stevenlanders / sam-rest-test

Testing SAM for building a RESTful API on AWS API Gateway

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Testing a RESTful CRUD API backed by DynamoDB managed via SAM.


  • api contains the lambda functions that run in AWS API Gateway
  • app contains the frontend react app
  • template.yaml contains the sam template for the project structure in AWS


  • Install node 12, docker, jq, sam-cli (yeah, asks for homebrew), aws cli, and optionally the VSCode plugin
  • Run npm install in the package root, and inside api and app
  • Run npm run build (or npm run watch) at the project root to build the api (output should be in api/build)

Deploying to AWS

  • Run sam deploy --guided to deploy to AWS (please remember to use the AWS development account), you'll need to re-run this every time you modify your lambda code or the content of the template
  • Run npm run dev:create-user to create a user with password password in the user pool
  • Run npm run dev:export-stack to write a local app/src/aws.json file with the IDs of the resources created in AWS that will be used by the react app

Running the app

  • Run npm run start in the app folder
  • Note that the REGION in the app is hardcoded to us-east-1, change it in app/src/index.ts if needed

Running locally

  • Run npm run dev:start-db to start a docker container with a local dynamodb
  • Run npm run dev:create-tables to create local tables using the schema in scripts/ (ideally, this schema should be loaded from the template.yaml instead)
  • Run npm run dev:start-api to start a local version of the API gateway using sam
  • Run the app pointing to the local api with npm run start-local in the app folder

You can also try out the following requests:

# Create a relayer
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:4000/relayers' -d '{ "relayerId": "1", "tenantId": "DEFAULT_TENANT", "name": "relayer1" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
# Get the relayer created
curl 'http://localhost:4000/relayers/1'
# List all relayers
curl 'http://localhost:4000/relayers'

Also, note that the react-app will try to connect to the cognito user pool for auth. This means you need to deploy to AWS before running the app locally. If you want to skip this and run everything locally, remove the authorization custom_header from app/src/index.ts, and the call to withAuthenticator in app/src/App.ts.

Next steps

  • Find out a better way to define env variables for local testing, that don't require adding the name of each function in api/envs/dev.json
  • Split the template.yaml into several templates, in order to separate the resources updated frequently (eg lambdas) and the more permanent resources (eg cognito)
  • Use a custom lambda authorizer to load the tenant info, and wrap the Dynamo client in an IAM role restricted to the current tenant (see this article)
  • Setup unit tests for lambdas using jest-dynamodb or jest-dynalite
  • Set up a CI/CD using CircleCI or Github actions
  • Set up a deployment step to S3 for the built react-app
  • Try out local lambda debugging


Testing SAM for building a RESTful API on AWS API Gateway


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