Susana Bechara (suelebe)


Geek Repo

Company:Founder SBHR Recruitment & Selection

Location:Buenos Aires



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Susana Bechara's repositories


As a Human Resources Professional, I have become aware that the market is pushing us to assume a more active role to help companies "being digital" and not just "doing digital". I consider myself a HR Professional passionately devoted to talent management and talent acquisition, with a wide experience in IT companies. I thrive in a collaborative workplace and feel comfortable handling cultural challenges. With innovation in mind, I seek to streamline human resources processes and policies, re-thinking new methods and adapting current practices to different environments, using all of the organizational tools to foster changes. I greatly enjoy my work. I believe in the quality of our own actions and that continuous improvement raises the bar and takes people and processes to the next level.
