suessspeise / sdiy

schematics and protoboard layouts for synthesizer modules

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This repository contains layouts for proto board adaptions of freely available circuits from Niklas Rönnberg (nor), Nonlinearcircuits (nlc), Skull&Circuits (skull), David Hailant (hailant), Barton Musical Circuits (bmc), Ken Stone (cgs), aiynthesis (aisynth) and myself (invest).

Filter and Resonance

  • cgs30_bandpass, bandpass filter with option to stack for multiband filter
  • nlc_buchlaLPG, Low pass gate
  • skull_vcf-1, vactrol based VCF, works well as a LPG.


  • nlc_triad, dual AR envelope
  • nlc_sloth-basic, chaos oscillator LFO
  • nor_pseudorandom-lfo, mixed suare waves giving pseudorandom CVs
  • hailant_lfo-1.4, basic OpAmp LFO
  • skull_VCA1, cheap and simple transistor based VCA
  • miaw_40106bank, just 6 unipolar LFO square waves
  • nlc_jerkoff, chaotic oscillator LFO


  • nlc_arseq, 4 step sequencer, each step with attack and release

Mixing and Amplification

  • befaco_inamp.svg, added a unity gain mixer
  • befaco_outputv3.svg, headphone and stereo out amplifier
  • bmc054_stereooutput.svg, panning mixer
  • ai008_matrixmixer.svg, in a 32HP 7x5 Matrix version. simple schematics, lots of wiring
  • skull_attenuvert, 4 attenueverters
  • IIIIIIII_nearness.svg, minimal unity gain panning mixer
  • ncs_trannymixer.svg, simple transistor based mixer


  • nor_clock-divider, 4024 based clock divider
  • bmc069_gate2trigger, gives triggers on rising and falling edge
  • nor_trigger2gate, with settable gate length, 555 based
  • bmc079_risefalldetector, generates gates, indicating if an incoming singal is rising or falling
  • invest_555clock-multiple, multiple with a clock source normaled to the input
  • nlc_bools, logic module, logic type interchangable + stepped sequence and slew limiter
  • nlc_diffrect, differential rectifier...
  • skull_multiple, dual 1 to 3 multiple with LED
  • cctv_gates.svg, passive vactrol VCA with switchable lowpass filter
  • karpuz_slew.svg, slew generator


  • nlc_dualneuron, two neurons in one unit (for the sake of using all OpAmps)

Sound Source

  • nor_colourednoise, white, pink, red and blue noise, based on transistor reverse break down
  • nlc_ota-vco, (not working properly)


  • nlc_vactrol-pill, 4046+vactrol
  • nlc_bong0, twin-T with a LED as nonlinear resistor
  • miaw_smurfdrum, passive drum with fart sounds


  • nlc_nulla_delay, simple PT2399 delay
  • nlc_delaynomore.svg, glitchy delay feedback loop
  • rlf_monotropav3.svg, 4 frequency band overdrive distortion


  • invest_eurobus, busboard with cheap 5x7cm proto board
  • invest_little-speaker, just a drill guide rackmounting a speaker i found at a flew market
  • invest_rackdrillguide, a drill guide for rails from


schematics and protoboard layouts for synthesizer modules