stevecondylios / simple_forex

Exchange rates in ruby, updated hourly, for free

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This ruby gem lets you fetch exchange rates for ~170 currencies (a total of ~14,000 imputed currency pairs) for free, on an hourly frequently (sufficient for most, but not all, use cases), and takes only about 5 minutes to set up.

The usage instructions below show how to create a currencies table, run a rake task to update the exchange rates, and use convert() to convert between currencies inside your application. Total time to implementation should be ~5 minutes.


Install the gem in one of the usual ways:

bundle add simple_forex

gem install simple_forex


Create a currencies table

Use the included generator will make a currencies table migration:

rails generate simple_forex

Then run the migration:

rake db:migrate

Fetch exchange rates

Create a free API key, open credentials.yml (EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:edit) and add the API key to credentials.yml like so:

# config/credentials.yml.enc

  openexchangerates_key: 1234abcd

Run this rate task to retrieve currencies and store them in the currencies table:

rake simple_forex:fetch_rates

View the exchange rate data in the rails console with Currency.last:

=> #<SimpleForex::Currency:0x000000013c4bae78
 id: 1,

   "disclaimer"=>"Usage subject to terms:"},
 created_at: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:43:54 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 10:43:54 UTC +00:00>


Schedule the simple_forex:fetch_rates rake task to run at the frequency you require.

Tip: open exchange rates's free API gives 1000 calls monthly, and there are ~700 hours in month, so you safely run it hourly while staying within the free limit.

Convert between currencies

Convert currencies by calling

require 'simple_forex'
convert(amount, from_currency, to_currency)


require 'simple_forex'
convert(100, 'USD', 'EUR')
# => 0.939717e2

Note ruby decimals use scientific notation, evidenced by the e toward the end of the value.


This gem probably only works on Rails 6 and Rails 7 apps, and only those using a postgres database.


Bug reports and pull requests are very welcome at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Exchange rates in ruby, updated hourly, for free

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%