Steven Solleder's repositories
The QuickGoogleKeep worflow for Alfred 4 for macOS allows you to add notes to your Google Keep fast and easy.
FolderFilesRenamer is a simple changeable Java Class for renaming folder files according to your needs.
PersistentObjectStorage is a simple libary for writing and reading persistent objects that are located in a set folder in the current user folder. The library is also capable of finding out if a program starts for the first time.
The one project every developer must have in some way.
HofUniversityCanteenAPI is a small functional libary for accessing and filtering the canteen plan of Hof University.
PartsOfAGlider is a three-dimensional principle diagram, which shows the professional names and some explanations of the parts of a glider.
This is a website to visualize the number of passengers in regular transport in selected states of Germany over the last years.