sudheerpal / Git_Commands

A list of command which are used very often.

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Git_Commands version 2

A list of command which are used very often.

Git Clone

git clone http://repo-url

Git Configuation

git config --global 'Sudheer Pal'

git config --global '' ('local' can be used in place of 'global' in case your want local git configuration)

Git Initiate

git init (it initiate git inside project)

Git Add Files

git add -A (stages All files incluing new, modified and deleted)

git add . (stages new and modified, without deleted)

git add -u (stages modified and deleted, without new)

git add fileName (in case you want to add a single file only)

git add *.html (this will add all html file)

Git Remove Files

git rm --cached fileName

Git Commit

git commit -m 'your comment'

Git Status

git status (all files should be in green, if not then add using below command)

Git Adding remote repository

git remote add origin (adding for first time)

git remote get-url origin (checking current remote URL)

git remote set-url origin (to set/change git remote to different URL)

Git Push

git push -u origin master (for the first time, when publishing code to remote repo) git push (can be used later)

Git Pull

git pull (to pull any chnages from remote origin)

Git Stash

git stash (making a backup of your changes, before pulling)

git stash apply (apply the changes, after new git pull)

git stash drop (discarding the changes, after new git pull)

Git Branching

git branch branchName (creates a new branch)

git checkout branchName (moves index to new branch)

git merge branchName (its merges a branch to master branch, IMP. please make sure, you checkout to master branch before merging.)


A list of command which are used very often.