Additional support for Slack.NetStandard apps running Socket Mode
var socketMode = new SocketModeClient(); //Can pass in your own ClientWebSocket instance
await socketMode.ConnectAsync(appToken); //Can use an existing SlackWebApiClient
await foreach (var envelope in client.EnvelopeAsyncEnumerable(token))
Console.WriteLine("processing envelope " + envelope.EnvelopeId);
if (envelope.Payload is SlashCommand) //for example
//your logic here
Hello and Disconnect messages are automatically handled by the SocketModeClient
messages are sent "hello" in response
closes the ClientWebSocket.
If there is a valid SlackWebApiClient, or the class was able to create one from an app token, then the class will attempt to retrieve a new connection URL and re-connect the ClientWebSocket automatically - allowing the foreach
to continue without interruption.
If you require different functionality in these cases, there is an OnHello and OnDisconnect method which can be overwritten in a subclass
The SocketSample app in the repo is a working example of a console application that uses this library, just supply your own app token