Steven Solleder's repositories
The QuickGoogleKeep worflow for Alfred 4 for macOS allows you to add notes to your Google Keep fast and easy.
FileHashComparator is a simple but powerful application to generate hashes of files and to compare files by hash.
FolderFilesRenamer is a simple changeable Java Class for renaming folder files according to your needs.
InventoryManager is a RESTful Webservice that enables households or small businesses in particular to manage their inventory easily.
PersistentObjectStorage is a simple libary for writing and reading persistent objects that are located in a set folder in the current user folder. The library is also capable of finding out if a program starts for the first time.
The one project every developer must have in some way.
OverviewAboutContainerVirtualizationInContextOfDockerAndTheOpenContainerInitiative is a scientific paper written in German that outlines the history of Docker and the Open Container Initiative (OCI), Docker’s technical implementation, its core functionalities, comparisons with other concepts and interesting use cases of Docker.
PartsOfAGlider is a three-dimensional principle diagram, which shows the professional names and some explanations of the parts of a glider.
This is a website to visualize the number of passengers in regular transport in selected states of Germany over the last years.
HofUniversityCanteenData is a small functional libary for accessing and filtering the canteen plan of Hof University.
ImpactOfITInPublicTransportation is a scientific paper written in German language that first examines current innovative digital applications in public transportation and then considers and evaluates their social impact.