sulzbals / ocrd_all

Master repository which includes most other OCR-D repositories as submodules

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Built on CircleCI MIT licensed

This controls installation of all OCR-D modules from source (as git submodules).

It includes a Makefile for their installation into a virtual environment (venv) or Docker container.

(A venv is a local user directory with shell scripts to load/unload itself in the current shell environment via PATH and PYTHONHOME.)



Make sure that there is enough free disk space. 7 GiB or more is recommended for the required submodules, build data, temporary data, installed virtual environment and pip cache.

If the /tmp directory has less than 5 GiB of free space, you can override the location of temporary files by setting the TMPDIR variable when calling make:

TMPDIR=/path/to/my/tempdir make all


Next, the (shell) environment must have a Unicode-based localization. (Otherwise Python code based on click will not work, i.e. most OCR-D CLIs.) This is true for most installations today, and can be verified by:

locale | fgrep .UTF-8

This should show several LC_* variables. Otherwise, either select another localization globally...

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

... or use the Unicode-based POSIX locale temporarily:

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8

System packages

Install GNU make and git, and wget if you want to download Tesseract models.

# on Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt install make git wget

Install the packages for Python3 development and for Python3 virtual environments for your operating system / distribution.

# on Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-venv

Some modules use the Tesseract library. If your distribution provides Tesseract 4.1 or newer, install the development package:

# on Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev

Ubuntu packages for Tesseract 5.0.0 (alpha) are available at the PPA

Otherwise or for the latest Tesseract code it can also be built locally.

Other modules will have additional system dependencies.

System dependencies for all modules on Ubuntu 18.04 (or similar) can also be installed automatically by running:

# on Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt install make git
sudo make deps-ubuntu

(And you can define the scope of all modules by setting the OCRD_MODULES variable.)


Run make with optional parameters for variables and targets like so:

make [PYTHON=python3] [VIRTUAL_ENV=./venv] [OCRD_MODULES="..."] [TARGET...]



Install system packages for all modules. (Depends on modules.)


Download/update all modules, but do not install anything.


Install only OCR-D/core and its CLI ocrd into the venv.


Install executables from all modules into the venv. (Depends on modules and ocrd.)


Fix incompatible/inconsistent pip requirements between all modules


(Re-)build a docker image for all modules/executables. (Depends on modules.)


Remove the venv and the modules' build directories.


Print the venv directory, the module directories, and the executable names.

help (default goal)

Print available targets and variables.

Further targets:

[any module name]

Download/update that module, but do not install anything.

[any executable name]

Install that CLI into the venv. (Depends on that module and on ocrd.)



Override the list of git submodules to include. Targets affected by this include:

  • deps-ubuntu (reducing the list of system packages to install)
  • modules (reducing the list of modules to checkout/update)
  • all (reducing the list of executables to install)
  • docker (reducing the list of executables and modules to install)
  • show (reducing the list of OCRD_MODULES and of OCRD_EXECUTABLES to print)


Name of the Python binary to use (at least python3 required).


Directory prefix to use for local installation.

(This is set automatically when activating a virtual environment on the shell. The build system will re-use the venv if one already exists here, or create one.)


Override the default path (/tmp on Unix) where temporary files during build are stored.


Add extra options to the pip install command like -q or -v or -e.

(The latter will install Python modules in editable mode, i.e. any update to the source will directly affect the executables.)


Set to --recursive to checkout/update all modules recursively. (This usually installs additional tests and models.)


Add more models to the minimum required list of languages (eng equ osd) to install along with Tesseract.


The following examples assume a working development installation of Tesseract. To build the latest Tesseract locally, run this command first:

# Get code, build and install Tesseract with the default English model.
make tesseract

Optionally install additional Tesseract models.

# Download models from tessdata_fast into the venv's tessdata directory.
make frk.traineddata
make script/Latin.traineddata
make script/Fraktur.traineddata

Optionally install Tesseract training tools.

make install-tesseract-training

Running make ocrd or just make downloads/updates and installs the core module, including the ocrd CLI in a virtual Python 3 environment under ./venv.

Running make ocrd-tesserocr-recognize downloads/updates the ocrd_tesserocr module and installs its CLIs, including ocrd-tesserocr-recognize in the venv.

Running make modules downloads/updates all modules.

Running make all additionally installs the executables from all modules.

Running make all OCRD_MODULES="core tesseract ocrd_tesserocr ocrd_cis" installs only the executables from these modules.


To use the built executables, simply activate the virtual environment:

. ${VIRTUAL_ENV:-venv}/bin/activate
ocrd --help

For the Docker image, run it with your data path mounted as a user:

docker run -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) $PWD:/data ocrd/all
ocrd --help

Persistent configuration

In order to make choices permanent, you can put your variable preferences (or any custom rules) into This file is always included if it exists. So you don't have to type (and memorise) them on the command line or shell environment.

For example, its content could be:

# restrict everything to a subset of modules
OCRD_MODULES = core ocrd_im6convert ocrd_cis ocrd_tesserocr tesserocr tesseract

# use a non-default path for the virtual environment

# install in editable mode (i.e. referencing the git sources)

# use non-default temporary storage

# install more languages/models for Tesseract
TESSERACT_MODELS = deu frk script/Fraktur script/Latin

# install all of Tesseract's submodules to support unit tests and training tools, too
tesseract: GIT_RECURSIVE = --recursive

Note: When exists, variables can still be overridden on the command line, (i.e. make all OCRD_MODULES= will build all executables for all modules again), but not from the shell environment (i.e. OCRD_MODULES= make all will still use the value from

Docker Hub

The project is available as prebuilt Docker images from Docker Hub as ocrd/all. You can choose from three tags, minimum, medium and maximum. These differ in which modules are included, with maximum being the equivalent of doing make all with the default (unset) value for OCRD_MODULES. To download the images on the command line:

docker pull ocrd/all:minimum
# or
docker pull ocrd/all:medium
# or
docker pull ocrd/all:maximum

Usage is the same as if you had built the image yourself.

This table lists which tag contains which module:

Module minimum medium maximum
cor-asv-ann -
dinglehopper -
format-converters -
ocrd_calamari -
ocrd_keraslm -
ocrd_olena -
ocrd_segment -
tesseract -
ocrd_anybaseocr - -
ocrd_pc_segmentation - -
ocrd_typegroups_classifier - -
sbb_textline_detector - -
cor-asv-fst - - -
clstm - - -
ocrd_kraken - - -
ocrd_ocropy - - -

Note: The following modules have been disabled by default and can only be enabled by explicitly setting OCRD_MODULES or DISABLED_MODULES:

  • cor-asv-fst (runtime issues)
  • ocrd_ocropy (better implementation in ocrd_cis available)
  • ocrd_kraken (currently unmaintained)
  • clstm (required only for ocrd_kraken)


This repo offers solutions to the following problems with OCR-D integration.

No published/recent version on PyPI

The following Python modules need an installation from code for different reasons:

  • clstm (needs modified code for Python3)
  • cor-asv-ann (not available in PyPI)
  • cor-asv-fst (not available in PyPI)
  • dinglehopper (not available in PyPI)
  • tesserocr (too old in PyPI)

(Solved by installation from source.)

Conflicting requirements

Merging all packages into one venv does not always work. Modules may require mutually exclusive sets of dependent packages.

pip does not even stop or resolve conflicts – it merely warns!

  • Tensorflow:

    • tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0 (required by ocrd_calamari and ocrd_anybaseocr)
    • tensorflow (required by cor-asv-ann and ocrd_keraslm)

    Both can be installed in parallel in different versions, but may depend on a mutually exclusive set of tensorboard and tensorflow_estimator.

    Moreover, in the future, some modules (but not others) may depend on tensorflow>=2.0, which again is incompatible.

  • OpenCV:

    • opencv-python-headlesss (required by core and others, avoids pulling in X11 libraries)
    • opencv-python (required by ocrd_anybaseocr)
    • custom build on ARM...
  • ...

(Solved temporarily by post-installation fix-pip.)

System requirements

Not all modules advertise their system package requirements via make deps-ubuntu.

  • clstm: depends on scons libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libpng-dev libeigen3-dev swig
  • tesseract (when installing from source not PPA): depends on libleptonica-dev etc

(Solved by maintaining these requirements under deps-ubuntu here.)


Master repository which includes most other OCR-D repositories as submodules

License:MIT License


Language:Makefile 83.2%Language:Dockerfile 16.8%