stolksdorf / generator-factorio

a yeoman generator for making mods in Factorio using FAD

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Yeoman generator for building mods for Factorio


npm install -g yo generator-factorio



yo factorio

This will create a new mod for you. It needs the mod name, description, starting version, author, and if you'd like to use FAD. It then creates a properly name mod folder for you (eg. TestMod_0.0.0) and creates the following files

  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/data.lua
  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/info.json
  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/locale/en/[Mod Name].cfg
  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/config.lua
  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/
  • creates [Mod Name]_[version]/control.lua


yo factorio:add

Adds a new 'object' to your mod; entity, technology, item and/or recipe. Creates the prototype, as well as updates your locale cfg with translations. If you are creating a new entity, you can select what kind of entity to base it off of and it will use the correct entity prototype as well as move in any relevant images.

  • creates [Obj Name]/prototype.lua
  • creates [Obj Name]/img/*
  • creates [Obj Name]/schematic.lua (if entity)
  • modifies control.lua (if entity)
  • modifies data.lua
  • modifies locale/en/[Mod Name].cfg


yo factorio:release [version]

This creates a new zipped release of your mod and adds it to the /releases folder. If you provide a version number it wil update your mod's info.json version and then do a new release with that number. Otherwise it will just use the version in the info.json

  • creates /releases/[Mod Name]_[version].zip
  • modifies info.json (if version provided)

Note : This will not change your development directory name. You will have to do that manually if you are testing locally.


yo factorio:updateFAD

Grabs the newest version of FAD from Github and installs it into your /FAD of your mod

  • modifies FAD/*


1.3.0 - Sunday, 25/10/2015

  • Default generator now asks for a starting version of your mod
  • Default generator creates a properly named mod folder for you
  • Entity choices for the add generator are now read in dynamically
  • Added better defaults to questions with required answers
  • Updated the documentation

1.2.0 - Saturday, 24/10/2015

  • Now grabs a fresh version of FAD each time, instead of cached

1.1.0 - Friday, 23/10/2015

  • Updated to work with the newest version of FAD since the 0.12.11 update


a yeoman generator for making mods in Factorio using FAD


Language:JavaScript 53.5%Language:Lua 46.5%