stockmeierb / dotfiles

my dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My settings, mostly focused on simple bash and vim defaults. Fork and clone to your home directory, then run make. Better yet, read over what that will do and tweak it to not screw your system up. Many defaults in homedir/bash_profile can be toggled by commenting/uncommenting lines.


  • / : Symlink dotfiles from /homedir to your $HOME directory. I think this should work on its own.
  • Brewfile: Bootstrap my system (check what in there you want personally)


  • /homedir/ : location of all loading scripts (.bash_profile, .vimrc etc) to be symlinked to $HOME
  • /scripts/ : simple bash helper functions, aliases and more. Optionally put your own there so you can define secret environment variables (similar to a .env file)

Followups (9/30/18 - Mojave clean install):

  • Began with
  • Then cloning this repo and brew bundle Brewfile including some assumptions:
    • java8 and java (latest) both required? i suppose... :/
    • install & manage python via pyenv
    • powerline-friendly fonts are installed from brew - must set them in terminal preferences
  • pip install -r ./requirements.txt -> install powerline-shell (this kind of depends on which python version you are using so may need to be installed multiple times?)
  • nvm did not install correctly from Brewfile, had to do it manually
  • Backblaze required followup from looking at brew info backblaze (to run the installer)
  • Installed yarn following website directions: brew install yarn --without-node (as of now)
  • Set up vundler
  • Don't forget if you have them. They might look like this:
!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "loading secrets"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=abc123
export PASSWORD=password123!
alias generate-secret-token='curl "$PASSWORD"'

Disabling key repeats for different text editors in osx

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false defaults write com.sublimetext.3 ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false defaults write com.github.atom ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Screenshot save location

defaults write location /path/; killall SystemUIServer

Later reference


  • is floating around github and I don't know who the original author is


my dotfiles


Language:Shell 60.2%Language:Vim Script 32.3%Language:Ruby 7.6%