suncat2000 / TWCDataBundle

Symfony2 bundle for working with The Weather Channel API

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Symfony2 bundle for working with The Weather Channel API


This Bundle enables integration The Weather Channel API.

Note: Only /data/... resource api


  1. Add this bundle and kriswallsmith Buzz library to your project as Git submodules:

     $ git submodule add git:// vendor/buzz
     $ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/SunCat/TWCDataBundle
  2. Register the namespace Buzz & SunCat to your project's autoloader bootstrap script:

           // ...
           'Buzz'      => __DIR__.'/../vendor/buzz/lib',
           'SunCat'    => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
           // ...
  3. Add this bundle to your application's kernel:

     public function registerBundles()
         return array(
             // ...
             new SunCat\TWCDataBundle\TWCDataBundle(),
             // ...
  4. Configure the twc_data service in your YAML configuration:

           apikey: your_api_key
           format: json        # or xml; optional, default: json
           units: m            # or s; optional, default: m
           locale: en_GB       # optional, default: en_GB
           country: UK         # optional, default: UK

Usage example

// src/Acme/YourBundle/Command/LocSearchCommand.php

        class LocSearchCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
             * @see Command
            protected function configure()
                    ->setDescription('Get location ID of city by city name')
                    ->addOption('city', 0, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'City name')
        The <info>weather:locsearch</info> command get location ID.
        <info>php app/console weather:locsearch --city=london</info>

             * {@inheritdoc}
            protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
                $twcData = $this->getContainer()->get('twc_data.api_data');
                $cityName = $input->getOption('city');

                    throw new \Exception('Enter city name');

                $data = $twcData->getData();

                // put your code


Run command:

        php app/console weather:locsearch --city=london

Query string parameters to TWC API:

        $twcData->enabledCountry(false); // disable `country` param in query string to TWC API
        $twcData->setParams(array('day' => '0,1,2'));
        $twcData->setParams(array('start' => 1293840000, 'end' => 1296518399));

The Weather Channel® API Implementation Guide

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Symfony2 bundle for working with The Weather Channel API


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