stockmouton /

Lenia NFT official website + solidity smart contract

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to our opensourced website! Feel free to have fun looking at our code and don't hesitate to do a pull request if you feel like something deserve to be changed!



Before starting development, it is recommended to:

  • install the latest dependencies:

Before starting the web server, we need to compile and deploy the smart contract locally.

Smart contract

  • start a local network node (for smart contract interactions)
yarn local-node
  • deploy the current smart contract version to the local node and export the artifacts file for the Frontend.
yarn sm-deploy

Make sure everything is all right by testing it:

yarn test


  • spin up a development web server (Gatsby)
yarn develop

You can access the freshly baked website at http://localhost:8000 (for the production build) or http://localhost:8000/?staging=1 (for the staging build)


If you have a problem with Gatsby cache, clean it:

yarn clean

You will need money in your local account to interact with the smart contract:

  • Add one of the dev private keys to your Metamask wallet to enjoy those sweet default 10k ETH.

About metadata

We have 2 metadata folders: one at the root of the project, the second one in the static folder.

The one in the static folder is used by Gatsby when we deploy the website to update the public folder.

Beware Gatsby is caching elements in the public folder, beware to clean it before deployinf to ensure the public foler is synced with the static folder

The other one at the root folder is used to ensure a gradual reveal in production. The fake subfolder can be used for local/preprod, to test the script. The ori subfolder should contain the original assets.


Smart contract

Before deploying either on testnet or on mainnet, we need to set the owner private key but you will also need to create an account on Alchemy, which will give you an API key for their RPC.

RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY=xxxxxx # Your rinkeby wallet private key
MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY=xxxxxx # Your mainnet wallet private key


Then you can deploy the smart contract to a remote network (we use Rinkeby as a testnet):

NETWORK=<rinkeby|mainnet> yarn sm-deploy

Now that the smart contract is deployed, we can finally deploy the website.


For deploying the website to Github Page, just type:

yarn deploy

Smart contract interaction (once deployed)

It is super important to follow the current steps in order to successfully mint the Lenia and see the results in the LeniaDEX


In order to mint some Lenia for the presale, you will need to flip the isPresaleActive flag on the smart contract:

yarn sm-start-presale # Local node

NETWORK=rinkeby yarn sm-start-presale # Testnet

1bis.Public Sale

In order to mint some Lenia for the public sale, you will need to flip the isSaleActive flag on the smart contract:

yarn sm-start-sale # Local node

NETWORK=rinkeby yarn sm-start-sale # Testnet


Before minting, please:

  • set the baseURI for fetching each NFT metadata.
yarn sm-set-baseuri --baseuri <http://localhost:8000/metadata/|> # Local node

NETWORK=rinkeby yarn sm-set-baseuri --baseuri <http://localhost:800/metadata/|> # Testnet
  • run the long running script to upload the metadata to the static public folder so that your Lenia can be revealed.
yarn sm-reveal # Local node

NETWORK=rinkeby yarn sm-reveal # Rinkeby

How to test on a mobile phone

We recommend to use Charles to proxy network requests, here is a good tutorial to set it up.

To access localhost:8000 for example, you would need to access the following URL:


Gas estimation

First, create an account on coinmarketcap and get your key, then define it in your .env.development file:


Now you can estimate gas for the smart-contract by running the following command:

yarn sm-estimate-gas


Lenia NFT official website + solidity smart contract

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.0%Language:Solidity 9.7%Language:TypeScript 6.3%