strinking / PySO

A small python module that helps you search Stack Overflow (using python)!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small python module that helps you search Stack Overflow!


  • asyncio (allows for asynchronous operation)
  • asynciohttp (for async HTTP requests)
  • ujson (for JSON parsing)


To set up PySO please open and log in with your stack overflow account. Authorize the app and once it's done you should see a token appear in your url bar. Copy this to the access_token field. You should now be ready to go!


Call Search(someSearchStringHere) to search Stack Overflow using PySO. someSearchStringHere can be any string you wish to search Stack Overflow for. It'll return the best answer to the best question with an accepted answer.


A small python module that helps you search Stack Overflow (using python)!

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%