suharmono / AnyChart-Android

AnyChart Android Charts is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 14+ (Android 4.0) and features dozens of built-in chart types.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AnyChart - Robust JavaScript/HTML5 Chart library for any project

AnyChart for Android


AnyChart Android Charts is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 14+ (Android 4.0) and features dozens of built-in chart types.



Add this to the project.clj file, at the end of repositories:

:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]

Add the dependency:

:dependencies [[com.github.AnyChart/AnyChart-Android "0.0.7"]]


Add this to the build.sbt, at the end of resolvers:

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""

Add the dependency:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.AnyChart" % "AnyChart-Android" % "0.0.7"


Add the JitPack repository to the build file:


Add the dependency:



Add this to the root build.gradle at the end of repositories (WARNING: Make sure you add this under allprojects not under buildscript):

allprojects {
        repositories {
                maven { url '' }

Add the dependency to the project build.gradle:

dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:0.0.7'


Download the latest AAR. Copy AAR file into the libs folder of the application project.

If you are using Android Studio:

  1. Right click on a project and choose "Open Module Settings".
  2. Click the plus button in the top left to add a new module.
  3. Choose "Import .JAR or .AAR Package".
  4. Find the AAR file.
  5. In the app's module click on the dependencies tab and add the new module as a dependency.

Getting Stated using Gradle

You should have already set up the latest Android Studio.

Create a new project and select appropriate API level (AnyChart library for Android compatible with API 15+).

Create new project

Create new project

Select API level

Select API level

Add an empty Activity and put in layout and Activity name.

Add Activity

Create new project

Customize Activity

Select API level

Add the repository to the project build.gradle at the end of repositories (WARNING: Make sure you add it under allprojects, not under the buildscript).

allprojects {
        repositories {
                maven { url '' }

Then add the dependency to the module build.gradle and synchronize project with Gradle.

dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.AnyChart:AnyChart-Android:0.0.7'

Add the repository

Add repository in your root build.gradle

Add the dependency and sync the project

Add the dependency in your project build.gradle and sync project

Add AnyChart view to the Activity layout.


Add a view to a layout

Add repository in your root build.gradle

Add Java code to the Activity. For example, if you want to create pie chart:

Pie pie = AnyChart.pie();

List<DataEntry> data = new ArrayList<>();
data.add(new ValueDataEntry("John", 10000));
data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Jake", 12000));
data.add(new ValueDataEntry("Peter", 18000));

AnyChartView anyChartView = (AnyChartView) findViewById(;

Add Java code

Add repository to the root build.gradle

Make sure you have these package imports at the top of your Activity file.

import com.anychart.anychart.AnyChart;
import com.anychart.anychart.AnyChartView;
import com.anychart.anychart.DataEntry;
import com.anychart.anychart.Pie;
import com.anychart.anychart.ValueDataEntry;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Build and run your app.

Build and run

Build and run

Running App

Running app

Chart Types

AnyChart product family includes scores of chart types and we're constantly adding new ones.

Pie Chart

Pie Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Column Chart

Column Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Line Chart

Line Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Heat Map Chart

Heat Map Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Tree Map Chart

Tree Map Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Scatter Chart

Scatter Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Resource Chart

Resource Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Radar Chart

Radar Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Range Chart

Range Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Vertical Chart

Vertical Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Funnel Chart

Funnel Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Pert Chart

Pert Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Tag Cloud

Tag Cloud - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Polar Chart

Polar Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Pyramid Chart

Pyramid Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Bubble Chart

Bubble Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Area Chart

Area Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Bar Chart

Bar Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Box Chart

Box Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Mosaic Chart

Mosaic Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Mekko Chart

Mekko Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

3D Bar Chart

3D Bar Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

3D Column Chart

3D Column Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

3D Area Chart

3D Area Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Circular Gauge

Circular Gauge Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Pareto Chart

Pareto Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Combined Chart

Combined Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Quadrant Chart

Quadrant Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Hilo Chart

Hilo Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

OHLC Chart

OHLC Chart - AnyChart Sample (APK) / Code Snippet / Documentation

Running Demos

Clone or download the project.

Open Android Studio and import the project.

Import Project

Import project

Run the project.

Run Project

Run project

Select Chart

Select Chart

Running App

Running App




© - JavaScript charts. All rights reserved.


AnyChart Android Charts is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 14+ (Android 4.0) and features dozens of built-in chart types.


Language:Java 100.0%Language:HTML 0.0%