strikles / cfr_plus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

------------------------------ COMPILING ------------------------------
Assuming you have mpich2 MPI and the Intel compiler installed, you
should be able to just run 'make' to generate the CFR+ solver.

If you wish to use gcc, edit the makefile to use gcc/g++ and the
associated options.  Note that depending on the gcc version, you may
have to edit/remove some of the gcc flags.  We also found that gcc
produced a noticeably slower executable.

We used mpich2 for our CFR+ runs, and you should almost certainly do
the same, even if your cluster already has a local installation of
some other MPI implementation with fancy fast network support.  Why?
CFR+ uses relatively low network bandwidth so the fancy network
support is all but wasted.  Even more importantly, all other MPI
implementations we tested either interacted poorly with
threads+semaphores (from a large decrease in speed, to actual broken
behaviour of sem_post/sem_wait) and/or did not support
MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE forcing us to use even more bad/broken IPC to
cover that lack of support.

------------------------------ RUNNING ------------------------------
Assuming you have a 200 node cluster and want to re-create the limit
Texas Hold'em results, here's an example of the command needed.

  mpiexec -n 200 ./cfr split=2 threads=24 scratch=/ltmp/yourname/ scratchpool=36 regretscaling=3,0.5 regretscaling=4,0.5 avgscaling=3,1 avgscaling=4,1 mpi iters=2000 warmup=100 networkcopies=42 maxtime=4:16:00:00 dump=/home/yourname/cfrplus_scratch/ resume=/home/yourname/cfrplus_scratch/cfr.split-2.iter-1381.warm-100

We ran for a short period of time due to job limits on a multi-user
cluster, with at least one recent checkpoint.  We required space for
three copies of the data: the most recent valid checkpoint (on a
shared network drive), the working data (on the local drives of each
node), and a new checkpoint that is dumped when the job finishes.

Breaking the command down, we use mpiexec to start the job on the 200
nodes specified by the cluster scheduler.
 We want CFR+ to use the game of limit Texas Hold'em.

 The trunk is the first two rounds.

 Each node has multiple compute cores, and we want to use all of them.

 Keep the working regrets and strategy for each node on disk.  This should
 be a local drive, because there will be a large amount of I/O on each node
 for the entire duration of the job.

 Maximum number of pending requests to decompress a subgame from disk.
 Should be larger than the number of threads per node.

regretscaling=3,0.5 regretscaling=4,0.5
 During computation, regrets are double floating point values, but they
 are truncated as lrint( regret * regretscaling[ round ] ).  In the first
 two rounds, we use the default value of 16.

 Note that regret values are expected numbers of chips, and the size
 of the regretscaling parameter should match this.  For example, if
 the game was scaled up by a factor of 10 so the blinds were 50/100,
 the regrescaling parameters would be scaled up by a factor of 10 as
 well to 160/160/5/5

avgscaling=3,1 avgscaling=4,1
 During computation, strategy probabilities are double floating point values,
 but they are truncated as lrint( prob * weight * avgscaling[ round ] )
 where weight is max( 0, iteration number - number of warmup iterations ).
 In the first two rounds, we use the default value of 16.

 Let CFR+ know that we're using MPI for this run.  Otherwise, the mpiexec
 command would be starting up 200 independent copies which are all trying
 to solve the entire game by themselves.

 Maximum number of iterations to run.  CFR+ will stop early if the target
 exploitability of the average strategy is reached (1.0mBB/hand by default.)

 Start updating the average strategy after 100 iterations.  This will
 often take slightly more iterations to reach a target exploitability
 for the average strategy, but will require significantly less memory
 if we are compressing the subgames.

 Maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously copying files from/to
 the dump/resume checkpoint.  At startup, the subgames in the resume
 checkpoint are copied to the scratch directory of the appropriate nodes,
 and at completion the working files in the scratch directories of each
 node are copied to the dump directory.  On the cluster we used, there
 was much more bandwidth available on the network+shared drive than a
 single local drive (so we don't want to do the copy one node at a time)
 but not enough to do all nodes at once.  This parameter will need to
 be tuned to your particular cluster.

 After finishing an iteration, if we have been running for 4 days and 16 hours
 then we dump a checkpoint and quit.  If your cluster has a job time limit
 of X hours, you will need to set this to X - iteration_time - dump_time.

 When the run is finished (for whatever reason) save the regrets and
 average strategy in /home/yourname/cfrplus_scratch.  This must be a
 network drive which is accessible to all computation nodes.  If 1270
 iterations have been completed (including iterations from previous runs)
 then the files will be placed in a directory named something like

 At startup, use the saved regrets and average strategy from the
 specified directory.  When using the 'scratch' argument, the files
 are copied to the local drive, otherwise they are loaded into memory.
 The 'resume' argument also parses the directory name to extract the
 number of iterations that have been completed, the number of rounds
 in the trunk, and the number of warmup iterations that were used.
 On the first run, skip this argument: there's nothing to resume from yet!




Language:C 89.5%Language:C++ 9.4%Language:Makefile 1.1%