stylelint / .github

Stylelint org-wide GitHub settings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Stylelint org-wide GitHub settings.

Syncing labels

You can sync our common labels to a new repository using github-label-sync:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run npx github-label-sync --access-token xxxx stylelint/<repo-name>.

Reusable workflows

The following reusable workflows for GitHub Actions allow us to set up CI settings easily:


    uses: stylelint/.github/.github/workflows/lint.yml@main
    # Specify values different from the defaults.
    # with:
    #   node-version: 18
    #   os: macos-latest

    uses: stylelint/.github/.github/workflows/test.yml@main
    # Specify values different from the defaults. Need to pass a JSON string.
    # with:
    #   node-version: '["16", "18"]'
    #   os: '["ubuntu-latest", "windows-latest"]'
    #   exclude: '[{"node-version": "16", "os": "windows-latest"}]'
    #   test-options: '--foo --bar'


Stylelint org-wide GitHub settings

License:MIT License