This repository contains a curated collection of awesome software things related to the SPIFFE and SPIRE projects. It is broken down into sections, each describing a different type of awesome thing (e.g. SPIRE plugins, SPIFFE issuers, etc).
This curation is maintained by the SPIFFE project with help from the community. If you know of something awesome that is not listed here, please send a PR!
This section captures projects that are capable of issuing SPIFFE identities to workloads (but do not necessarily implement the SPIFFE Workload API to do so).
- Vault
- Consul
- Istio
- Kong
- Dapr
- Athenz
This section captures projects that are capable of using SVIDs to identify themselves and their peers (i.e. they support SPIFFE authentication). If a piece of software is listed in the SPIFFE Issuers
section, then it is implied that it is SPIFFE-aware.
- Envoy
- gRPC
- Ghostunnel
- Knox
- Keywhiz
This section captures the list of software/platforms that SPIRE integrates with, either via built-in support or via discrete supporting components.
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Envoy
- Azure
This section captures community-supported SPIRE plugins.
- TPM Node Attestor