stevecrozz / flumewatch

An attempt to monitor radio transmissions from a Flume water monitor

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Attempting to Directly Monitor a Flume Water Monitor

I have a wonderful system made by Flume which is a water monitoring system and I recommend buying one if you are interested in reporting your own water use. This repo is for people who already have a Flume water monitor and are interested in learning about how it works and how it could be monitored directly.

I'd like to be able to consume my real-time water use directly, rather than through a cloud service. This repo is here to track what I have learned, and hopefully will eventually contain a practical method for directly monitoring whatever data this device manages to send.

The flume system is a two-component consumer device. One component is known as the sensor and the other component is the bridge. Together, these components are able to read most water meters in real time send this data to a cloud service.


The sensor is a battery powered microcontroller in a water-sealed plastic case which is designed to be physically strapped to your water meter using rubber cords. Inside mine, an Atmel ATSAMD20 microcontroller seems to monitor a magnetometer to sense some kind of rotating mechanism inside the water meter. Information from that sensor is broadcast wirelessly on the ISM band at 915Mhz using an RFM69 radio module. The sensor also appears to be sending at least some other information, including battery state.


The bridge is USB powered and controlled by an ESP-12S (ESP8266) which receives the packets broadcast by the sensor, also using an RFM69 module. The bridge relays data to the MQTT flume cloud service which provides it to customers via phone app. The data in these MQTT messages appears to be encrypted.

Based on my observations, I'm going to attempt to build and partially implement the software for an additional "bridge" to keep an eye on the radio traffic.

I have not yet reached out to the manufacturer to ask if they could provide a simpler path to direct data access, partly because I'm enjoying the puzzle. But I may end up asking if they'd be interested in making an easier path. But for now, here's some pseudocode for how I think the bridge monitor will need to work.

Bridge Pseudocode

  1. Initialize the RFM69 radio in the same way as the real bridge, including sync words and encryption key
  2. For each channel, C, of the 50 channels in 0.5Mhz increments from 902.5Mhz to 927.0Mhz
  3. For each bitrate, try (Checking all 5 should take about 0.15s) 1. Bitrate=1200, Fdev=5Khz
    1. DccFreq=010, RxBwMant=16, RxBwExp=110
    2. Set channel C
    3. Switch to Rx
    4. Wait for ready, then wait for possible sync word match or some timeout 2. Bitrate=4800, Fdev 10Khz
    5. DccFreq=010, RxBwMant=16, RxBwExp=101
    6. Set channel C
    7. RestartRx
    8. Wait for ready, then wait for possible sync word match or some timeout 3. Bitrate=19200, Fdev 15Khz
    9. DccFreq=010, RxBwMant=16, RxBwExp=100
    10. Set channel C
    11. RestartRx
    12. Wait for ready, then wait for possible sync word match or some timeout 4. Bitrate=55555, Fdev 50Khz
    13. DccFreq=010, RxBwMant=20, RxBwExp=010
    14. Set channel C
    15. RestartRx
    16. Wait for ready, then wait for possible sync word match or some timeout 5. Bitrate=34482, Fdev 150Khz
    17. DccFreq=101, RxBwMant=16, RxBwExp=000
    18. Set channel C
    19. RestartRx
    20. Wait for ready, then wait for possible sync word match or some timeout


An attempt to monitor radio transmissions from a Flume water monitor