stevenlordiam / insight-data-engineering-code-challenge

2015-03-17 Insight data engineering application's code challenge round

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Insight Data Engineering Coding Challenge

Once, current, and future state

  • Working head of the master branch: [the version you're reading now] contains progress towards solving the challenge as updated on 2015-07-02. Once ready the submitted version will be tagged as v2.0. All commits after v1.1 are breaking changes with respect to the earlier solution.
  • v1.1: represents the solution to the challenge as posted on 2015-03-17, linked at the bottom of this file. Please checkout this tag as the latest working version.
  • v1.0: The solution as submitted the 2015-03-17 challenge will be retroactively tagged as v1.0.

Implemented versions overview

  • One-liners (Refers to v1.1 - Broken)
  • Perl (Refers to v1.1 - Broken)
  • Python (Forthcoming)
  • Go (Refers to v1.1 - Broken)
  • Java (Refers to v1.1 - Broken)

Refer to the challenge overview if necessary.


From v1.1 towards v2.0

  • This readme links to the appropriate commit of the challenge repository.
  • The shell script no longer offers to download sample text from the Guttenburg project.
  • The input and output directories and their contents were renamed and updated to match the revised challenge.
  • The following are speculated changes:
    • Total rewrites of the one-liner, Perl, and Go solutions.
    • Addition of a Python solution.
    • Large rewrite of the Java solution.
      • Removed the input handling code for clarity and relying on the shell script to correctly pipe in files.
      • Removed the word cleaner.
      • Removed the queue (min-max heap) based running median in favor of the fixed histogram running median.
      • Combined the output of two features into a single run.

From v1.0 to v1.1

  • A solution was added in the Go language.
    • The Go solution does not support reading whole directories unless they are piped into stdin. It does support stopwords.
  • The shell script was updated to run this solution.

Shell script

The file,, has its own usage information, which shows when invoked with h or help. It can run either the oneliner, Java, or Perl version, and it can also clean the project.

Please do read through the script; it is also mostly in the Google shell style. As per the challenge, it is the primary method of using the solutions in this repository.


The one-liners non-scalable_10min_oneliner*.pl were the first code I produced to answer the challenge, in oneliner form, not a lot of time was spent on them. They were updated after looking at the FAQ point on removing numbers, and now match output from the Java program. The naive median approach over all turns out to be slow, because it's using an array, and sorting it $O(n \log n)$ every time something is added, to give the median an $O(1)$ look-up performance after the sort. This is a total of so $O(n \log n)$ for each line, growing with each line processed.

I wanted to show a quick implementation and basic solution, with the full caveat that one-liners are not clean, well documented nor scalable.


The Perl version was a total rewrite, discarding the one-liner approach. It was quick and easy to make and I hope the comments keep it readable. This version's running median command mirrors the RangeRunningMedian frequency counting approach, making finding the median a $O(1)$ operation after a $O(n \log n)$ sort. It doesn't preallocate the size of the hash of frequencies, so no range need be specified.

As noted in the source, I am certain that modules exist to bind the hash to an implementation that retains its keys in sorted order, and that there also exists a binding to disk backing. This would allowing the program to exit and then pick up with the running median from before exiting. I'm unsure how this would affect performance, but the sorted keys should speed up the overall process by reducing the work to sort keys after each insert.


Forthcoming; The Python version of the solution is in the same vein as the Perl version.


The Go version was added well after the completion of the challenge. It uses only a histogram approach to the running median problem. While there's opportunities to parallelize the processing in Go, I haven't as such done so as both updating the word count map and updating the counts per line seen would need to be locked from concurrent updates by the worker pool of goroutines. There's a possibility that the benefits of letting goroutines handle the string and regular expression matching would help in utilizing all available cores.


While I originally thought to move on to writing this in a couple of languages, Python and Go sprang to mind, I wanted to commit to also adding in Java code. Knowing that Java is verbose, and trying out three new libraries and tools, I was a bit new to: Gradle, Dagger, and JCommander, I spent all my available time on this language's version. I hope it doesn't seem over-engineered. There is some JavaDoc for it.


Skipped tuning JVM

I have not tuned any of the jvm properties to allocate more memory or tune garbage collection. If the inputs were truly large, that will be necessary for the user to do.

Inversion of control

The dependency injection allows me to, for example, swap out the range-limited frequency based running median class, RangeRunningMedian, with a dual-heap based approach, QueueRunningMedian, for median processing which is not limited in input range, but which is rather hindered by needing to store each word count for each line. You can try it out with the -u option. See also -h.

Compile time injection

The dependency injection is checked at compile time and largely configured then, so it doesn't cause a bunch of overhead at startup. It might not be used idiomatically for Dagger yet, some cleanup of its modules seems to be in order as I learn more about Dagger and continue to use it.

Supporting stop words

Both the word count and running median tool will ignore empty words, numbers, or words made of punctuation like ---. Additionally they can ignore words listed in a stopwords file, or directory of such files (but not stdin). Both challenge questions share the same common word filter called WordCleaner.

Concurrent word counting

The word counting accumulator WordAccumulator was implemented with a concurrent multiset. This allows it to have a thread pool updating the multiset as words come in, and then terminate when the set's results are requested. The accumulator maintains a separate concurrently sorted set of words so that the output can be shown in order. This uses more memory overall. It works pretty quickly, but I had two other versions I wanted to develop, time permitting:

  • Using a tree multiset would maintain its key set in sorted order, thus using less memory (probably) than it does now. However, a quick test of dropping it in showed it wasn't concurrent, so it remains to be seen if it would compete with the threaded version. There is a chance that for normal size corpuses the overhead of managing a threadpool is more significant than the savings of bringing more cpu cores to bear on the work.
  • A trie based accumulator. I had a C# trie class (written during a phone interview) but not on hand. It would seem to be more memory efficient, and also allow for alphabetic traversal (pre-order) easily. With input and retrieval being $O(1)$ regarding the number of words stored or $O(n)$ regarding the length of the word being stored or retrieved, it should perform better than the other sorting approaches.

Maintainable code

The verbosity of the input and output handling allow for some further development and expansion of scope, like optional median and word accumulators. E.G. doing a running median of a different statistic per line than word count would be a matter of swapping in a different transformation function than the WordCountTransformer in the configuration module RunningMedianModule.


While there is a structure for testing the Java code with jUnit4, few classes underwent testing. Dependency injection should help make the whole project testable, but I traded test writing off for more development time. There are tests for the most important WordSources.

Functional brevity, and directory order

The Guava functional approach was used when reading directories. This allows the directory readers to be composed of chained file readers, which in turn (with standard input readers) are based on just the main logic in the Reader*Source. The warning in Guava about functional programming being unclear still allows for its use when there's a significant reduction in lines thus aiding readability. It should be noted that the DirectoryStream claims to be unordered but always behaved in alphabetic order on my system, prompting me to drop circling back to sort the directory listing for the running median in the interest of time.

Other Notes

The style of the Java code tries to hew to the Google Java Style Guide.

The arguments, input and output options are more flexible than the challenge specified, reading directories, files, or stdin, and writing to files or stdout. It may not seem like much compared to features built in Perl and Python, but Java is a little messy in this area, and even nio and nio2 don't truely help make file io code have a high degree of clarity.

Sample output on sample.txt

Once the java script has finished with ./gradlew installApp, you could manually skip using and use the programs directly as in the below demonstration:


Challenge Overview for the Unfamiliar

To learn what this challenge is about, please have a look at the challenge as posed with its FAQ etc.


The goal is to ingest tweet-like text and to

  1. Tabulate the number of times each word has been tweeted across all tweets seen.
  2. Maintain a median of the number of unique words per tweet, which is updated and output with each new tweet.

For this certain assumptions and definitions are made:

  • The input tweets are just ASCII, specifically containing only lowercase letters, numbers, and printable "characters like ':', '@', '#'."
  • Any whitespace separates words.
  • As tweets are 140 characters, a maximum of 70 unique words per tweet exists. Or 69, since 69 = 127 - 32 - 26, so there would be one non-uniqe "word" in a tweet of all single character words.
Thanks to:

Anne Bessman and David Drummond for answering questions and making the challenge
the Guava maintainers for such a breadth of performant time-savers
the Dagger maintainers for making DI less error-prone
the JCommander maintainers for a flexible argument parser
the Gradle maintainers for their fine minimally-full-featured build-package-deploy toolset
JetBrains Community Edition contributors for the slickest IDE this side of a text editor
Perl 5 maintainers for keeping the tool, that can do these tasks in 1 to 40 lines, fast as ever
Git and GitHub for complementing each other and focusing on what you each do best

- Daniel Lamblin


2015-03-17 Insight data engineering application's code challenge round


Language:Java 67.8%Language:Go 18.5%Language:Shell 8.2%Language:Perl 5.5%