strubell / curriculum

Competence-based Curriculum Learning

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Competence-based Curriculum Learning

This repository provides code for computing the sentence scores used for the curriculum learning method presented in Competence-based Curriculum Learning for Neural Machine Translation.

A simple command-line interface is provided that uses a default setup. Let us assume there is a folder called example which contains text files where each line corresponds to a sentence that has already been tokenized (and tokens are separated by spaces). Then, the following command can be used to compute difficulty scores for these sentences (this command can actually be run from the root folder of this repository as there is a provided example directory):

sbt "run example sentence-rarity"

The sentence-rarity option specifies which scoring function to use. Valid options are:

  • sentence-length
  • sentence-rarity
  • sentence-rarity-product-pooling
  • sentence-rarity-min-pooling
  • sentence-rarity-max-pooling
  • sentence-rarity-mean-pooling

The above command will create two directories inside the provided directory (i.e., example):

  • sentence-scores: Contains sentence-level scores for each file in example (note that the example directory is not explored recursively). These are all sentence-level scores that were computed while computing the final CDF scores specified in the paper. The CDF scores are stored in files whose name ends with .histogram.cdf.score and each line correponds to a sentence in the corresponding file in example.
  • summary-scores: Contains all summary scores that were computed while computing the final CDF scores specified in the paper. Each summary score can have its own format but typically you would see one score file containing word counts over all text files and one containing a serialized form of a histogram over these counts. You should not generally need to use any of these files directly. The code provides more functionality than the command-line interface and it is generally easy to walk through. The main entrypoint for computing scores is the Score.compute function in the Score.scala file.


Competence-based Curriculum Learning


Language:Scala 100.0%