sum20156 / App_Account_Deletion_Request

A simple web page to allow user to request their account deletion.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

App Account Deletion Request Webpage

A simple Webpage made with flutter. It allows user to sign in using firebase auth and Request to delete their Account.


Setup guide

Install Flutter

Firebase configuration

Install firebase CLI Run the following commands

  firebase login
  dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
  flutterfire configure

Hosting configuration

flutter build web
firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
firebase init hosting
firebase deploy

Code Guide

  • Majority of code present in the main.dart file.. If you want to change any text you can search for those in this file and replace it.
  • deleteUserData(String userId) contains logics related to the data deletion, you have to modify the code according to your need. In my case user data is stored in USERS collection. Don't worry the syntax is very similar to java/kotlin.
  • Replace app_icon.png and favicon.png with your app logo.

Report Issue

If you find any issue, please report it here.


A simple web page to allow user to request their account deletion.


Language:Dart 77.5%Language:HTML 22.5%