sudorock / headlessui-reagent

reagent wrappers for @headlessui/react components

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Provides reagent wrappers for @headlessui/react components.


Install as a Clojure dependency. Assuming you run your project with shadow-cljs, @headlessui/react will be installed as a JS dependency. Otherwise, you may have to install it yourself with npm/yarn.

Since v1.4.0.32, headlessui-reagent tracks @headlessui/react's versioning. That is, the first three segments of the version (1.4.0) indicate that this library was built with @headlessui/react version 1.4.0. The last segment (32) distinguishes between releases of this library that were all built with the same version of @headlessui/react.

If for some reason you need an earlier version, v1.2.0 and v1.2.1 were built against @headlessui/react v1.2.0 and earlier releases against v1.0.0.


Usage follows the headlessui API. For example, to use a Disclosure in reagent:

(require '[headlessui-reagent.core :as ui])

  [ui/disclosure-button {:class [:w-full :px-4 :py-2 :text-sm :font-medium :text-purple-900 :bg-purple-100 :rounded-lg]}
  [ui/disclosure-panel {:class [:px-4 :pt-4 :pb-2 :text-sm :text-gray-500]}
    [:p "Some explanation."]]]

Styling the active item

As with @headlessui/react, if the reagent component is given a single function as a child, the function is called with the headlessui component's "render props" (e.g. :open for a Disclosure). The return value of the function, which should be a single (hiccup-style) component, will be rendered.

This can be used to conditionally apply markup or styles based on the component's state.

 (fn [{:keys [open]}]
    [ui/disclosure-button (if open "Hide" "Show")]
    [ui/disclosure-panel ,,,]])]

If you only need to control the classes based on the active state, the :class prop can be a function which will receive the render props:

[ui/disclosure-button {:class (fn [{:keys [open]}]
                                [:border (when open :bg-blue-200)])}
 "Show more"]

Rendering a different element for a component

Many headlessui components accept an "as" prop, which controls how they are rendered into the dom. If the corresponding reagent component is given an :as prop, it can be any hiccup-style component: a string, a keyword or a function which returns hiccup.

If :as is a full-fledged reagent component (i.e. a function which returns hiccup), then that component must accept two arguments, its properties and its children:

(defn panel-ul [props children]
  (into [ props] children))

[ui/disclosure-panel {:as panel-ul}
  [:li "Note this."]
  [:li "This too."]]

The props will contain ARIA attributes, event handlers and other attributes necessary for the :as component to work correctly, so you must use them.

The above example is so simple it would be more easily written as:

[ui/disclosure-panel {:as}
  [:li "Note this."]
  [:li "This too."]]

Or, closest to the headlessui style, as:

[ui/disclosure-panel {:as "ul", :class [:bg-red-500]}
  [:li "Note this."]
  [:li "This too."]]

Picking an item

The Listbox and RadioGroup components are designed to assist in picking an item. In both cases, this is coordinated by having a root element and several child elements. The child elements have a value, to identify themselves. The root element has a value matching the currently selected item and an onChange handler that is called with the value of a different item when it is selected.

In this library, these correspond to the :value and :on-change attributes. However, note that the :value and the argument to :on-change must be JS objects. The library does not provide automatic conversion between JS and CLJS.

This begs the question, how do we use these components when the items are complex CLJS objects? The trick is to ensure that the items each have some unique identifier that can be cast to a number or string (numbers and strings are preferred because they are primitives in both CLJS and JS). We use this unique identifier as the item's :value. When a new item is selected, :on-change will be called with the primitive identifier. At that point, we are back in Clojure code, so we can convert the identifier back into the full item.

In this example, pay attention to how the :id is used as the :value in both the ui/listbox and ui/listbox-option and how it is converted back into a full person in :on-change.

(reagent.core/with-let [people [{:id 1, :name "Wade Cooper"}
                                {:id 2, :name "Arlene Mccoy"}
                                {:id 3, :name "Devon Webb"}
                                {:id 4, :name "Tom Cook"}
                                {:id 5, :name "Tanya Fox"}
                                {:id 6, :name "Hellen Schmidt"}]
                        person-by-id (zipmap (map :id people) people)
                        !selected-person (reagent.core/atom (first people))]
  (let [selected-person @!selected-person]
     {:value     (:id selected-person)
      :on-change #(reset! !selected-person (get person-by-id %1))}
     [ui/listbox-button (:name selected-person)]
      (for [person people]
        ^{:key (:id person)}
         {:value (:id person)}
         (:name person)])]]))

Known bugs

There are some known limitations to the interop between reagent and headlessui. Bug fixes welcome!

Reagent components and render props

When using the render props style (passing a function as the only argument to a component), if headlessui needs to pass props (ARIA attributes, event handlers, etc.) to the returned component, which it often does, the component must be a hiccup keyword, not a reagent component function:

;; DON'T do this
(defn my-component [{:keys [active]} copy]
  [:a.block {:href "#" :class (when active :bg-blue-500)} copy])

  (fn [props]
    [my-component props "A menu item"])]

;; Instead, do this
  (fn [{:keys [active]}]
    [:a.block {:href "#" :class (when active :bg-blue-500)} "A menu item"])]

This can be annoying, but is necessary because headlessui can't seem to forward props to reagent component function elements in the same way that it can for hiccup keywords.

Rendering children directly

In some cases where headlessui would usually render a wrapper element, it permits rendering the children directly instead, by passing React.Fragment as "as". This is not supported because headlessui and reagent fail to convey props between them.

;; DON'T do this
[ui/menu-button {:as :<>}
  [:button.block {:type "button"} "Open"]]


Copyright © 2021 Jacob Maine

Distributed under the MIT License.


reagent wrappers for @headlessui/react components

License:MIT License


Language:Clojure 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%