stoeffel / redux-elm-middleware

Elm middleware for redux

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Elm middleware for redux ✨


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You need to install redux-elm-middleware for js and elm.

$ npm i redux-elm-middleware -S

Redux-elm-middleware is currently only published to npm. You will need to add the following to you elm-package.json

  "source-directories": ["node_modules/redux-elm-middleware/src", ...]


Setup Redux Middleware

import createElmMiddleware from 'redux-elm-middleware'
import { reducer as elmReducer } from 'redux-elm-middleware'

// Import your Elm Reducer
import Elm from '../build/elm'

const reducer = combineReducers({
  elm: elmReducer
  // ...middlewares

// create a worker of your elm reducer
const elmStore = Elm.Reducer.worker();

// create the middleware
const { run, elmMiddleware } = createElmMiddleware(elmStore)

// create the redux store and pass the elmMiddleware
const store = createStore(reducer, {}, compose(
  window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f

// you need to run the elm middleware and pass the redux store

Elm root reducer

The root reducer from redux-elm-middleware simply takes all actions from your elm reducers and returns the payload as the next state.

The new model returned in your elm reducers update function is dispatched as a new action to the redux store.


  type: '@@elm/Increment',
  payload: {
    counter: 3

Creating a Reducer in Elm

A reducer in elm looks like a normal TEA module without the view.

port module Reducer exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, subscriptions) -- Name of the module must match the worker

import Redux

-- define ports for all actions which should be handled by the elm reducer
port increment : ({} -> msg) -> Sub msg

-- define all subscriptions of your reducer
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
        [ increment <| always Increment
        -- ...

-- In order for the Elm model to cross the border safely it must be encoded as a JSON value.
encode : Model -> Json.Encode.Value
encode model =


main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , encode = encode
        , subscriptions = subscriptions


  • write bulletproof businesslogic
  • handle state and effects
    • pure
    • in one place
    • with a safetynet
  • still have the rich react/redux ecosystem at your paws
    • components
    • middlewares
      • routing
      • persistent state (localstorage)
      • offline support
      • ui state ( redux-ui )
  • sneak a nice functional language into your projects
  • don't have to commit 100% to it
  • slowly convert a redux/react app into elm

Running the Example

  • npm install
  • npm run example
  • open

Feedback and contributons welcome!


Elm middleware for redux

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 80.0%Language:Elm 20.0%