subdigital / stimulus-multi-select

A stimulus controller to turn an HTML select element to a type-ahead search and select. Work in progress.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a work-in-progress library that uses Stimulus to turn a <select> element into a type-ahead multiple selection component. I created this to replace some older libraries that I was using that had jQuery and/or bootstrap dependencies.

This library is intended to work well with Tailwind CSS, but ultimately you are in control of the styling.


  • stimulus 2.0


  • Type to filter items
  • Keyboard support (up/down, enter to select, escape to close)
  • Click to remove selected items
  • Backed by a hidden HTML select tag
  • (optionally) create new items


How to use

Add the package to your package.json:

yarn add stimulus-multi-select

Register the controller:

// wherever you are setting up your Stimulus controllers, i.e. application.js
import { Application } from "stimulus"
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers"
import MultiSelectController from "stimulus-multi-select"

const application = Application.start()

// you probably have something like this where you register controllers automatically
const context = require.context('../controllers', true, /\.js$/)

// add this to register it manually
application.register("multi-select", MultiSelectController)

You can also create your own file in controllers and register it automatically, for instance if youw ant to subclass and override some behavior.

Attach the controller to an element. It requires some structure to be present:

      <div data-multi-select-target="field" class="field">
        <div data-multi-select-target="activeItems">
            <span class="item--active">
              <span>ITEM TEXT WILL GO HERE</span>
                <svg class="w-3 h-3 text-white" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12"></path></svg>
        <input data-multi-select-target="input" type="text">
      <select multiple data-multi-select-target="select">
        <option selected value="superman">Superman</option>
        <option value="spider">Spider-Man</option>
        <option value="batman">Batman</option>
        <option selected value="iron-man">Iron Man</option>
        <option value="wonder-woman">Wonder Woman</option>
        <option value="the flash">The Flash</option>
        <option value="storm">Storm</option>
      <ul class="hidden multi-select-results" data-multi-select-target="results">

Some important things to note

  • the <template> is not required but recommended to represent the selected items. Otherwise the library will generate a simple <span> for you but will be more difficult to style.
  • The <select> tag is where you'll add your source data and any initial selections. A blank row is required. All other rows are expected to have a value or they will be ignored when filtering.
  • This library relies on toggling a hidden CSS class to control visibility. If you're already using Tailwind CSS this will just work. If not you'll need to define this somewhere:
.hidden { display: none; }

Controlling the page size

By default the results will be limited to 10 results, with a "More..." item that will bring in more results. You can customize this with the data-multi-select-max-results-value and pass a different number.

Things not done

This controller is probably lacking in accessibility. PRs welcome.

To edit locally and make changes

This utilizes webpack-dev-server to bundle and live-reload an example playground. To run it:

npm run playground


  • data-multi-select-result-class - a list of classes that will be applied to the <li> results
  • data-multi-select-result-selected-class - a list of classes that will be applied to <li> results that are selected via keyboard. Recommended to add similar hover styles to the above class to match.
  • data-multi-select-item-active-class - This is only used if you are not using the <template> to define the selected item look. This class will be applied to the generated <span> tag.
  • data-multi-select-allow-duplicates-value - (default "false") - Set this to true to allow the same option to be selected multiple times.
  • data-multi-select-allow-creating-new-entries-value - (default "false") - Set this to true to allow creating arbitrary entries.


I'm admittedly not well versed in creating javascript packages. If you have ideas for improvement, feel free to open a PR.


This library is released under the MIT license.


A stimulus controller to turn an HTML select element to a type-ahead search and select. Work in progress.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 72.1%Language:HTML 27.9%