sul-dlss / rspec-solr

gem: RSpec custom matchers for Solr response objects

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RSpec Solr

A Gem to provide RSpec custom matchers to be used with Solr response objects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-solr'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-solr


See for syntax of supported expectations.


 it "q of 'Buddhism' should get 8,500-10,500 results" do
   resp = solr_resp_doc_ids_only({'q'=>'Buddhism'})
   resp.should have_at_least(8500).documents
   resp.should have_at_most(10500).documents
  it "q of 'Two3' should have excellent results", :jira => 'VUF-386' do
    resp = solr_response({'q'=>'Two3', 'fl'=>'id', 'facet'=>false}) 
    resp.should have_at_most(10).documents
    resp.should include("5732752").as_first_result
    resp.should include("8564713").in_first(2).results
    resp.should_not include("5727394")
    resp.should have_the_same_number_of_results_as(solr_resp_doc_ids_only({'q'=>'two3'}))
    resp.should have_fewer_results_than(solr_resp_doc_ids_only({'q'=>'two 3'}))
  it "Traditional Chinese chars 三國誌 should get the same results as simplified chars 三国志" do
  	resp = solr_response({'q'=>'三國誌', 'fl'=>'id', 'facet'=>false}) 
    resp.should have_at_least(240).documents
    resp.should have_the_same_number_of_results_as(solr_resp_doc_ids_only({'q'=>'三国志'})) 

How Do I Do That?

Essentially, you write a bunch of specs that

  • send a request to your Solr index
  • wrap the Solr Ruby response into the RSpecSolr::SolrResponseHash (`blah =``)
  • utilize the matchers (expect(blah).to have_document("222")``) -- see`

There is an exemplar project utilizing rspec-solr at

Besides the specs themselves, it has essentially 4 files to smooth the way.

1. Gemfile

Indicate the required gems for bundler

 gem 'rsolr'       # for sending requests to and getting responses from solr
 gem 'rspec-solr'  # for rspec assertions against solr response object

2. Rakefile

Make it easy to run various groups of specs from the command line

 require 'rspec/core/rake_task'

 desc "run specs expected to pass" do |spec|
   spec.rspec_opts = ["-c", "-f progress", "-r ./spec/spec_helper.rb"]

3. config/solr.yml

Your Solr base url goes here

  :url: http://your_solr_baseurl

   :url: http://your_solr_baseurl

4. spec/spec_helper.rb

Do a one time setup of Solr connection, and methods to make it easier to make desired Solr requests

  require "yaml"
  require 'rsolr'
  RSpec.configure do |config|
    # FIXME:  hardcoded yml group
    solr_config = YAML::load_file('config/solr.yml')["test"]
    @@solr = RSolr.connect(solr_config)
    puts "Solr URL: #{@@solr.uri}"
  # send a GET request to the indicated Solr request handler with the indicated Solr parameters
  # @param solr_params [Hash] the key/value pairs to be sent to Solr as HTTP parameters
  # @param req_handler [String] the pathname of the desired Solr request handler (defaults to 'select') 
  # @return [RSpecSolr::SolrResponseHash] object for rspec-solr testing the Solr response 
  def solr_response(solr_params, req_handler='select'), {:method => :get, :params => solr_params}))

4a. a little more magic

You might want to add code such as that below to your spec_helper - it can help keep your solr responses small, which makes for easier debugging.

  # send a GET request to the default Solr request handler with the indicated Solr parameters
  # @param solr_params [Hash] the key/value pairs to be sent to Solr as HTTP parameters, in addition to 
  #  those to get only id fields and no facets in the response
  # @return [RSpecSolr::SolrResponseHash] object for rspec-solr testing the Solr response 
  def solr_resp_doc_ids_only(solr_params)
  # use these Solr HTTP params to reduce the size of the Solr responses
  # response documents will only have id fields, and there will be no facets in the response
  # @return [Hash] Solr HTTP params to reduce the size of the Solr responses
  def doc_ids_only
    {'fl'=>'id', 'facet'=>'false'}


I'm currently envisioning helper methods shared somehow - either on the github wikis, or in this gem as exemplars, or in a separate gem, or ...

Please share yours!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  • 3.0.0 Add compatibility with rspec ~> 3.5
  • 2.0.0 No release notes
  • 1.0.1 fix spec failing in travis due to diff error message in later rspec version
  • 1.0.0 declare victory and make 0.2.0 into 1.0.0
  • 0.2.0 add facet support have_facet_field(fld_name).with_value(fld_value)
  • 0.1.4 fix regex match to work with in_each_of_first(n)
  • 0.1.3 added include().in_each_of_first(n)
  • 0.1.2 added document matching via regex for field values
  • 0.1.1 improve README
  • 0.1.0 Initial release


gem: RSpec custom matchers for Solr response objects



Language:Ruby 100.0%