sullivannicole / Regional-Solicitation-Congestion-Metric

Calculate congestion metric for regional network for Regional Solicitation application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Regional Solicitation Congestion Metric


The Regional Solicitation is a process that the Metropolitan Council (the metropolitan planning organization for the Minneapolis-St. Paul region) leads every 2 years, when the Council is responsible for disbursing $200 million in federal funds to transportation projects. At the beginning of the Solicitation cycle, jurisdictions (generally cities/townships or counties) apply for funds for a project (or projects). Their proposed (or in-process) project is then scored on a number of metrics. One of the metrics is the most excessive congestion seen on the road segments of the proposed project. This repo contains scripting to analyze Streetlight Data from a Congestion Analysis project to obtain the slowest speed on the segment from 5 am to 9 pm (weekend or weekday) and compare it to the free flow (reference or off-peak) speed (defined as 12am-6am) of that segment. These speeds are then input into an online application from which Solicitation applicants are instructed to obtain the information during the course of their application.

Required libraries

  • data.table
  • tidyverse
  • plotly
  • extrafont
  • sf
  • leaflet


Calculate congestion metric for regional network for Regional Solicitation application