subos2008 / worthy

Golang net worth tracker with FI model. stonks. Upstream moved

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My net worth tracker in Go.

worthy tracks all your based on a YAML configuration file, prints their value and logs everything in a JSON file.

Its main file is in worthy/worthy.go.

Nobody in their right mind should use random scripts from the internet for financial stuff. I'm not responsible if it eats your cat... or stonks.

Have fun.

License is GPL 2.


worthy can get assets in your portfolio from several sources:

  • Coinbase,
  • Interactive Brokers,
  • numbers hardcoded in the configuration file (in case the institution has no API).


Converting various assets into a common currency is handled by getting current exchange rates from various converters:

  • Coinbase (for cryptocurrencies),
  • Alpha Vantage (for stonks, but can also handle some cryptocurrencies),
  • CurrencyLayer (for currencies).


go build


With -command=snapshot or no value of -command, worthy takes a snapshot of current assets in all sources, conversion rates from converters, and saves it into a configured directory. Then it prints its financial independence model based on the result.

With -command=modellastsnapshot, worthy loads the last snapshot and prints out a financial independence model based on it, without loading any fresh data from the internet. (It's useful if you don't have internet, or are tinkering with the modelling algorithm and want to rerun it without the slow network stuff.)

With -command=csv, worthy reads all historical snapshots and dumps the history of the net value of your assets into a CSV file in a predefined location. You can use worthy/worthy/plot-net-worth.gnuplot to plot this data as a beautiful graph.


Drop a configuration file like this in ~/.config/worthy/config.yaml:

                name: "Bank 1"
                # If the bank is not integrated in Worthy, hardcode the numbers
                # here and update them manually from time to time.
                type: hardcoded
                                currency: USD
                                amount: 12345.67
                name: "Bank 2"
                type: hardcoded
                                currency: CZK
                                amount: 999999
                name: "Employee stonks"
                # You can also hardcode a "source" that contains stonks,
                # not currency.
                type: hardcoded
                                stock: GOOG
                                amount: 37.047
                name: "My Interactive Brokers account"
                # Get up-to-date stonks at runtime from Interactive Brokers,
                # instead of hardcoding.
                type: ibdock
                username: your_ib_username
                password: your_ib_password
                name: "Coinbase"
                # Get up-to-date Coinbase account balances.
                type: coinbase
                # Make sure to use a read-only Coinbase API key!
                api_key: coinbase_api_key
                api_secret: coinbase_secret
                type: currencylayer
                cache_path: "/tmp/currency_layer_cache.json"
                api_key: currencylayer_api_key
                type: alphavantage
                cache_path: "/tmp/alpha_vantage_cache.json"
                api_key: alphavantage_api_key
                type: coinbase
                api_key: coinbase_api_key
                api_secret: coinbase_secret

# Your assets will be converted into one common currency for display.
common_currency: GEL

# On each run of worthy in snapshot mode (-command not specified or
# "snapshot"), a JSON file with the current assets in all sources and
# conversions from converters will be dumped here.
dated_json_output: "~/worthy-snapshots/%s.json"

# With -command=csv, worthy will convert the JSON snapshots (see above) into
# a historical CSV that you can plot. It will be saved here.
csv_output: "~/dropbox/finance/worthy.csv"

# Used for FIRE (financial independence/early retirement) modelling.
        # Specifies how much you are saving up monthly, and in what currency.
                currency: CHF
                amount: 10
        # Specifies yearly yields to model.
        yearly_yields: [0.03, 0.06]
        # Specifies montly spending targets to model.
                        currency: CZK
                        amount: 10000
                        currency: USD
                        amount: 100


  • Make a read-only Coinbase API key.

TODO(prvak): It would be nice to also be able to get exchange rates from Interactive Brokers.

TODO(prvak): If I want to run out of money exactly on day X (e.g., 2090-01-01), how much longer should I gather money?

TODO(prvak): Store everything in JSON file in deterministic order.

Some useful stuff

for f in *json; do
	ecoh -n $f ' '
	printf "%d\n" $(jq '.["Total"]["Amount"]' $f)


Golang net worth tracker with FI model. stonks. Upstream moved



Language:Go 99.6%Language:Gnuplot 0.4%