This SSIS Catalog DB Dashboard aims to show the progress, performance an problems with any SSIS projects running on your server. It collects data from a number of the key tables/views in the SSIS Catalog DB as well as current running jobs from msdb.
I bring in and summarise the data is at a variety of levels
- Execution (Execution & Execution Summary)
- The Package that is Executed First which I've named RootPackageName. This includes the Project & Folder
- Package (Executable Package Stats)
- Package Summary. I group Packages by Types e.g. Master/Dimension/Fact/Stage/PostProcess. You can customised these in the PackageTypes Table. Click Advanced Editor to change it.
- Executable (Executable Stats)
- Items inside the Package e.g. Tasks/Data Flows/Containers. I also call this level Package Steps
Data is also shown for Currently Running Packages and SQL jobs. You can refresh this individually to get quick updates. This dashboard also provides details of any package errors and maps them to the Microsoft IS Error Reference Names. Individual Executions can be viewed as a text based Gantt chart or as a matrix of executions by time slices. I also extract row counts from the SSIS data flow messages to complement the duration based dashboards Finally I extracted the Hierarchy from the execution paths to make a Network diagram and Sankey to visualise the structure and levels in an SSIS project/
I've tried to keep the custom visuals to a minimum but I have used Sankey/Network Navigator as well as the OKViz Bullet and Sparklines. The PowerBI is blank with that needs the server parameter setting to your SSIS db server before applying the changes and granting permissions.
v1.3 -Improved query on Executions and Executables
- Added Include fields for the Package types to configure the Master & Package Page filtering. Edit PackageTypesUse Query to configure.
- Changed Package filters
- Add Date, Start, Execution ID Hierarchy to the Master and Package Pages
- Added Preserve Layers Bookmark to help avoid window coming to the front
- Remove Optional Job Server Code
- Add Icon Ribbon and Help Page.
- Minor Fixes
Forum Post
Templates for the package can can be found here.
Thanks to the providers of the following pages that I've used to help in the making of this dashboard. Chris Schmidt Ken Puls
Star Ratings Quick Measure Chris Webb Jamie Thomson
Lots of Dax help and great OK Vis PowerBI Visualisations
SSIS Catalog DB
Reza Rad's Article on the SSIS Catalog;-Folder,-Projec... DB Diagram
SSIS Error Codes