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Implementing Lean Software Development Notes

Stuart Grigg 2019

These are my notes on Implementing Lean Software Development by Mary and Tom Poppendieck The notes are ordered as they were taken from the book.

Note Page Reference
Empirical design - start with a concept not a full product definition and iterate
Have an early release of a minimum feature set to customers
Avoid analysis paralysis
Eisenhower - planning is essential but plans are useless
A lean organisation optimizes the whole value stream from a customer order to deployed software addressing the need 39
Use higher level measurements to prevent neglecting things and local optimisation
Understand the value stream timeline from concept to cash
Release a feature before it is fully refined 45
Have a mind-meld between business and tech
Seven wastes - Partially Done Work, Extra Features, Relearning, Handoffs, Task Switching, Delays, Defects 74
Have some developers who can drop work to deal with issues/urgent requests 87, 88
Process cycle efficiency = Value-added time / Cycle time
The recommendation to a team who's backlog is the biggest time waste in their value stream is to purge the backlog of features 90
Have customer support in development teams and backlog grooming 98
Have maximum six month project sizes 99
Reduce cycle time with: even arrival of work, minimum amount WIP, minimum size of WIP, regular cadence, limiting work to capacity, pull scheduling 103
Keep the backlog to two iterations worth of work 105
Everybody's job is nobody's job
When multiple people/teams are working on the same thing have regular synchronization events
Lava lamps for monitoring
Don't let iterations just be waterfall in timeboxed increments
One week hackathons 152
Focus everyone on the biggest problem
Find the critical problem that is stopping you making money 153
Reports on a study, design of an MVP or an incident investigation should fit on an A3 sheet and be stuck up to preserve and share knowledge
Set based design - to deal with very critical deadlines, build three versions of the product to different standards to ensure that at least one will be done by the deadline - developing multiple options is less waste than missing critical deadlines 160
Stop the line the minute a defect is detected
Strangle legacy code by slowly replacing it with new code
Story about a team with a big backlog - the solution was to cull features heavily, propose alternatives to users rather than add to the backlog and keep the backlog at around four iterations of work 169 to 172
Apply the scientific method in retros - define, analyse, hypothesis, experiments, verify, follow-up/standardise 169
Kaizan event - a small special team to solve a problem over a few days
Succinct product roadmap rather than a long queue of things to do 185
Stories should contain sample tests
Aggressively avoid a backlog of code for review - pair programming can avoid this 195
CI should be fast and painless
Maximise the amount of full system synchronizations
Everyone should faithfully stop to fix problems as soon as they are detected
Set days aside to analyse the system and make key decisions and plan 204
Eliminate barriers that rob people of their right to pride in workmanship 210
Have concise readable code committed into the system in very small pieces
Nobody really tells open source developers what to do
Over the wall communication seldom works well - rotate people between development and customer facing teams
Four questions - How do you create value and make a profit?, What is you main problem right now?, What threatens your continued existence? What do you really believe about people? 223
Companies should base decisions on a long range vision 227
Better to enhance the workers rather than replace them with tech as this ensures the process still has the capability to change 228
Standardise the process to have something to question and change 229
Lean prefers team leaders to process leaders 230
A constraint of projects is that estimates become commitments - this leads to overestimates and an inefficient use of time as people will use all the time they have estimated - better to not commit or overestimate and instead have buffer time for the whole project - critical chain theory 232
Focus our creative efforts on breaking dependencies 233
Be alert to accommodations you have made for constraints which are no longer present - eg. having to define the cost, scope and schedule of a project upfront even when the funding does not have to be gained upfront
Retrospectives can just produce the same long list of ideas which become someone else problem - try out techniques and implement those that work yourself 237
Reduce the number of measurements and just measure cycle time, financial results and customer satisfaction 238
Measure not the fastest cycle time but a repeatable cycle time
The development team should understand the profit and loss model for the product 240
Calculate the net promoter score for the product 241
Abolish the notion that is is good practice to start development with a complete specification - do concurrent development and specification
The last section of the book provide a how to guide for implementing "lean" including some of what's above 242
