steveruizok / react-turtle

Turtle Graphics for React.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Turtle

Imagine a turtle with a pen in its mouth, standing in the center of a page. You can tell the turtle to move forward or backward, turn left or right, and you can tell the turtle to either put the pen down or lift the pen up.

Turtle Graphics for React. Made with 🎃 by steveruizok.

Table of Contents


npm install react-turtle


yarn add react-turtle


import React from 'react'
import Turtle from 'react-turtle'

function App() {
	return <Turtle />
Prop Type Default Notes
width number 480
height number 320
animated boolean true Optional
pixelated boolean true Optional
autostroke boolean true Optional
style React.CSSProperties {} Optional
draw function See Below See Below


The component's draw prop accepts a function containing your commands to the turtle. The function receives the turtle instance as its only argument.

In the body of the function, you can issue commands to the turtle, like this:

import React from 'react'
import Turtle from 'react-turtle'

function App() {
	return (
			draw={(turtle) => {

🐢 Try it yourself!

See below for the full list of turtle commands!


If the draw function returns a callback function, then the Turtle component will call this callback over and over until the callback returns false. The callback receives the iteration index as its only argument.

We call this callback a walk function.

Here's an example:

function App() {
	return (
			draw={(turtle) => {

				return function walk(i) {
						.circle(i, 90)
						.circle(-i, 180)

					return i < 100

In the above example, the walk function will run one hundred times.

🐢 Try it yourself!

Be careful of an infinite loop! The component will automatically bail if a walk function is called more than 10,000 times.


All Turtle methods return the Turtle instance, allowing for functional chains such as those shown in the examples above.



forward( distance: number )

backward( distance: number )

left( angle?: number = 90 )

right( angle?: number = 90 )

circle( radius, extent: number = 360, steps?: number )

goto( x: number, y: number )

setx(x: number)

sety(y: number)

jump( x: number, y: number )

setheading( angle: number )

setcolor( color: string )

transformColor( callback: (color: Color) => Color )

setlinewidth( linewidth: number )



clear(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)





Prior Art

Turtle Graphics is an old project, dating back to the 1960s and popularized by inclusion in the Python programming language. It's a great introduction to any programming language.

Thanks to Turtletoy for inspiring this project.

See older projects:


Please open an issue for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


Turtle Graphics for React.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 87.0%Language:TypeScript 10.6%Language:HTML 2.0%Language:CSS 0.4%