sumitpore / articles-api-using-nestjs

Experiment with NestJS and TypeOrm to create a simple articles API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Articles API using NestJS with MySQL database

Getting Started


Install NestCLI

sudo npm i -g @nestjs/cli

Clone the repository

git clone

Switch to the repo folder

cd article-api

Install dependencies

npm install


The project uses Typeorm with a MySQL database.

Copy Typeorm config example file for database settings.

cp ormconfig.json.example ormconfig.json

Set mysql database settings in ormconfig.json.

  "type": "mysql",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 3306,
  "username": "your-mysql-username",
  "password": "your-mysql-password",
  "database": "nestjsrealworld",
  "entities": ["dist/**/**.entity{.ts,.js}"],
  "synchronize": true

Tables will be automatically created when application starts

Start the Server

To start the server run command

npm run-script start:dev

This will open the application on port 6000. Visit http://localhost:6000 to access the application.


This applications uses JSON Web Token (JWT) to handle authentication. The token is passed with each request using the Authorization header with Token scheme. The JWT authentication middleware handles the validation and authentication of the token.

API returns the Token on successful login request. This token should be passed for all requests that need authorised access. To pass the token in request, send header Authorization with value 'Bearer TOKEN_OBTAINED_ON_LOGIN_REQUEST'. Replace TOKEN_OBTAINED_ON_LOGIN_REQUEST with actual token.

API Postman Collection

Download the Postman Collection here and import it into the Postman to understand how data needs to be passed to the API.

Possible Actions with API

Role Method Endpoint Action
Guest GET /articles/:slug Get Article by Slug. It will return Article object only if that article is published. If article is in pending state, it will throw 404.
Guest GET /articles Get List of All Published Articles.
Guest POST /users Register as Author or Publisher.
Guest POST /users/login Login to the account.
Logged In User GET /user Returns details of the account.
Logged In User PUT /user Update details of the logged in user.
Logged In User DELETE /user Logged in user can delete own account.
Author POST /articles Create new article. The article is not published immediately. It is saved in pending state. Guests can not view this article until a publisher publishes the article. In create article request author can mention desired publisher. When the request is submitted, that article appears under respective publisher's pending articles list. Publisher can then take action on it and publish it.
Author GET /articles/:slug Returns article details. It will return details of any published article and any pending article written by Author.
Author PUT /articles/:slug Update article written by logged in Author.
Author DELETE /articles/:slug Delete Article written by logged in Author.
Author GET /articles/pending Returns list of all pending (aka unpublished) articles written by logged in Author.
Publisher POST /articles/publish/:slug Publishes the article pending for his/her approval.
Publisher GET /articles/pending Returns List of all Pending Articles of logged in publisher.
Publisher GET /articles/:slug Returns article details. It will return details of any published article and any pending article which belong to logged in Publisher.


Experiment with NestJS and TypeOrm to create a simple articles API


Language:TypeScript 99.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%