suguru / x-gae-dep

Example of Google App Engine application layout with multiple services and vendor (using dep).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project illustrates usage of tool (and vendoring) in Google App Engine project.

It is created to try approach described at

Tested in the environment as follows:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release:	16.04
Codename:	xenial
$ go version
go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64
$ dep version
 version     : devel
 build date  : 
 git hash    : 
 go version  : go1.9.2
 go compiler : gc
 platform    : linux/amd64
$ goapp version
go version 1.8.3 (appengine-1.9.63) linux/amd64
$ gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 182.0.0
app-engine-python 1.9.63
bq 2.0.27
core 2017.12.01
gsutil 4.28

To use dep and goapp you'll need to setup worksapce (GOPATH, GOROOT, PATH environment variables for current project). Easy way to do it is via source shell command. Fix paths, according to your local directory layout in the ./appengine-env file and use it to setup environment in a new shell.

$ source ./appengine-env
## dep init/ensure/status:
## - default service
$ cd src/def
$ dep ensure
## - service A
$ cd ../a
$ dep ensure
## - service B
$ cd ../b
$ dep ensure
## dep status:
$ dep status
$ dep status -dot | dot -T png | display
## Run app locally:
$ cd ../..
$ goapp version
## Build service (check that it has no compilation errors):
$ goapp build gaedep/def gaedep/a gaedep/b
## Serve all modules:
$ goapp serve ./appengine/def/app.yaml ./appengine/a/a.yaml ./appengine/b/b.yaml
## Deploy app. Note: gcloud tool is currently broken (attempts to deploy vendor dir), goapp works.
## gcloud app deploy --project xgaedep ./appengine/def/app.yaml ./appengine/a/a.yaml ./appengine/b/b.yaml
$ goapp deploy -application xgaedep -version v1 ./appengine/def/app.yaml ./appengine/a/a.yaml ./appengine/b/b.yaml

NOTE: I used goapp tool in the snippet above. Google depricated it, but it still can be found within SDK. In this project's ./appengine-env the path to the SDK platform tools is hardcoded, but if you want to make more portable script, you may try a trick I used in another my project:

# This snippet is from Mac OS X, `greadlink` is a GNU `readlink`,
# installed with `brew install coreutils`.
# On Linux it is just `readlink`. You may create an alias or bash function to unify them.

# find full path to `gcloud` tool, it's used to calculate path to platfrom tools
path_gcloud=$(greadlink -f $(command -v gcloud))

# replace `bin/gcloud` substring with `platform/google_appengine/goroot-1.8`
export GOROOT=${path_gcloud/%bin\/gcloud/platform\/google_appengine\/goroot-1.8}

# add to `$PATH`
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

# use project's root dir as `$GOPATH`
export GOPATH=$(greadlink -f .)

NOTE: gcloud app deploy is currently broken (in regard to vendoring), see the issue. Workaround, suggested in the discussion of the issue, is a bit ugly, but the only option worked for me:

  • move vendor dir(s) from the $GOPATH/src directory (subdirectories in case of multiple modules like in this sample) into temporary dir;
  • setup a trap to move them back after deployment;
  • setup $GOPATH for gcloud app deploy so that it contain temporary dir(s) with vendored dependencies;
  • execute gcloud app deploy, directories should be restored after script finished.

Here is a snippet to illustrate the idea, but for single module (adopted from another my project):

TMP_VENDOR=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/deploy-gopath.XXXX)
mv ./src/gaedep/a/vendor "$TMP_VENDOR"/src
function move_vendor_back() {
    mv "$TMP_VENDOR"/src ./src/gaedep/a/vendor
    rm -rf "$TMP_VENDOR"
trap move_vendor_back EXIT
gcloud app deploy ...

Links to the test app

Useful links


Example of Google App Engine application layout with multiple services and vendor (using dep).

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%