sudkumar / laravel-renderable-issue

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CAUTION while passing renderables to Blade View/Components

In Laravel Blade, if we pass renderables as Data/Prop to Views/Components, the renderables (e.g. E-Mails) will get rendered during data passing. This is the expected behaviour as mostly we would be rendering the renderables.

But sometimes, you may face some issues. I am working with money package, which allows to render money as simple as {{ $money }} as it is implementing the Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable. Now suppose you have a component that expects a money prop and does something with it (calls some methods on the Money instance) before rendering it.

// inside your component

  <span>{{ $money }}</span>

But when we render this component inside our view and pass a money prop (renderable Money) to it, this prop will get transformed (rendered) to string before your component receives it! And that will throw an exception.

// inside your main view
<x-money :money="new \Money(100, 'USD')" />

This is a reproduction repo to see it in action.


Checkout the Test File for more info.

git clone <repo> && cd <dir>
composer i
php artisan test



Language:PHP 98.2%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Blade 0.0%