strangelights / bookmarklet

A lightweight script for identifying forms on a website.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Connected Sites / MailChimp Form Bookmarklet v1.6

ScriptChecker Bookmarklet is a utility that exposes any MailChimp-specific technologies used on websites.

It detects Connected Sites "mcjs" code, popup forms, embededd forms, and clears cookies for the local page it is executed on.

Save the script code as a browser bookmark. In Chrome, ⌥ (Option) + ⌘ (Command) + B to create a new bookmark.


	 1.6 - Added hashed UID callout
	 1.5 - Added ability to clear browser cookies for current page
	 1.4 - Added MC popup form search utility
	 1.3 - Added MC embed form search utility
	 1.2 - General script improvements
	 1.1 - MCJS Utility search improvments
	 1.0 - Added MCJS script search utility


A lightweight script for identifying forms on a website.


Language:JavaScript 63.8%Language:HTML 36.2%