sthapaun / git-regional-languages

:octocat: Regional programming languages analysis for fun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Regional Languages

More famous languages may be written everywhere in the world, yet the languages with lesser users may probably tend to be epidemic or popular in some particular regions. Let's find out.

Getting started


  • Github API access token
  • GoogleMap API key
  • MongoDB
  • Python 3.4+
  • Node.js 4.x+

Since it uses github API, you'll need to supply your access token. Create a text file named API-TOKEN in the root directory of this repository and put your Github login ID and your access token in the following line like so:


Also, GoogleMap API key is also required for geocoding API access. You'll need to generate your own API key can place it in a text file named GOOGLE-API-KEY, put it in the root directory of the repo.

Prepare your MongoDB

To set your data storage, create a DB named gitlang. Don't need to create any initial collection because the script will do it for you.

CAVEAT It really requires a huge capacity to store the data and you can make up to 5000 requests in a span of one hour.

Download GitHub data

Run the following script to download a batch of repository data via Github API:

$ python3

NOTE: Adjust the number of batch, the range of repos to download right in the file yourself. The script will download the batch repository data and store them in the MongoDB.

DB/Collection data storage
gitlang/repos Github repositories data with the location of owners

Process the repositories

We have a script to process the entire bulk of downloaded repository data in MongoDB, generate the geospatial distribution of languages written in each repository. Execute the following script:

$ node process.js

Why Node?

In case a question has popped up in your mind, Node.js natively communicates with MongoDB and JavaScript works well with GoogleMAP API. That's why.

What process.js does?

Following tasks are sequentially run:

  1. Maps repository data from the collection repos to distributions of languages by regions, store them in the collection distLangByRegion and list all regions in regions.

  2. Fetches Geolocations of all regions of repos.

  3. Saves all Geolocations to MongoDB: collection geo.

  4. Aligns all languages available in distLangByRegion with the geospatial distribution data. Maps the output in to the JS file under html\js\dist.js.

  5. Saves the GoogleAPI Key to html/js/gapi.js.


:octocat: Regional programming languages analysis for fun


Language:JavaScript 65.7%Language:Python 18.8%Language:HTML 14.3%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:Shell 0.5%