stoeffel / derw

An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript


You can find a bunch of examples in examples, along with the Typescript they generate. But the general gist is: Elm-compatible syntax where possible.

type Result a b
    = Err { error: a }
    | Ok { value: b }

asIs : Result a b -> Result a b
asIs result =
    case result of
        Err { error } -> Err { error }
        Ok { value } -> Ok { value }


0.0.1 alpha

  • Arrays [ ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]
  • Booleans true, false
  • Boolean equality 1 < 2, 1 <= 2, 1 == 2, 1 != 2, 1 > 2, 1 >= 2
  • Boolean operations true && false, not true, true || false
  • Strings "", "hello world"
  • Format strings ``, `Hello ${name}`
  • Numbers -1, 0, 1, -1.1, 1.1
  • Addition 1 + 2, "Hello" + name
  • Subtraction 2 - 1
  • Multiplication 2 * 1
  • Division 2 / 1
  • Pipe [1, 2, 3] |> List.fold add, List.fold add <| [1, 2, 3]
  • Compose >>, <<
  • Constants hello = "hello world"
  • Function definitions
  • Lists [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ "hello", "world" ]
  • List ranges [ 1..5 ], [ start..end ]
add : number -> number -> number
add x y = x + y
  • Function calls
three = add 1 2
  • Module references
three = identity [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  • Union types
type Result a b
    = Err { error: a }
    | Ok { value: b }
  • Type variables
type Thing a = Thing a
  • Type aliases
type User =
    { name: string }
  • Object literals
user: User
user = { name: string }
  • Imports
import List
import Result exposing (map)
  • Exports
exposing (map)
  • Let statements
sayHiTo : User -> string
sayHiTo user =
        name =
        "Hello " + name

sayHelloTo : User -> string
sayHelloTo user =
        getName: User -> string
        getName user =
        "Hello" + getName user
  • If statements
type Animal = Animal { age: number }
sayHiTo : Animal -> string
sayHiTo animal =
    if animal.age == 1 of
        "Hello little one!"
        "You're old"
  • Case..of
type Animal = Dog | Cat
sayHiTo : Animal -> string
sayHiTo animal =
    case animal of
        Dog -> "Hi dog!"
        Cat -> "Hi cat!"
  • Destructing in case..of
type User = User { name: string }

sayHiTo : User -> string
sayHiTo user =
    case user of
        User { name } -> "Hi " + name + !"
  • List destructing
sayHiTo : List number -> string
sayHiTo xs =
    case xs of
        [] -> "Empty"
        x::ys -> "Hello " + x + (sayHiTo ys)
  • Constructing union types
type User = User { name: string }
noah = User { name: "Noah" }
  • lambdas \x -> x + 1, \x y -> x + y
  • Typescript output
  • Javscript output
  • Module resolution
  • CLI
  • Type checking
  • Syntax highlighting for editors


  • An automatic formatter with no options
  • A standard library
  • Support for Coed
  • Testing support via Bach
  • Benchmarking support via Mainc

Divergence from Elm

  • All top level consts or functions must have type definitions
  • Format strings ``
  • No need for module names in the module file itself. Use exposing instead

Editor language support

Currently VSCode syntax highlighting is supported by this extenstion: It is not on the marketplace because Microsoft account creation was down when I tried.

Instead, you can do:

git clone
cp -r derw-syntax ~/.vscode/extensions/derw-syntax-0.0.1


derw which means oak. Oak is one of the native trees in Wales, famous for it's long life, tall stature, and hard, good quality wood.


An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%