stknohg / TerraformUtil

PowerShell utility functions for Terraform.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



PowerShell utility functions for Terraform.


  • PowerShell 7 and later

How to install

You can install it from PowerShell gallery.

Install-Module -Name TerraformUtil -Force

TFAlias Functions

This module provides functionality equivalent to tfenv.

Comparison table

tfenv TerraformUtil notes
tfenv install Set-TFAlias Set-TFAlias automatically install Terraform
tfenv use Set-TFAlias
tfenv uninstall Uninstall-TFAlias
tfenv list Get-TFInstalledAlias
tfenv list-remote Find-TFVersion You can also use Find-TFRelease
tfenv version-name - You can use Get-TFInstalledAlias -Current instead
tfenv init - Set-TFAlias -Initialize is a similar function
tfenv pin Set-TFAlias


Set terraform alias like tfenv.

# Initialize and download the latest version Terraform
C:\ > Set-TFAlias -Initialize

# Use latest version Terraform
C:\ > Set-TFAlias -Latest
C:\ > terraform version
Terraform vX.Y.Z

# Download Terraform v.1.2.3 and set alias
C:\ > Set-TFAlias -Version 1.2.3  
C:\ > terraform version
Terraform v1.2.3

# Terraform binary is executed via shim.
C:\ > Get-Command -Name 'terraform' | Select-Object CommandType, Name, Definition

CommandType Name      Definition
----------- ----      ----------
      Alias terraform C:\Users\stknohg\.tfalias\bin\terraform.ps1

Call Set-TFAlias -Initialize in $PROFILE for persistence.

.terraform-version support

Set-TFAlias supports .terraform-version file same as tfenv, but handling of min-required and latest-allowed differs.

// min-required

// tfenv detect 0.12.3, but Set-TFAlias detect 0.10.0
terraform {
  required_version  = "<0.12.3, >= 0.10.0"
// latest-allowed

// tfenv raise error, but Set-TFAlias detect 0.12.2
terraform {
  required_version  = "<0.12.3, >= 0.10.0"

You can write .terraform-version file using Set-TFAlias -Pin command.

# Pin .terraform-version file.
C:\temp > Set-TFAlias -Pin
Pinned version by writing "1.2.3" to C:\temp\.terraform-version


Get installed terraform alias.

# Get all installed Terraform.
C:\ > Get-TFInstalledAlias

Current Version   Path
------- -------   ----
  False X.Y.Z     C:\Users\stknohg\.tfalias\terraform\X.Y.Z\terraform.exe
   True 1.2.3     C:\Users\stknohg\.tfalias\terraform\1.2.3\terraform.exe


Uninstall terraform alias.

# Uninstall Terraform v1.2.3
C:\ > Uninstall-TFAlias -Version 1.2.3
Uninstall Terraform v1.2.3

TFAlias for Command Prompt

This is experimental feature, no support.

Other Functions


Register auto-completer for terraform command.

# Register auto-completer


Unregister auto-completer for terraform command.

# Unregister auto-completer


Get Terraform release information using Hashicorp Releases API.

Currently, no plans to implement pagenation.

# Get latest release information
C:\ > Find-TFRelease -Latest

Version PreRelease State     Created              Updated
------- ---------- -----     -------              -------
1.3.2   False      supported 10/6/2022 4:57:24 PM 10/6/2022 4:57:24 PM


Get Terraform versions list by scraping same as tfenv list-remote.

Result values is cached 10 minutes to restrict access to origin.

# Get all versions (descending by default)
C:\ > Find-TFVersion

Major  Minor  Patch  PreReleaseLabel BuildLabel
-----  -----  -----  --------------- ----------
1      3      2
1      3      1
1      3      0
# ... snip ...
0      2      0
0      1      1
0      1      0

# Use filter script block
C:\ > Find-TFVersion -Filter { $_ -lt '1.0.0' -and (-not $_.PreReleaseLabel) } -Take 1

Major  Minor  Patch  PreReleaseLabel BuildLabel
-----  -----  -----  --------------- ----------
0      15     5

# Pipe to Find-TFRelease
C:\ > Find-TFVersion -Filter { $_ -lt '1.0.0' -and (-not $_.PreReleaseLabel) } -Take 1 | Find-TFRelease

Version PreRelease State     Created             Updated
------- ---------- -----     -------             -------
0.15.5  False      supported 6/2/2021 6:01:19 PM 6/2/2021 6:01:19 PM


Save a specific version Terraform binary file (terraform.exe or terraform).

# Save the latest binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFBinary -Latest -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform

# Save ver.1.2.9 binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFBinary -Version 1.2.9 -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform


Save a specific version Terraform securiy scanner file (tfsec.exe or tfsec).

# Save the latest binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFSecBinary -Latest -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform

# Save ver.1.23.3 binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFSecBinary -Version 1.23.3 -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform


Save a specific version linter binary file (tflint.exe or tflint).

# Save the latest linter binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFLinterBinary -Latest -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform

# Save ver.0.40.0 binary file to "C:\hashicorp\terraform" folder
Save-TFLinterBinary -Version 0.40.0 -DestinationPath C:\hashicorp\terraform


Output a basic HCL configuration for .tflint.hcl.
-Plugin parameter supports Terraform, AWS, AzureRM, Google.

# Output configuration for terraform-provider-aws
C:\Sample > Write-TFLinterHCL -Plugin AWS
plugin "aws" {
  enabled = true
  version = "0.17.1" # set the latest version automatically.
  source  = ""

# Use -Save parameter to save .tflint.hcl
C:\Sample > Write-TFLinterHCL -Plugin AWS -Save
Save configuration to ".tflint.hcl".

# Of cource you can use redirection.
C:\Sample > Write-TFLinterHCL -Plugin AWS > '.tflint.hcl'

How to uninstall

# Step 1. Uninstall module
Uninstall-Module TerraformUtil -Force

# Step 2. Remove "terraform" alias
Remove-Alias terraform

# Step 3. Remove "$HOME\.tfenv" directory
Remove-Item -LiteralPath (Join-Path $HOME '.tfalias') -Recurse



PowerShell utility functions for Terraform.

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 99.6%Language:Batchfile 0.4%