dispatch decisions are made at the end of the second stage after the realisation of stochastic events from demand and solar & wind load factors during the second stage. Therefore, the period-to-stage mapping is done with the following commands in StochasticProcedures:

DemandPeriodToStageMapping('1',t)  := 1;
DemandPeriodToStageMapping('2',t)  := 2;

CommitmentStage(t) := DemandPeriodToStageMapping('1',t);
DispatchStage(t)   := DemandPeriodToStageMapping('2',t);

At the second stage, in this setting, the stochastic parameters either take high value (H) or low value (L)16. At each hour of the second stage, demand can randomly jump up to 120% of its expected value in scenario H or down to 80% of its expected value in scenario L. Similarly, at each hour of the second stage, solar load factors can randomly jump up to 140% of their expected value in scenario H or down to 60% of their expected value in scenario L. Wind load factors, on the other hand, are assumed to randomly jump up to 150% of their expected value in scenario H or down to 50% of their expected value in scenario L.
The above is achieved by putting the following code in the body of InitializeStochasticDataCallback.

for ( t | CommitmentStage(t) = CurrentStage) do
    demand.Stochastic(Scenario,t,d) := demand(t,d);
    solar_LF.Stochastic(Scenario,t,d):= solar_LF(t,d);
    wind_LF.Stochastic(Scenario,t,d):= wind_LF(t,d);

for ( t | DispatchStage(t) = CurrentStage) do
    demand.Stochastic(Scenario,t,d) := 
    if(ChildBranch = 1) then 
     Uniform(1,1.2) * demand(t,d)!Uniform(40,50)!High demand level
    else !i.e. (ChildBranch =2)
     Uniform(0.8,1) * demand(t,d)!Uniform(30,40)!Low demand level
    if(ChildBranch = 1) then 
     Uniform(1,1.4) * solar_LF(t,d)!Uniform(40,50)!High demand level
    else !i.e. (ChildBranch =2)
     Uniform(0.6,1) * solar_LF(t,d)!Uniform(30,40)!Low demand level
    if(ChildBranch = 1) then 
     Uniform(1,1.5) * wind_LF(t,d)!Uniform(40,50)!High demand level
    else !i.e. (ChildBranch =2)
     Uniform(0.5,1) * wind_LF(t,d)!Uniform(30,40)!Low demand level

Each branch is considered equally possible:

return /*relative weight*/ 1;

It is possible also to adjust the relative weights of each branch.
Have a look also at the body of InitializeNewScenarioCallback and InitializeChildBranchesCallback for new scenario and child-branch generation procedures.

Distribution-based Scenario Generation (Branching)


How to Run a Model {#How_to_Run_Stoch}

To run the existing model, follow these steps in this order:

  1. Right-click on MainInitialization and press Run Procedure

  2. Right-click on ReadFromExcel and press Run Procedure and wait until loaded

  3. Right-click on StochasticProcedures and press Run Procedure

  4. Right-click on SolveStochasticUC and press Run Procedure and wait for the programme to finish running (optimising)

If you have a deterministic model with its objective variable totalCost declared without its Definition field, you need to fill this definition field when running the stochastic model. Pay attention to what type of UC model you are solving; if you want to solve quick dispatch, then copy-paste the definition field from calcTotalCost_qd constraint after the equality sign. Respectively, copy-paste the definition field (after the equality sign) from calcTotalCost_pw constraint if you want to solve the piece-wise approximation type. Don’t forget to change the model type in vitali as well.
Similar to the deterministic model, the user has some options to interact with the stochastic model during step 4:

  • Press Ctrl+P to see the execution progress window (similar to the one in Figure [progresswindow])

  • Press Ctrl+shift+s to terminate the programme execution

  • Press Alt+F6 to debug the programme

When SolveStochasticUC is complete, the following step should be followed to generate the output:

  1. Right-click on RunStochasticResults and press Run Procedure: outputs will be created inside AIMMS.

The output parameters can be viewed by right-clicking on them and pressing Data...17
These output results later can be assigned externally to files located in the same folder as the model. These steps can be followed if the user has all set up correctly and needs only to generate output of results. If the user needs to change the model (refer to [Changing]) and set up a new model, then change of inputs and some calibration in the model should be performed.

Scenario-based Tree Generation (Data Bundling)

[SSUC] This is not covered in this version of the manual. However, the author aims to cover it in upcoming releases of the User Manual. However, for an advance use of the models, you may contact the author or refer to this presentation by AIMMS or AIMMS Language Reference.

Benders Decomposition

[BSUC] [SSUC] This is not covered in this version of the manual. However, the author aims to cover it in upcoming releases of the User Manual. However, for an advance use of the models, you may contact the author or read AIMMS Language Reference.

Robust Unit Commitment

[RUC] This is not covered in this version of the manual. However, the author aims to cover it in upcoming releases of the User Manual. However, for an advance use of the models, you may contact the author or refer to this presentation by AIMMS or AIMMS Language Reference .

Bi-level Optimisation

[bi-level] Although not covered in this version of the manual, it is implemented in the latest model distribution. The author aims to cover the full description in upcoming releases of the User Manual.
An example that has been implemented so far is the iteration-based bi-level optimisation of system cost minimisation and CCS plant profit maximisation. The model starts by minimising overall system cost and finding respective shadow prices of relaxed MIP model at each hour of a given cluster18. Then these prices are passed to CCS plant operators (i.e. they are taken as given by CCS plant operators) who decide to operate their capture plants either:

  • in bypass mode, i.e. capture plant is not used and only fixed output penalty is incurred thus increasing overall CCS plant output – this generally happens at high electricity prices

  • by charging rich amine storage tank, i.e. solvent regeneration cycle is not used as rich solvent is stored in a tank for a later use – this happens at relatively high electricity prices

  • by discharging rich amine storage tank – this happens at low electricity prices

  • by regenerating solvent at a steady state – this happens at close-to-average electricity prices

After CCS plant operators decide their capture plant operating schedules – which actually defines the maximum possible output (net output) that the whole CCS plant can produce at each hour – under the given electricity prices, the system operator takes these adjustments by CCS plant operators and minimises the system cost again. After getting the adjusted shadow prices, the system operator again passes them to CCS plant operators. This loop repeats as many times as required to iterate in order to reach an equilibrium state.
For more advance use of these type of models, you may contact the author.

Bespoke UC Models

[bespoke] Those models are tailored specifically for solving UC models with challenging technologies. Those technologies include but not limited to:

  • Allam-Cycle oxy-combustion plants which are near-zero-carbon generation plants that use an innovative CO2 cycle by sending the compressed CO2 to transportation and storage system (AC)

  • post-combustion CO2 capture plants retrofitted to combined-cycle gas plants (NGCC-PCC)

UC with Oxy-Combustion Plants {#Allam_Cycle}

To run the model with AC plants, the user needs to activate ACGenerators and AirSeparationUnits sets by commenting in/out the number of AC plants and ASUs needed in the model (refer to Section [Sets]).
Associated Initialisation Parameters are:

  • parameter AC_ASU_coupled

  • parameter Init_Oxy_tank_level(t)

  • element parameter map_AC_to_ASU(ac)

Element parameter map_AC_to_ASU(ac) is later used in MainInitialization to associate each AC plant with its ASU.
Associated Input Parameters are:

  • Oxy_tank_max_level

  • AC_continuation_penalty

  • AC_gasification_compression_penalty

  • ASU_oxygen_penalty

  • AC_liquefaction_penalty

  • AC_cooling_air_penalty

  • AC_heat_recovery_efficiency

  • eff_adder(ac)

  • fuel_recovery_dis_rate_adder

Before running the model with AC plants, make sure you have the correct input parameters for your AC plants. These plants can run with and without oxygen storage which can be indicated with the following assignment:

AC_ASU_coupled                  := 1;

When AC_ASU_coupled := 1, it means that AC plants have their associated ASUs and therefore oxygen storage option is used. When AC_ASU_coupled := 0, then AC plants and ASUs are not associated19 and therefore there is no oxygen storage. To associate each AC with its ASU – assuming only 5 AC plants are available in the system – the following mapping commands should be activated in MainInitialization:

map_AC_to_ASU('Gas_CCS_AC_1')  := 'ASU_1'; 
map_AC_to_ASU('Gas_CCS_AC_2')  := 'ASU_2'; 
map_AC_to_ASU('Gas_CCS_AC_3')  := 'ASU_3'; 
map_AC_to_ASU('Gas_CCS_AC_4')  := 'ASU_4'; 
map_AC_to_ASU('Gas_CCS_AC_5')  := 'ASU_5';

When oxygen storage tank option is chosen, it can be further specified whether the modeller wants some starting level of storage tank. For example, if starting level of storage is 25% of its maximum capacity, then:

Init_Oxy_tank_level('1')            := 0.25 * Oxy_tank_max_level;

NB: Be aware that the execution of bespoke models might take longer time to solve due to the presence of additional variables and constraints.\

Although these additional variables and constraints are not presented here, the modeller is advised to find them in the model and study them.
For more information about the assumptions and modelling and workings of an Allam Cycle plant, refer to the following paper:

  • Highly flexible zero carbon electricity generation: An initial assessment of the value of Allam Cycle power plants with liquid oxygen storage in future GB electricity system

UC with Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Plants {#PCCS}

This is a model for modelling the interim storage capability of a post-combustion CO2 capture plant. CCS plants with interim storage capability can be included in the generation mix to assess their viability in future power systems. Interim storage is a basic form of a small-scale grid-connected energy storage. It can be used to put off available maximum electricity production by a CCS plant by capturing CO2 at a higher capture rates. Capturing CO2 is an energy-intensive process and is therefore associated with high electricity output penalty; the outcome of capturing is the reduced net output of overall CCS plant. The capturing process can also be bypassed to avoid incurring electricity penalty (or to reduce the penalty if operated at lower capture rates). The outcome of not capturing (or capturing at lower rates) is the increased net output of overall CCS plant which is the preferred state when electricity prices are high.
The model can be used to choose between options of having the interim storage capability or not in CCS plants. If this is not initialised, then:

CCS_interim                 := 0;

The model can also be used for enabling or disabling bypass regime. If this option is not initialised, then:

CCS_bypass                  := 0;

When interim storage level is chosen, the modeller can further choose whether some starting level of storage tank should be specified. For example, if starting level of storage is 25% of its maximum capacity, then:

Init_RAS_level('1')                 := 0.25 * RAS_max_level;

For more information about the assumptions and modelling on interim storage and operation of CCS plants, the user is advised to contact Hannah Chalmers and/or Mathieu Lucquiaud


  1. Although anges might not be so essential for parameter declaration, they are very essential for variable declaration. For variable declaration, refer to Section [mathmodel]

  2. Pay attention to the fact that StorageCap(sg) doesn’t have a dimension of time which means that storage technology ramping capacity is constant in the model. If you would like to make it time dependent, use StorageCap(sg,t) instead. Data can be read from an external database, such as plant(g_max,UniversalSet_i) or demand(t,d).

  3. A brief description can be found in MainInitialization procedure inside Model Explorer.

  4. Average time it takes for Gurobi solver to reach the optimal solution for UC-type problems is faster than any other solver currently available for an academic use; therefore the author recommends using Gurobi at all times

  5. For a different year, data should be calculated separately and placed in this file

  6. NB: If you run model for more two-weeks, note that combined optimisation time including all considered two-weeks might become considerably long.

  7. NB: If you run model for more weeks, note that combined optimisation time including all considered weeks might become considerably long.

  8. Refer to fields Constraints and Variables in Figure [mathprogram]

  9. Refer to field Type in Figure [mathprogram].

  10. Ranges might not be so essential for parameter declaration, they are very essential for variable declaration though. For variable declaration, refer to Section [mathmodel]

  11. The author recommends to have this option ticked for all variables.

  12. The author recommends having this option ticked for all variables.

  13. The author, however, has chosen a manual approach in constructing piece-wise linear functions.


  15. Actually, those values in the current model are taken from year 2010 which constitutes a medium year in terms of demand and weather data. However, the modeller is free to choose any base data as well as is free to choose any statistical distributions available in AIMMS.

  16. It is easy to extend the branching to as many levels as need be.

  17. Make sure to choose Table as a Type of Object inside Identifier wizard window. Sometimes AIMMS doesn’t show the output in Pivot Table mode.

  18. A cluster can be a day, a week etc.

  19. In this case ASUs act as separate generators with miserable costs and outputs thus not effectively affecting the overall system cost results.


User Manual for AIMMS Unit Committemnt Power System Modelling