subframe7536 / electron-incremental-update

electron incremental update tools with vite plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Electron Incremental Updater

This project is based on vite-plugin-electron, provide a plugin that build on top of ElectronSimple, an Updater class and some useful utils for Electron.

There will be two asar in production, app.asar and ${name}.asar (, also as the name field in package.json).

The app.asar is used to load ${name}.asar and initialize the Updater.

The new ${name}.asar, which can download from remote or load from buffer, will be verified by Updater using presigned RSA + Signature. While passing the check and restart, the old ${name}.asar will be replaced by the new one. Hooks like beforeDoUpdate are provided.

All native modules should be packaged into app.asar to reduce ${name}.asar file size, see usage

no vite-plugin-electron-renderer config

  • inspired by Obsidian's upgrade strategy



npm install -D vite-plugin-electron electron-incremental-update


yarn add -D vite-plugin-electron electron-incremental-update


pnpm add -D vite-plugin-electron electron-incremental-update

Getting started

Project structure

base on electron-vite-vue

├── entry.ts // <- entry file
├── main
│   └── index.ts
├── preload
│   └── index.ts
└── native // possible native modules
    └── index.ts
└── ...

Setup entry

in electron/entry.ts

import { initApp } from 'electron-incremental-update'
import { parseGithubCdnURL } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'
import { repository } from '../package.json'

const SIGNATURE_CERT = '' // auto generate certificate when start app

initApp({ onStart: console.log })
    // repository,
    // updateJsonURL: parseGithubCdnURL(repository, 'https://your.cdn.url/', 'version.json'),
    // releaseAsarURL: parseGithubCdnURL(repository, 'https://your.cdn.url/', `download/latest/${name}.asar.gz`),
    // receiveBeta: true

Setup vite.config.ts

All options are documented with JSDoc

  • cert will read from process.env.UPDATER_CERT first, if absend, read config
  • privatekey will read from process.env.UPDATER_PK first, if absend, read config

in vite.config.mts

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { debugStartup, electronWithUpdater } from 'electron-incremental-update/vite'
import pkg from './package.json'

export default defineConfig(async ({ command }) => {
  const isBuild = command === 'build'
  return {
    plugins: [
        logParsedOptions: true,
        main: {
          files: ['./electron/main/index.ts', './electron/main/worker.ts'],
          // see
          onstart: debugStartup,
        preload: {
          files: './electron/preload/index.ts',
        updater: {
          // options
    server: process.env.VSCODE_DEBUG && (() => {
      const url = new URL(pkg.debug.env.VITE_DEV_SERVER_URL)
      return {
        host: url.hostname,
        port: +url.port,

Modify package.json

  "main": "dist-entry/entry.js" // <- entry file path

Config electron-builder

const { name } = require('./package.json')

const targetFile = `${name}.asar`
 * @type {import('electron-builder').Configuration}
module.exports = {
  appId: 'YourAppID',
  productName: name,
  files: [
    // entry files
  npmRebuild: false,
  asarUnpack: [
  directories: {
    output: 'release',
  extraResources: [
    { from: `release/${targetFile}`, to: targetFile }, // <- asar file
  // disable publish
  publish: null,


use in main process

To use electron's net module for updating, the checkUpdate and download functions must be called after the app is ready by default.

However, you have the option to customize the download function when creating the updater.

NOTE: There should only one function and should be default export in the entry file

in electron/main/index.ts

import { startupWithUpdater } from 'electron-incremental-update'
import { getPathFromAppNameAsar, getVersions } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'
import { app } from 'electron'

export default startupWithUpdater((updater) => {
  await app.whenReady()

  const { appVersion, electronVersion, entryVersion } = getVersions()
  console.log(`${}.asar path`, getPathFromAppNameAsar())
  console.log('app version:', appVersion)
  console.log('entry (installer) version', entryVersion)
  console.log('electron version', electronVersion)

  updater.onDownloading = ({ percent }) => {
  updater.logger = console
  updater.checkUpdate().then(async (result) => {
    if (result === undefined) {
      console.log('Update Unavailable')
    } else if (result instanceof Error) {
    } else {
      console.log('new version: ', result.version)
      const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox({
        type: 'info',
        buttons: ['Download', 'Later'],
        message: 'Application update available!',
      if (response !== 0) {
      const downloadResult = await
      if (downloadResult) {

use native modules

All the native modules should be set as dependency in package.json. electron-rebuild only check dependencies inside dependency field.

If you are using electron-builder to build distributions, all the native modules with its large relavent node_modiles will be packaged into app.asar by default. You can setup nativeModuleEntryMap option to prebundle all the native modules and skip bundled by electron-builder

in vite.config.ts

const plugin = electronWithUpdater({
  // options...
  updater: {
    entry: {
      nativeModuleEntryMap: {
        db: './electron/native/db.ts',
      postBuild: async ({ existsAndCopyToEntryOutputDir }) => {
        // for better-sqlite3
          from: './node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node',
          skipIfExist: false,
        // for @napi-rs/image
        const startStr = '@napi-rs+image-'
        const fileName = (await readdir('./node_modules/.pnpm')).filter(p => p.startsWith(startStr))[0]
        const archName = fileName.substring(startStr.length).split('@')[0]
          from: `./node_modules/.pnpm/${fileName}/node_modules/@napi-rs/image-${archName}/image.${archName}.node`,

in electron/native/db.ts

import Database from 'better-sqlite3'
import { getPaths } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'

const db = new Database(':memory:', { nativeBinding: getPaths().getPathFromEntryAsar('better_sqlite3.node') })

export function test() {
    'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees; '
    + 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (name TEXT, salary INTEGER)',

  db.prepare('INSERT INTO employees VALUES (:n, :s)').run({
    n: 'James',
    s: 5000,

  const r = db.prepare('SELECT * from employees').all()
  // [ { name: 'James', salary: 50000 } ]


in electron/main/service.ts

import { loadNativeModuleFromEntry } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'

const requireNative = loadNativeModuleFromEntry()

requireNative<typeof import('../native/db')>('db').test()

in electron-builder.config.js

module.exports = {
  files: [
    // exclude better-sqlite3 from electron-builder
    // exclude @napi-rs/image from electron-builder




electron incremental update tools with vite plugin

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.0%Language:JavaScript 3.0%