sumitmangela / photo

This is a simple html/css portfolio website for a photographer.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsumitmangela/photoRepository from Github https://github.comsumitmangela/photo

It is a front-end for a simple portfolio website for a photographer. The site is developed using HTML/CSS and jquery plugins are used to provide extra features. There is only one webpage which is divided in 3 sections.

  • Home Section - It is a indroductionary page about the photographer or photo studio. It contains various photos taken by the photographer which are slided in a conware fashion using an image slider. Every image gives a little detail about what type of photography the photo falls in. The smooth scroll facility is provided where the user is scrolled down in smooth animation various section also clicking on buttons on navbar does the same thing for their respective sections. Scroll to top facility is also provided which redirects user to the top of the page along with a subtle animation when user clicks on a button.

  • Album Section - This section has only one purpose to show of the skills of the photographer in a very awesome way. An image carousel is used which handles the photos of various heights in multiple rows. The image carousel is draggable and shows the name of the photos when user hovers over them.

  • Contact Us Section - This section can be used to contact the photographer or photo studio by filling a simple contact form or user can contact photographer through his social links given below the form.

Jquey Plugins used for the website


This is a simple html/css portfolio website for a photographer.


Language:CSS 53.5%Language:HTML 46.5%