💚 ezeCBT ️💚
ezeCBT is a CBT, GPL-licensed, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) app built in React Native.
Some amazing folks have helped build this app that you see today.
- ... for the amazing German translation
Running Locally
ezeCBT is built on React Native and therefore assumes you have node installed. Yarn is preferred over NPM as a package manager.
# clone the project and cd into it
git clone https://github.com/smashappz/ezecbt_os && cd ./ezecbt_os
# install dependencies
# start development environment
sh run
# reset the cache if you're having problems
sh reset
Can I help?
Of course!
If you like the app, go give it 5 stars! It helps more people find the app.
If you're a mental health professional, audit the descriptions of the cognitive distortions. If you have suggestions, let me know and we'll change stuff!
If you know a language other than English, help us translate the app!
ezeCBT is licensed under the GPL, which guarantees end users the freedom to study, share, and modify the software.
Note that this license does not give free reign to redistribute the name and branding of ezeCBT. So if you'd like to publish your own version, please rename it to avoid end-user confusion.